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Should France & India co-develop AMCA 5th gen fighter?


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Hey Dr , how about combining Israel,Vietnam,Malaysia,Korea,Japan as Level II partners? Only Asian countries , Indian friends and have common enemy:undecided:
And we can say Asia Fighter toofan
but the problem is same can be apllicable for china they also got sanctions in 1992 tianmmean square tragedy but still they
managed to copy & reverse enginer every jet they could get from russia & isreal & also they managed to produce a decent engine though some might doubt's it's engine efficacy but still they produced it & inducted in it's jet ,but for india still they havent inducted LCA yet while pak & china have inducted 1-2 squardon of jf17 (PAF) & 6 squadron of J10 (CAF)
& are going for block 2 of those serires while we havnt inducted mark1 yet forget about mark2 .U may finds my word bitter ,
but it's a bitter truth & we are to be blamed for not inducting yet ,atleast it should have been inducted by 2011 but it may be around 2012-13 & would that also happen or more late who knows .And for that we are to be blamed not sanctions

well partnership has both advantages & disadvantages mainly in money matter only .Well MMRCA is 4.5 gen program & who knows
whether all critical technolgy would be covered in it like AESA, IRST & engine i doubt , same applies for Pakfa ,Yes we would
coproduce it with license from them
While for FFGA only there is pain in my sweet A$$ as india has been tricked by russia to buy 1st it's own version of single seater
pakfa & that may took 2017-18 for full time deployement & india would start FFGA from 2020-21 & that may take 4-6 yrs for deployemnt ,So we have to wait a lot for gaining experirnece from this project & then if we start AMCA after all this project it's development & induction may take around 10 -15 yrs which may it's indution around 2035-37 oh lord at that time I doubt 6th gen combat aircraft may have been deployed by china

well i had never said LCA project was a failure but it was a sorry affair for us starting from development & induction.AMCA project would never be a failure even if we develop on our own ,but if it induction would be at a time when that generation of plane would have been obsolete then what the use of that pride in having such a kind of jet .Think logically
well at that time i wont be laughing but chinese & pakis would be laughing at us with 100 :lol: & 100 :rofl: & we couldnt do anything about it apart from logging out or getting pink from this forum in shame

well sanctions were there but kaveri was indigenoius engine not american and kaveri thrust was not upto mark max 70-80kn but minimum 90-100 kn was required that too for forth gen fighter .so itwas a flop project so we have to develop it with france to get a good decent engine .There
are supercruise criteria for 5th genfightr also so would it have supercruise capablity also needs to
be seen .Well that's why engine is the most important criteria for indigenization as if we cant develop 5th gen fighter engine then "kya ghanta 5th gen fighter" would we make :lol:

then what do u mean by indigenoius ???:blink:
& honestly speaking buddy ( may be OFF TOPIC) we dont have so much time as u never know the
geopolitical situation see france doent have emergency to have a 5th gen fighter like we do , i dont want to elaborate as i hope u must be knowing what i am saying

plz dont tell tradition of other countries man do u think US cancelled the production of F22 raptor
for granted .AND RUssia cancelled MIG mfi project as it dont have the mood to built it :lol:Well it was for god damned MONEY which it couldnt afford to build every jet .
& plz look my post No7 do u think we would afford another MFI project.

well for our future aircraft industry only i am saying to codevelop it for faster induction & economical reasons though much depends upon france how they react to it such proposal ,but i am sure they wont be interested as they have started development of stealth version of RAFALE

well i am not blaming u buddy for criticising me ,so thats why i had said to u

& it's ur god damned right to criticize me

thank u very much & i really apreciated that

well may be we could build 6th generation fighter on our own atleast (LOL)
anyway i really appreciate ur views & may hope we dont reapeat that same mistake in amca as we had done in LCA

Seriously we can be serious now, we can develop 5g airframe, 5g avionics , 5g radar and 5g engine in 10-15 years , not more than that cuz the situations were different when we started LCA and now we have got plenty of technology through transfer and i expect tot for plasma stealth (Every thing is money , we can get it) and other things in FGFA . But i seriously pray partnership (50:50 should not happen). As i said we will lose edge over our product . If at all the second partner should be level 2 like in F35 .
All the best Bhai ur thread was running good in IDF :tup:.
Hey Dr , how about combining Israel,Vietnam,Malaysia,Korea,Japan as Level II partners? Only Asian countries , Indian friends and have common enemy:undecided:
well same thing has been proposed in IDF
Should france & india co develop amca 5th gen fighter?
but it can have JSF or EF2000 problem ie one misunderstanding would collapse the progam either u bulit it jointly with a single nation or completely built it on own ,no consortium ,i wont support ,it much better to be indigenoius rather than consortium
I think we would be taking help from French and Israeli industries to develope teh 5th Gen fighter, However none of teh countries have shown interest in co-developing the AMCA with India.

The problem here is we are too far away from anybody to show interest. Until we show some solid develpments and lure investments.

