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Should pakistan get Y-20U as supplement to its IL -78 tanker ?


Apr 24, 2007
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Due to ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Russia its likely Pakistan will not get any IL-78 from Ukraine in near future as many f Ukraine military industry either destroyed or nonfunctining. China already induct home grown Y-20U in its military. As a close ally Pakistan might gets some as other western option might not easily available suitable to work with J-10Cs and JF-17.
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I’ve always wanted Pakistan to eventually get Y-20, as it matures. But then again I don’t want them to be dependant on one country
China wont be selling them for quite some time as they need more than they are capable of making right now!!!
China wont be selling them for quite some time as they need more than they are capable of making right now!!!
depends on demand. china has all the tech in-house so if the demand+money is there they will just open another line.

however i dont think any order from pakistan would be enough for that.
It's better for Pakistan to wait for the Y-20 tanker variant with WS-20 engine. I'm sure Xi'an is going to work on that once they're done with testing Y-20B.
Definitely we need Tankers as now more Jets are capable of air refueling and our C 130 Fleet is getting old too
Does Pakistan really need a transport plane with a range of 8000 km? Why not consider the option of easier maintenance and higher cost performance?

Maybe Pakistan can consider Y9. Pakistan is very familiar with Y9, and Pakistan ZDK-03 early warning aircraft adopts Y9 platform.
Why Y-20 when world is shifting to twin engine platform.
I think C-390 is far better option
C390 could be to replace C130, Y20 to replace IL78MP

however in short term PAF could consider [3] used IL78MP from PLAAF. As new Y20 enters service IL78MP could be rendered redundant.
Y20 would be pretty good as a heavier transport aircraft. Could carry tanks, APCs and other vehicles. Could even give an armored element to airborne forces.
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