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Should Army be given constitutional role in Politics?

Should Army be given constitutional role in Politics?

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The present thread strikes me as odd, only because it's coming from a PTIan. Allow me to explain:

Imran Khan seems to want to change the System for change's sake rather than for the System. He wants action without having to deal with the consequences. He wants reforms by throwing the system out without working within it to reform it.
@Chak Bamu I have no idea how this got a positive rating...

If he wanted for change's sake...Believe me our population is dumb enough to THINK that dharnas are called change he could have left it there!

What consequences? Arent we all paying coz some people rigged elections and hid them for MONTHS? arent we all paying coz some people preferred 1 plate of biryani over life time of justice?

Who isnt dealing with these consequences and how are THESE over looked ...is it just coz IK didnt bring this to our lives and so its ok?

How do you want to work with a system which has corrupts on EACH LEVEL? Courts to Parliament you name it each blockade is corrupt and wont help you expose coz they themselves have dirty laundry! Oh but that is ok GOD FORBID anyone points it out or tries to change it!

60 yrs and so far no on bothered PPP came to power twice and all they did was eat...Literally our GDP hasnt seen a proper rise and the rise WE DO SEE...its not EVENLY spread over the population!

I am disgusted with the common Pakistani and his PTI bashing if your mentality can give PPP and PMLN more than 2 chances why do you lot piss in your pants for PTI? Pure ignorance or just the habit of being slapped by PPP and PMLN over and over and over again has its own euphoria?

He fails to see this is the way of the Establishment: throw the System out and force down one-way reform without mandate or legitimacy. He wants elections that can make him prime minister (read dictator) without helping reform the process under which the elections will be held.
Reform the process? Really? to reform the process you need to hold decision making posts...Let me ask you when was the last time SS or NS "reformed" ANYTHING? THEY are in decision making positions so lets see what your examples have to offer?

2ndly, If he wants to be PM thats his business....how is that bad? I would prefer it over a tinda who pockets 50% of the country's wealth by hook or crook.

Or do you prefer the other ghadha who pockets 90% and leaves a country of millions to live off 10% ?

Or do you prefer the one who literally begged for British passport ...you know the one who comes on tv to give speech to people forced to sit in and listen and sings in between the speeches or even worse does a redo of some Saas Bahu drama?

Or do you prefer the illiterate bearded buffoons ?? Take your pick and honestly explain how your genius choice would bring "change" and bring reforms
(of course keep in mind bringing reforms doesnt mean giving judges Mercedes, nor does it mean making Punjab police your personal body guard and shooting the civilians and it also doesnt mean keeping getting more loans form an everlasting loop of relying on loans)

His spectacular failure to seize a historic opportunity to pilot the process of radical electoral reforms (from instituting a fairer caretaker administration to a more transparent, independent, and procedurally efficient election system) through the Parliament proves he is neither a visionary nor even a team player and, as I have sought to show, his politics are politics of the military.
1stly, his failure was the 1st stone in the ripple to show WHY we need a change ....so if you failed to see that I say go back and read what he actually failed (hint: it is the exactly same thing that you mentioned in your 1st para...only without blind hatred)

For those who didnt understand he failed this: reforms by throwing the system out without working within it to reform it. Something mr.pretzel here just said he isnt doing and then claims he failed it meaning he was trying it...Basically the whole post is automatically flawed!

Imran Khan wants to be a dictator and this is personified by his politics of exclusivity. His exclusive politics have left him isolated.

Politics is about making friends. you can't make friends with anger and bitterness. And without friends you will not be able to change the System to benefit the people.​
By repeating something doesnt automatically make it true...:tsk:
What really has left him isolated is that those who want to stand next to him will only do so with a % named to them....isnt that what you were crying shouldnt happen? And now you are pointing he is alone? :pop: Either you are just too young to know or your attempt to play with words just showed your hypocrisy + ignorance!

Exactly who did you want to see standing by his side? Other corrupts who cant voice out coz even their corruption would be challenged or other politicians whom many have repeatedly called failures and questioned why they WERE in PTI?

When he did make friends with idiotic souls you lot had a problem when he doesnt wish to make friends with traitors you still have a problem...So basically using common sense we can say that the constant is IK and the problem you have is with him not his ability to make friends!

If you still havent figured out DESI politics I suggest taking your phobia elsewhere! I am tired of reading paragraphs of ignorance
Wow. Absolutely wow. The quality and content of your post clearly explains why you're supporting Imran Khan.

