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Should Mr. Modi visit to Pakistan now?

There are some forces which do not want political dialogue to resume so its very tricky situation as of now
Coming to blanch and skinning.
Lol you can't even handle him he's name is always on every pakistanis mouth like they are scared and you want to blanch him.
Grow up kid.
Lol you can't even handle Hafiz Saeed. His name is always on every indians mouth like they are scared and you want to kill him.

Grow up kid
There are some forces which do not want political dialogue to resume so its very tricky situation as of now
as they say too many cooks spoil the broth

their is no use on wondering "will/should Namo go to pakistan"

even if he wants to he is actually not welcome in pakistan as they have too many prejudices and paranoias about him then why waste time on them + judging by the turn of events chances are 0
who wants to blanch him.
We are happy that he is in pakistan.
If you look at long term basis.
And as we always say.
Kabhi aao na kashmir me khushbu lagake.
Aisi khatirdaari karenge ki kabhi bhuloge nahi hame.:D
Careful Phuktuns can be very dangerous ,if your torn once then it pass on too your coming generations
as they say too many cooks spoil the broth

their is no use on wondering "will/should Namo go to pakistan"

even if he wants to he is actually not welcome in pakistan as they have too many prejudices and paranoias about him then why waste time on them + judging by the turn of events chances are 0

What ever his past might be he is now elected prime minister of India and this is a fact which must not be ignored, using degrading names do not make them look wiser. Well i personaly feel its not in the interest of Pakistan to keep degrading him and waste 4 years without talking to him
You may be right . But most Pakistanis believe it is right to avoid talks with him. Majority were and have been against Nawaz Sharif peace policy towards india.

What ever his past might be he is now elected prime minister of India and this is a fact which must not be ignored, using degrading names do not make them look wiser. Well i personaly feel its not in the interest of Pakistan to keep degrading him and waste 4 years without talking to him
What ever his past might be he is now elected prime minister of India and this is a fact which must not be ignored, using degrading names do not make them look wiser. Well i personaly feel its not in the interest of Pakistan to keep degrading him and waste 4 years without talking to him
Accept or not.......... Pakistanis are scared of him.
What ever his past might be he is now elected prime minister of India and this is a fact which must not be ignored, using degrading names do not make them look wiser. Well i personaly feel its not in the interest of Pakistan to keep degrading him and waste 4 years without talking to him
point is we should do what is in owr best interests and NaMo going to pakistan is actualli not in owrs

they are scared of him and dont even want to know why so there is no point in why we should not waste owr energies on them
You may be right . But most Pakistanis believe it is right to avoid talks with him. Majority were and have been against Nawaz Sharif peace policy towards india.

But one another aspect we must note that when ever India and Pakistan comes closer to any working solution is past 25 years its been BJP regime and i feel modi too would like to get rid of the tag associated with him in Pakistan. Even If Nawaz can not achieve peace with Modi it wont be a loss to anyone as our relations are already at there lowest point
Accept or not.......... Pakistanis are scared of him.

Its been increasingly evident for more than a year before he was actually elected.

I will NEVER get the image out of my head of Modi ji fixing his steely gaze on Nawaz. And his (Nawaz) head bowed, averting direct eye contact.

That photo to me symbolizes the equation between the countries, their peoples, and their respective leaders.
point is we should do what is in owr best interests and NaMo going to pakistan is actualli not in owrs

they are scared of him and dont even want to know why so there is no point in why we should not waste owr energies on them

Yup everybody is afraid of 56 inch chest. Pakistanis are loosing sleep. Infact Obama too lost all his sleep and apetite after Modi won.

Delusional lot.. :lol:
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