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Should Imran Khan Visit India For SCO?

Should Imran Khan Attend SCO meet in India

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Actually,Pakistan should boycott all the countries except china. All the countries are terrorist countries to some extent except China and Pakistan.

Then world will ask what sort of serious human right violations. Ofcourse, IK can tell the world that internet is banned for 30 days in Kashmir. Nobody will ask him that what happened to pundits who lives in refugee camp for 30 years.
dont know abt other but india is......

dont know abt other but india is......


If any country which has bloods of Muslims in their hands, They are Muslims countries. India comes last in the list.
If any country which has bloods of Muslims in their hands, They are Muslims countries. India comes last in the list.
lol yr saying that after killing 75000 Pakistani Muslims under the grab of War on Terror right? From BLA to TTP to the DAESH's presence in Afghanistan right now!!!!!!

While we all know India is one of the biggest supporters of DAESH also. From supplying them Medicines to weapons to supporting them financially, and how can one forget Ajeet Doval's meetings with their leaders in Iraq few years ago.
Actually,Pakistan should boycott all the countries except china. All the countries are terrorist countries to some extent except China and Pakistan.

Then world will ask what sort of serious human right violations. Ofcourse, IK can tell the world that internet is banned for 30 days in Kashmir. Nobody will ask him that what happened to pundits who lives in refugee camp for 30 years.
Yes all the countries should boycot india since its fasicst country
lol yr saying that after killing 75000 Pakistani Muslims under the grab of War on Terror right? From BLA to TTP to the DAESH's presence in Afghanistan right now!!!!!!

While we all know India is one of the biggest supporters of DAESH also. From supplying them Medicines to weapons to supporting them financially, and how can one forget Ajeet Doval's meetings with their leaders in Iraq few years ago.

You do not have any right to say this.

Yes all the countries should boycot india since its fasicst country

And pakistan has started doing this awaiting for some other country to join them.
Thing are now permanently different post operation swift retort of 27 feb. 2019 and Indian annexation and bifertication of Kashmir as well as Citizenship Act laws passed by India and putting Muslims in detention Camps or solidatery confinements.

As far as Pakistanis concerned, there is no bilateral solution to a UNSC recognized Disputed territory.......We have severe concerns of the sale of S400 and Akula 2 nuclear submarines to india by Russia.

Russia must realize that its flanker market is already down, Thanks to Pakistan on our actions during operation Swift Retort, Malaysia has rejected it and even Belarus Is having second thoughts of procuring them......

This is that Su30MKI, callsign '''Avenger 1'' which was killed by Pakistan.

And this is the aircraft which killed it, its F16BM(upgraded F16B) serial number 84-606, 84 meaning its a 1984 manufactured aircraft.

Meanwhile Pakistan's relations with America have improved, so Russia instead of reminding us of its good christian samaritans aka wiggling its tale infront of whoever throws money at them musnt DO such thing which rattle Pakistan as Pakistan is the same country that broke USSR to pieces and the main reason for that was also our revenge of 1971's Russia support to our hostile enemy India!

As for SCO, there is highly unlikely that there will be any Pakistani participation in a summit which itself is useless(given that its written in its charter that no member country can attack another but india did and the Russian Head of SCO insulted Pakistan's complain to the organization refused to intervene) There is nothing in organization in it as far as interests of Pakistan are concern. And to add to the insult it has again given hosting rights of the organization to India. Also given that russian state Media like RT's anti Islam drive these days and support for the Anti Islamic groups in Europe is not helping anybody!

As far as Kashmir is concern, Lahore declaration and Tashkent Treaty r dead, as its already written in that treaty that no country can unilaterally change the status of the disputed territory without first taking the other party into confidence first........After august 5 decision, that Status has been changed, constitutionally or otherwise. And this Clause was the 2nd clause of that Tashkent Treaty which Russia itself brokered and Russia wasnt able to do anything about that. Since Indo-Russian relation are controlled by India post cold war and post Crimea crisis, since Russia today is a country of mere 150 million, heavily sanctioned with nothing much to offer to the World besides Energy(nuclear or gas) Weapons(which also have CAATSA threat).

While Russia meanwhile dreaming of using Pakistan as its truck road to do trade with India aka its time tested friend and historical allay and also dreams of being a mediator to settle this dispute while at the same time having no clue what so ever of how serious and important it is for the safety and security of the whole wide world! Since Pakistan will never settle for anything less then full and entire annexation of Kashmir into Pakistan now, since india has proved to the World and Pakistan how serious it is about solving it bilaterally! and by voluntarily violating that treaty.

By using Photoshop, even I can shoot down UFO......
Simple fact is, would Modi come to Pakistan if SCO was being hosted in Pakistan. The answer is no, he will accuse Pakistan of terrorism and refuse to come ... the favour should be returned by IK...

We don't paint this kind of childish proofs after confirmation from Pentagon that's no f16 were missing

I replied for su30mki shoot down...
Personally, I don't believe on both paf and iaf to shoot down su30mki and f16.
Give me a simple answer, why Bangladesh became independent if even they are Muslims? If Bangladesh with you than I might think twice but history also tells something

It has already proven that based on Hindu and Muslim... You should not break your house.
Bangladesh became independent for its own reasons which are totally different from problems of Indian Muslims. I am not saying that Indian Muslims should join Pakistan. They should go for their own independent nation. They are becoming refugees in their own land and they might be able to stop hindutava today but what will they do tomorrow. It will happen again and again and again. When ever right wing will come in majority they will push Muslims to the wall so only solution for Indian Muslims is carve India and find their own new identity.

Bangladesh is a perfect example for Indian Muslims. They should get independence from India just like Bangladesh. See today both Pakistan and Bangladesh are happy being 2 different nations. One day Indian Muslims and Hindus will also be happy being 2 different nations.
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