If he wanted for change's sake...Believe me our population is dumb enough to THINK that dharnas are called change he could have left it there![/USER]

Dharnas aren't the change he promised. The change he promised was the removal of Nawaz Sharif, hence the chant Go Nawaz Go. You're clearly an Imran Khan fan. You know even less than him. My post sought to assert that very fact.

What consequences? Arent we all paying coz some people rigged elections and hid them for MONTHS? arent we all paying coz some people preferred 1 plate of biryani over life time of justice?

What on Earth are you talking about? What rigged elections? There has been no independent investigation into the rigging, save the ECP report released 1 day ago, hence Imran Khan's allegations are exactly that. Hollow rhetoric unsubstantiated by corroborative evidence. Also the ECP report shows possible proof of rigging in only 21 constituencies of 300+. That's not even 6.5%, lol!

How do you want to work with a system which has corrupts on EACH LEVEL? Courts to Parliament you name it each blockade is corrupt and wont help you expose coz they themselves have dirty laundry! Oh but that is ok GOD FORBID anyone points it out or tries to change it!

60 yrs and so far no on bothered PPP came to power twice and all they did was eat...Literally our GDP hasnt seen a proper rise and the rise WE DO SEE...its not EVENLY spread over the population!

I am disgusted with the common Pakistani and his PTI bashing if your mentality can give PPP and PMLN more than 2 chances why do you lot piss in your pants for PTI? Pure ignorance or just the habit of being slapped by PPP and PMLN over and over and over again has its own euphoria?

Believe it or not woman, the common Pakistani sees through the lies Imran Khan is feeding his select-few disciples among them females like you who appear to be far too lost to his charming good looks, to actually be able to see the corrosive force which he has become.

Shutdown Pakistan?

Does that sound like a patriotic Pakistani or the war-cry of a Jew-loving Indian? Also the 7 million people he keeps citing as his support-base is also void of any substance, because 7 million were the votes he got, and I voted for him. Would I vote for him again? Over my dead body!

Reform the process? Really? to reform the process you need to hold decision making posts...Let me ask you when was the last time SS or NS "reformed" ANYTHING? THEY are in decision making positions so lets see what your examples have to offer?

So where is his strength? If he doesn't have the support to secure posts of power, then why is he forcing his agenda on us - the people who did not vote him to power. Rigging, you say? Rigging is the reason he is not in power. Lol. Read on:

3. 93 PTI candidates lost their elections deposits, 40 seats were not contested at all. This makes 133 national assembly seats where PTI has nothing whatsoever to show. And yet they have gone from allegations about 4 assembly seats to making a case for having election stolen from them. People who do not see irony in this are self-made fools. Even worse are the ones who are quoting PPP politicians to 'strengthen' the case for 'stolen' elections. What else can PPP say? Does anyone think that PPP is going to own its pitiful performance and accept a much-deserved electoral defeat? Yesterday Raja Pervez Ashraf aka Raja Rental made allegations of electoral fraud, even though he lost by a margin of more than 60,000 votes. This is the season for complaining and why would anyone be left behind?

4. PTI kids ever-clueless are reduced to parroting lies and propaganda - knowing full well that PTI ship is sinking slowly. This is what PTI-sympathizers had been crying about. Had PTI-boys been something more than mere bots, this disastrous course of blunders could have been averted. IK is no politicians, and has shown that he can not grow into being one either. Fortunes of PTI will show this yet.

There are things about Pakistan's politics that 99.9% of current PTI supporters do not understand. That is why from heady highs of August, they are reduced to a reactionary, angry, bunch who live in Denial-stan. This is what they deserve. Good for them.

Latest from Usman Manzoor, who used to be a fervent PTI-supporter - this is my source for information regarding point #3 about PTI's loss of Assembly seats:


He was never going to have a majority anyway, and while we're at it if he continues with the sel-destructive path he is treading on, he will never have a majority and he may never see the halls of power which NS currently commands.

2ndly, If he wants to be PM thats his business....how is that bad? I would prefer it over a tinda who pockets 50% of the country's wealth by hook or crook.

Or do you prefer the other ghadha who pockets 90% and leaves a country of millions to live off 10% ?

Or do you prefer the one who literally begged for British passport ...you know the one who comes on tv to give speech to people forced to sit in and listen and sings in between the speeches or even worse does a redo of some Saas Bahu drama?

