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Should Pakistan Grant MFN Status to India ? - Most Favoured Nation Status

MFN status to least favorite nation, how would that work
If we havent learned so far then let give it one more try, lets lower our guards under good relations one more time and let the back stabber stabs us one more time. we do same stupid things in our country over and over so what the heck.
who cares about MFN from pakistan if pakistan is not going to do trade with us it hardli matters to us its pakistan who needs us and if they want to do buisness with us it will be on owr terms .......in short .....Its either Owr Way or highway . we dont care what pakistanies or kashmiries feel lolzz

If thats the case why is it thats its always india asking for MFN with pakistan?
I do agree on the point that pakistan does not need india to trade and india does not need pakistan to trade.
If its not your problem then why you keep coming back, i dont remember we asking for it

well sir ji we dont run after Pakistan to do trade with us niether we care to much about this MFN its onli because we want to keep pakistan engaged cause as they say ....Jo kukkur katha ho use puchkaar ke rakho ...go figure

If thats the case why is it thats its always india asking for MFN with pakistan?
I do agree on the point that pakistan does not need india to trade and india does not need pakistan to trade.

well sir we ask for MFN as we have given you the same its of no value in real terms but i guess pakistan needs trade with India more than we do but ...kahir jane do :cheers:
I say link it to the kashmir issue.....each time moves towards peace in kashmir implement a part of the MFN deal.Once the people of kashmir are happy then MFN treaty is fully implemented.
do u really think that india will compromise on kashmir issue for the "MFN" status from mighty Pakistan?
if ur answer is no then ur post makes no sense
if ur answer is yes then ............... God help you
1. Hypcirt is a soft word for Indians in this case. It should be beghairat for sake of trade you become while play a ghairat card in case of sports.

You got your industry saved from Bankruptcy , when India given Green light to EU then it can give preferential treatment to PAk for 2 Years and you ppl never thanked to India for that. but remember after 2years your leaders will come to India and begging for another treatment.
Now who is hypocrite, if you have ego then drop your preferential treatment India;s provided though EU.

2. Pakistani artists earn through their work but more than that Indian Companies are earning through their work.
Who asking PAK artiest to look for work in India, India didnt beg them to come to india and work.

3. Pakistan is faced with world class terrorism thats why the Sri Lankan team attack and consequences of it prevailed whereas in India despite peace India failed to provide security to Pakistani players. This speaks much for Indian ability to provide security in case the Hindu terrorists decide to harm a team.
Yes , India is more stable that why no bullets run after players , like happened in PAK

If thats the case why is it thats its always india asking for MFN with pakistan?
I do agree on the point that pakistan does not need india to trade and india does not need pakistan to trade.

Why PAK beg to India for Special treatment from EU in Trade , and that happen only when India agree, Because PAK came if india allows EU access then they will India something in return , which india is asking pakistan to honour its wording which is useless..... when 2014 special privilege will expire , PAK Govt. will come running to india for help again.

If its not your problem then why you keep coming back, i dont remember we asking for it

Ask who provided you EU access or else you industry will collapse as you cant compete in level field. :)
1. Hypcirt is a soft word for Indians in this case. It should be beghairat for sake of trade you become while play a ghairat card in case of sports.

You need to relax.. Your hands are getting ahead of your thoughts.. Not clear what you are trying to say here..

2. Pakistani artists earn through their work but more than that Indian Companies are earning through their work.

That's how employement worrks.. You make more than your salary for the company you work for. Else you get fired .. What are you trying to say here ?

3. Pakistan is faced with world class terrorism thats why the Sri Lankan team attack and consequences of it prevailed whereas in India despite peace India failed to provide security to Pakistani players. This speaks much for Indian ability to provide security in case the Hindu terrorists decide to harm a team.

Terrorism in Pakistan is Pakistan's problem.. And there is not a single Pakistani player who has been hurt or killed in any kind of violence in India. From where I stand, that's security enough.. Thats the reason why no team (including Pakistani teams) has a problem coming to India....

