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Should Army be given constitutional role in Politics?

Should Army be given constitutional role in Politics?

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The present thread strikes me as odd, only because it's coming from a PTIan. Allow me to explain:

Imran Khan seems to want to change the System for change's sake rather than for the System. He wants action without having to deal with the consequences. He wants reforms by throwing the system out without working within it to reform it.

He fails to see this is the way of the Establishment: throw the System out and force down one-way reform without mandate or legitimacy. He wants elections that can make him prime minister (read dictator) without helping reform the process under which the elections will be held.

His spectacular failure to seize a historic opportunity to pilot the process of radical electoral reforms (from instituting a fairer caretaker administration to a more transparent, independent, and procedurally efficient election system) through the Parliament proves he is neither a visionary nor even a team player and, as I have sought to show, his politics are politics of the military.​

Imran Khan wants to be a dictator and this is personified by his politics of exclusivity. His exclusive politics have left him isolated.

Politics is about making friends. you can't make friends with anger and bitterness. And without friends you will not be able to change the System to benefit the people.
PTI is attempting a course-correction amidst all the bravado and big talk. Distancing itself from Army-inspired rhetoric is a part of it and PTI-bots are doing what is asked of them.

Going back a few months, the same people were braying for third umpire. We all know who that was....

@Leader , if you were a friend of PTI, you would not be making so many propaganda threads. Instead you would be arguing for a solid reassessment of PTI's politics and taking PTI leaders to task.
My answer is a big NO..- since I am pro-system, and pro-reforms, this doesnot mean to jeopardize the system to fill the ambitious people into legalize their power-driven desires...
ItIt doesn't matters who you like ?
What system you like but if that is not working then its time to close that destructive chapter ?
Pakistan is not a western country & its been proven so many times that it can't be run with democracy of the western world?
That model has been failed in IRAQ,LIBYA &in Afghanistan?
Its time to bring the chinese style democracy with a role of pak army so they can protect the poor peoples of Pakistan from the hands of croup Ted political elites.
PTI is attempting a course-correction amidst all the bravado and big talk. Distancing itself from Army-inspired rhetoric is a part of it and PTI-bots are doing what is asked of them.

Going back a few months, the same people were braying for third umpire. We all know who that was....

@Leader , if you were a friend of PTI, you would not be making so many propaganda threads. Instead you would be arguing for a solid reassessment of PTI's politics and taking PTI leaders to task.
Actually, FYI, he admitted he's a PTI worker. Al though he claims he's only volunteering.

So do not expect something from him that contradicts party. I mean, look at his thread "we must shut down Pakistan to rebuild." Just using every single excuse to stay in line with party's vision, no matter how stupid it sounds.

Germany was carpet bombed in ww2 and they rebuilt after that. Should we carpet bomb ourselves to rebuild? Because there are so many other flaws in our society that can only be solved if a war/huge damage is imposed upon us.
PTI is attempting a course-correction amidst all the bravado and big talk. Distancing itself from Army-inspired rhetoric is a part of it and PTI-bots are doing what is asked of them.

Going back a few months, the same people were braying for third umpire. We all know who that was....

@Leader , if you were a friend of PTI, you would not be making so many propaganda threads. Instead you would be arguing for a solid reassessment of PTI's politics and taking PTI leaders to task.
If PTI is trying to bring the justice to the poor peoples of Pakistan by demanding the fair audit of the elections of 2013 ?
Its not that its bringing the boots on ground?
Its the rulling mafia which is trying its best to get a walkover ?
Because they think, they will get away like all the times?
If the croupted damocrazy can't bring the goodies to the nation then just stop blaming the patriotic pak army for their wrong doings?
Any way Pakistan is not west minster democracy & it won't be forever?
Its a funny & brutal ask to PTI to stop asking for the justice they deserve because rulling elites won't give even if it results in the destruction of the nation?
Save it for the next hundered years after?
time has come to shut the stupid & croupted democrats forever , they have it & they can't deliver that ?
Time to see grand Marshall justice!
If PTI is trying to bring the justice to the poor peoples of Pakistan by demanding the fair audit of the elections of 2013 ?
Its not that its bringing the boots on ground?
Its the rulling mafia which is trying its best to get a walkover ?
Because they think, they will get away like all the times?
If the croupted damocrazy can't bring the goodies to the nation then just stop blaming the patriotic pak army for their wrong doings?
Any way Pakistan is not west minster democracy & it won't be forever?
Its a funny & brutal ask to PTI to stop asking for the justice they deserve because rulling elites won't give even if it results in the destruction of the nation?
Save it for the next hundered years after?
time has come to shut the stupid & croupted democrats forever , they have it & they can't deliver that ?
Time to see grand Marshall justice!
Are you trying to write a poem?

Also glad you learned not to use space before question mark.
Are you trying to write a poem?

Also glad you learned not to use space before question mark.
Out of topic reported!

Just Teaching you ?
cause papa wasnt at home & i got to do his job for you!
Enjoy it!
Don't make loud noices cause , I have important things to discuss in your fathers bed room !
Don't ask with who?
Raheel Sharif seems to be doing and saying all the rights things at the moment.

What strategy? - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

"As Nawaz runs around bleating about roads and miniwatts and the price of fuel, the big-boy stuff is back where it belongs: with the boys."


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