Or do you prefer the illiterate bearded buffoons ?? Take your pick and honestly explain how your genius choice would bring "change" and bring reforms
(of course keep in mind bringing reforms doesnt mean giving judges Mercedes, nor does it mean making Punjab police your personal body guard and shooting the civilians and it also doesnt mean keeping getting more loans form an everlasting loop of relying on loans)

So he does want to be PM. It's true. The only reason he's crying us a river and having you parrot his message to sane Pakistanis like me, is because IK wants to be PM. What sad state of affairs.

You prefer IK as PM, sure....but have you cared to ask your Pakistani brethren whether or not they support him? Sure you haven't. Because true to being a PTIan that you are, you are immune to the plight of your fellow Pakistanis. You are so arrogantly opinionated and biased in favour of Imran Khan that you have not for a second stopped and thought of all the chaos that he has brought to this country, of all the harm that he has done. And so you are a PTIan in your entirety.

1stly, his failure was the 1st stone in the ripple to show WHY we need a change ....so if you failed to see that I say go back and read what he actually failed (hint: it is the exactly same thing that you mentioned in your 1st para...only without blind hatred)

For those who didnt understand he failed this: reforms by throwing the system out without working within it to reform it. Something mr.pretzel here just said he isnt doing and then claims he failed it meaning he was trying it...Basically the whole post is automatically flawed!

Clearly your command of the English language and your grasp of IK's antics are both in league with your powers of apprehension right down at the bottom rung of the ladder. Let me explain. You emphasized my post as follows:

"His spectacular failure to seize a historic opportunity to pilot the process of radical electoral reforms (from instituting a fairer caretaker administration to a more transparent, independent, and procedurally efficient election system) through the Parliament proves he is neither a visionary nor even a team player and, as I have sought to show, his politics are politics of the military."

The one thing you should have highlighted you did not. Lol. I'll do it for you.

"His spectacular failure to seize a historic opportunity to pilot the process of radical electoral reforms (from instituting a fairer caretaker administration to a more transparent, independent, and procedurally efficient election system) through the Parliament proves he is neither a visionary nor even a team player and, as I have sought to show, his politics are politics of the military."

Comprende pendejo? No? Let me help you.

He isn't reforming the system from within. Stop. Read it again.

He isn't reforming the system from within. Stop. Ponder. Let's read it again.

He isn't reforming the system from within.

Has it registered yet? It means that despite having made government in KPK, hence being a part of the system, Mr. Khan is still seeking street power to achieve his nefarious designs. Something which TuQ was doing. Which made sense when TuQ did it, because he wasn't part of the national or provincial assemblies, hence not part of the system. Changing the system from within means using the system's tools at your disposal, primarily the law-making authority vested in you by vitrue of the electoral mandate, to reform the system.

Kaptaan is not doing that. He has distanced himself from that and instead wants to rid Pakistan of its present system and in its stead pass a Kaptaan-Law as the constitution and make himself judge, jury and executioner of all on God's green earth.

Does this make sense to you? Probably not. You're PTIan, and a female one at that.

By repeating something doesnt automatically make it true...:tsk:
What really has left him isolated is that those who want to stand next to him will only do so with a % named to them....isnt that what you were crying shouldnt happen? And now you are pointing he is alone? :pop: Either you are just too young to know or your attempt to play with words just showed your hypocrisy + ignorance!

Exactly who did you want to see standing by his side? Other corrupts who cant voice out coz even their corruption would be challenged or other politicians whom many have repeatedly called failures and questioned why they WERE in PTI?

When he did make friends with idiotic souls you lot had a problem when he doesnt wish to make friends with traitors you still have a problem...So basically using common sense we can say that the constant is IK and the problem you have is with him not his ability to make friends!

Exactly who did I want to see standing by his side? Definitely not Sheeda Tulli, TuQ and the Chaudhries. Imran Khan is as disgusting as all the others. Wake up.

If you still havent figured out DESI politics I suggest taking your phobia elsewhere! I am tired of reading paragraphs of ignorance

As it turns out a lot of us happen to be tired of your selfless, feminine devotion to Kaptaan. We get it, he's good-looking but as it turns out he's horrible for us a nation and for our future in the comity of nations.
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Wow. Absolutely wow. The quality and content of your post clearly explains why you're supporting Imran Khan.

Dharnas aren't the change he promised. The change he promised was the removal of Nawaz Sharif, hence the chant Go Nawaz Go. You're clearly an Imran Khan fan. You know even less than him. My post sought to assert that very fact.

