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Should Beef Be Banned In India?

...Yes why not it should be banned in India across the board....but lynching of minorities shouldn't be, nor they can be stopped due to Cow politics. The hunting season is still on, lynch a Muslim/Dalit and feel happy.
...Yes why not it should be banned in India across the board....but lynching of minorities shouldn't be, nor they can be stopped due to Cow politics. The hunting season is still on, lynch a Muslim/Dalit and feel happy.

lynching should be dealt with iron hands , across india and pakistan. whether for cow or blasphemy .
No. All this "no beef" is lies. Indian's love nothing better then eating huge steaks, meat kebabs, meat keema, meat, meat. It is open secret that India is the biggest beef eater in the world.
lynching should be dealt with iron hands , across india and pakistan. whether for cow or blasphemy .

Beef related lynching is quite a common affair in India, so far more than 40 people have been lynched for eating/possessing Beef or just on false suspicion....Blasphemy related killings is few and far between, not more than 2-3 in as many years...it is actually Ghalat-Fehmi.
It should be regulated to legal slaughter house .
Yes, It should be banned totally even for export and Hindustan should export the excess cattle to Pakistan and Bangladesh on cheap prices, it will be win win for all.
No. All this "no beef" is lies. Indian's love nothing better then eating huge steaks, meat kebabs, meat keema, meat, meat. It is open secret that India is the biggest beef eater in the world.

India is the second/third largest exporter of Beef to the world...hypocrites, their posturing about not eating Beef is hilarious.
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