And if you are referring to the hockey players being sent back, that was more in anticipation of a retaliation to Pakistan army's action on the LOC - the mutilation of the body of a Indian soldier. take it as you may.. They still stayed safe and made all the money they were going to even without having to play ;)
The MFN to India, after the LOC debacle, and Indian media rhetoric and shitty attitude....NO NO!!! It feels humilating to grant MFN to any country who falls to such low standards, bigotry & mental inflammation. It felt like some mad ppl on Indian media exaggerating an issue with not much importance. It became a sad ugly joke from Indians.

And Granting MFN status to India means killing Pakistan's own industry, its products & products in process.

Also MFN will be far beneficial to India than assist Pakistan....as Indians can trade with big markets of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and CAS though short land routes & cheap & easy delivery.

Finally, Big issue is the cheap third class quality items with cheap prices filled into Pakistan markets. They are unreliable & crap. I saw Indians bananas in Pakistan, tasted like cucumbers.

The low quality items made in India will harm Pakistanis living status to buying reasonable quality goods. Further buying from India will also have effects on China trade and other regional countries.

I say Pakistan in 65 years survived well without MFN to India or any trade with India, it can carrying on surviving better in the future too.

Its better to trade with Srilanka, Bhutan, Nepal & Bangladesh than granting MFN preferential to Indians.
well sir we ask for MFN as we have given you the same its of no value in real terms but i guess pakistan needs trade with India more than we do but ...kahir jane do :cheers:

If pakistan needed to trade with india it would have been pakistan that would have given MFN status first to india and not the other way round.

do u really think that india will compromise on kashmir issue for the "MFN" status from mighty Pakistan?
if ur answer is no then ur post makes no sense
if ur answer is yes then ............... God help you

Well if you want access CAR and the middle east via a land route then your going to have move on the kashmir issue.......if not? then the status quo will have to do.
I love the way india thinks that that giving MFN it is doing a favour for pakistan or that you are giving some sort of compromise ,well we all know fully well that it is a political ploy.
Its up to Pakistan whether they want to focus on their economy or not.
Why PAK beg to India for Special treatment from EU in Trade , and that happen only when India agree, Because PAK came if india allows EU access then they will India something in return , which india is asking pakistan to honour its wording which is useless..... when 2014 special privilege will expire , PAK Govt. will come running to india for help again.

The ATP package provides for zero tariff import of 75 products from Pakistan.
Pakistan had to lobby with the WTO and its other members for gaining such facility because it is not a least developed country and its claim is a unilateral one.Pakistan's plea for the duty waiver became stronger when the country faced a devastating flood.
Brazil, Indonesia and Peru raised objection and demanded further consultation with them in giving the facility. The package got WTO waiver in February after remaining held up for months because of India’s objections.
So to put it simply, pakistan gets flooded and asked for waiver and you indians held it up and now think that we should thank you.
The ATP package provides for zero tariff import of 75 products from Pakistan.
Pakistan had to lobby with the WTO and its other members for gaining such facility because it is not a least developed country and its claim is a unilateral one.Pakistan's plea for the duty waiver became stronger when the country faced a devastating flood.
Brazil, Indonesia and Peru raised objection and demanded further consultation with them in giving the facility. The package got WTO waiver in February after remaining held up for months because of India’s objections.
So to put it simply, pakistan gets flooded and asked for waiver and you indians held it up and now think that we should thank you.

WTO wavier required No - Objection certificate from every nation of WTO, India raised objection , but PAK leader came to india and asked to give NO-Objection and pledge MFN in return, if objections raised by India , EU can't give you concession, Only when India agree then only EU allowed to give you.

This is what WTO is all about .

Read article,s and WTO pact,

Most significant from the Pakistani perspective is India’s decision to drop its objections at the World Trade Organisation against trade concessions that the EU had promised Islamabad as part of an assistance package to help Pakistani recover from the devastation of the 2010

A member of the Pakistani delegation said that India had agreed to withdraw its objections at a November 7 meeting of the WTO General Council. Indian Commerce Minister Anand Sharma appeared to confirm this when he said that India would be “supportive and constructive” of the EU’s concessions.

If India remain objected then no Concession will be given, As simple as that
I hope Nawaz and Shahbaz Shariff new govt of PML-N doesnot grant india most favored status, instead least favored status.
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