The point here India had shown no interest in PAKFA and would have baught F-35 (atleast forced to) if Russia said they will develope a 5th gen fighter and make it flight worthy by 2025!.
Seriously we can be serious now, we can develop 5g airframe, 5g avionics , 5g radar and 5g engine in 10-15 years , not more than that cuz the situations were different when we started LCA and now we have got plenty of technology through transfer and i expect tot for plasma stealth (Every thing is money , we can get it) and other things in FGFA . But i seriously pray partnership (50:50 should not happen). As i said we will lose edge over our product . If at all the second partner should be level 2 like in F35 .
All the best Bhai ur thread was running good in IDF :tup:.
but the fact is this thread is useless as france wont develop AMCA with us as they have already decided to go for stealth version of rafale .:bunny:

Well honestly speaking we are wasting time on this, but ,the motto of my thread was to develop & induct AMCA faster & not to repeat that lca mistake
but the fact is this thread is useless as france wont develop AMCA with us as they have already decided to go for stealth version of rafale .:bunny:

Well honestly speaking we are wasting time on this, but ,the motto of my thread was to develop & induct AMCA faster & not to repeat that lca mistake

I hope ADA gets the same motto.
I hope ADA gets the same motto.
we all hope so & plz forgod sake ADA plz dont repeat that same mistake ,as our sons & daughter who would be doing defence forumming at that time wont have to face the same humuliation that we are facing for lca 's delayed induction from the pakis & chinese now after 20 yrs :angel:
well same thing has been proposed in IDF
Should france & india co develop amca 5th gen fighter?
but it can have JSF or EF2000 problem ie one misunderstanding would collapse the progam either u bulit it jointly with a single nation or completely built it on own ,no consortium ,i wont support ,it much better to be indigenoius rather than consortium
Thats why i told they should be Level II partners we will never allow them to touch our toy till its completed . That would help financially and technologically .
Thats why i told they should be Level II partners we will never allow them to touch our toy till its completed . That would help financially and technologically .
well it all depends upon individuall countries how would they take this project as many countries u gave their name had their own 5th gen fighter program like JAPAN & south korea but they would be approached other players like RUSSIA FOR pakfa & US for F35
1st of all thanks buddy for posting ur views :enjoy:
the fact that anyone is none other than me ,who has been following developments of europe & for that reason i was able to post such kinds of thread

Then you should have known that France isn't interested in any 5th gen fighter, which makes this thread pointless right?

u r correct they would go for unmanned CAV ,but they had started development of stealth rafale but whther they would codevelop with any other country that depends upon them

That are only estimated stealthy upgrades to the current Rafale and not a new fighter, neither have they anything to do with AMCA.

i agree with u everything except that last part, i think if we devlop in the right way as a 5th gen fighter should be it would be really an powerful asset for IAF & also navy & it would be far too superior than f18

It should be like F18 in the sence that the latter was developed as a carrier fighter mainly and not for the air force. Similarly, IN should develop N-AMCA according their needs and not juts as a naval varient of the IAF version.
oHHH red indian sahaab ,1st of all u r getting me wrong on saying lca was failure & crap i have never said such things be careful with ur words against me :butcher:& well i am not saying entire LCA project was as a shame for our country but lca's delayed development time & induction is nt a shame for us that we cant even induct it till now while pakistan has deployed 1-2 squadron of jf 17 ,while China J10 a (4-5 squadron) .:hitwall:while they had also started it in same time .

And i had posted 9 more reasons apart from lca to codevelop cant u see that , kindly Dont show off ur patriotism attitude to me man . I know what is right & what is wrong so dont lecture me on patriotism

Neither i am showing off my patriotism nor i am criticizing ur OWN patriotism..........U R SAYING "I know what is right & what is wrong" may be u r more accurate and more patriotic than me.......
On the other hand.....pak is operating many jf-17s and china is J-10s................but both of them r happy with RUSSIAN ENGINE

JF-17 IS HAPPILY USING "Klimov RD-93" and J-10 IS "Saturn AL-31"...........BOTH RD-93 AND AL-31 ARE OF RUSIAN ORIGIN.....
France is loaded with tensions for Rafale guys. :lol:. There the French are having nightmares on what to do with Rafales that haven't been sold to anyone yet and we're talking about getting them to add to their cost sheet even more. Come on!
Then you should have known that France isn't interested in any 5th gen fighter, which makes this thread pointless right?
well no where was written they are nt interested in any 5th gen fighter jet ,Well they had plans for stealth version of that rafale jet & are implementing it, while u add stealth factor to 4.5 gen fighter wouldnt that make it a 5th gen fighter as rafale has all other criteria to be called as 5th gen aircraft apart from stealth .
Well honestly speaking it was my personal opinion to codevelop amca with france ,so do u think it is a crime to post such kind of thread :coffee:

That are only estimated stealthy upgrades to the current Rafale and not a new fighter, neither have they anything to do with AMCA.
well what upgrades is still classified & u cant say it is just an upgrades,as how can u upgrade it to a stealth version without doing any structural modification so may be a new airframe i assume well obviously they wont name it as a new fighter project .
Well i was stating that rafale version for our MMRCA only, why would they integrate it with AMCA & also why would india do that too

It should be like F18 in the sence that the latter was developed as a carrier fighter mainly and not for the air force. Similarly, IN should develop N-AMCA according their needs and not juts as a naval varient of the IAF version.
well that ur personal opinion about naval version .India would only invest so much money on a 5th gen jet program for naval version only that's impossible & impractical
On the other hand.....pak is operating many jf-17s and china is J-10s................but both of them r happy with RUSSIAN ENGINE
who told u china is happy with russian engines if they r happy with russian engines why r they developing their own engines :lol:

JF-17 IS HAPPILY USING "Klimov RD-93" and J-10 IS "Saturn AL-31"...........BOTH RD-93 AND AL-31 ARE OF RUSIAN ORIGIN.....
j10 a is having that engine ,while j10 b is having ws 10 a engine check google u would find the answer .
Now many say they had recently contracted for al 31f engines but that may be false or maybe for j10a but not for j10b
this is not the only reason for it's delay there many other factors also .
well still kaveri has not been upto the mark for induction that's why india is planning to codevelop with france on that .
But they had chosen amercian engine for Ge 414 lca mark2 .
France is loaded with tensions for Rafale guys. :lol:. There the French are having nightmares on what to do with Rafales that haven't been sold to anyone yet and we're talking about getting them to add to their cost sheet even more. Come on!
well i think this is the most justified & correct critism to me

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