What on Earth are you talking about? What rigged elections? There has been no independent investigation into the rigging, save the ECP report released 1 day ago, hence Imran Khan's allegations are exactly that. Hollow rhetoric unsubstantiated by corroborative evidence. Also the ECP report shows possible proof of rigging in only 21 constituencies of 300+. That's not even 6.5%, lol!

Believe it or not woman, the common Pakistani sees through the lies Imran Khan is feeding his select-few disciples among them females like you who appear to be far too lost to his charming good looks, to actually be able to see the corrosive force which he has become.

Shutdown Pakistan?

Does that sound like a patriotic Pakistani or the war-cry of a Jew-loving Indian? Also the 7 million people he keeps citing as his support-base is also void of any substance, because 7 million were the votes he got, and I voted for him. Would I vote for him again? Over my dead body!

So where is his strength? If he doesn't have the support to secure posts of power, then why is he forcing his agenda on us - the people who did not vote him to power. Rigging, you say? Rigging is the reason he is not in power. Lol. Read on:

He was never going to have a majority anyway, and while we're at it if he continues with the sel-destructive path he is treading on, he will never have a majority and he may never see the halls of power which NS currently commands.

So he does want to be PM. It's true. The only reason he's crying us a river and having you parrot his message to sane Pakistanis like me, is because IK wants to be PM. What sad state of affairs.

You prefer IK as PM, sure....but have you cared to ask your Pakistani brethren whether or not they support him? Sure you haven't. Because true to being a PTIan that you are, you are immune to the plight of your fellow Pakistanis. You are so arrogantly opinionated and biased in favour of Imran Khan that you have not for a second stopped and thought of all the chaos that he has brought to this country, of all the harm that he has done. And so you are a PTIan in your entirety.

Clearly your command of the English language and your grasp of IK's antics are both in league with your powers of apprehension right down at the bottom rung of the ladder. Let me explain. You emphasized my post as follows:

The one thing you should have highlighted you did not. Lol. I'll do it for you.

Comprende pendejo? No? Let me help you.

He isn't reforming the system from within. Stop. Read it again.

He isn't reforming the system from within. Stop. Ponder. Let's read it again.

He isn't reforming the system from within.

Has it registered yet? It means that despite having made government in KPK, hence being a part of the system, Mr. Khan is still seeking street power to achieve his nefarious designs. Something which TuQ was doing. Which made sense when TuQ did it, because he wasn't part of the national or provincial assemblies, hence not part of the system. Changing the system from within means using the system's tools at your disposal, primarily the law-making authority vested in you by vitrue of the electoral mandate, to reform the system.

Kaptaan is not doing that. He has distanced himself from that and instead wants to rid Pakistan of its present system and in its stead pass a Kaptaan-Law as the constitution and make himself judge, jury and executioner of all on God's green earth.

Does this make sense to you? Probably not. You're PTIan, and a female one at that.

Exactly who did I want to see standing by his side? Definitely not Sheeda Tulli, TuQ and the Chaudhries. Imran Khan is as disgusting as all the others. Wake up.

As it turns out a lot of us happen to be tired of your selfless, feminine devotion to Kaptaan. We get it, he's good-looking but as it turns out he's horrible for us a nation and for our future in the comity of nations.

This post is full of sexism, racism, anti Semitism and insults. @Jungibaaz Please take a notice of this guy's tone.
This post is full of sexism, racism, anti Semitism and insults. @Jungibaaz Please take a notice of this guy's tone.

Take a look at this champion of Semites and women everywhere.

Its called personalized bashing thats ALL what PMLN goons are capable of!

And what you are doing in the quoted post is called hypocrisy. Care to the read the tone of your initial tirade against me one more time. Got a like reply, and you took it personally. PTIan through and through.
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Wow. Absolutely wow. The quality and content of your post clearly explains why you're supporting Imran Khan.
Apparently truth does hurt and yes my post has more quality and content than a tinda who is a PM and cant speak without a piece of paper...

Dharnas aren't the change he promised. The change he promised was the removal of Nawaz Sharif, hence the chant Go Nawaz Go. You're clearly an Imran Khan fan. You know even less than him. My post sought to assert that very fact.
Well Dharna was basic education which mind you govt forbids on its people so that they get votes in their baskets....Dharnas repeatedly educated the people on the rights and power of their votes....people like you only bash coz either you didnt get educated about people power OR you just like people being "ruled"

What on Earth are you talking about? What rigged elections? There has been no independent investigation into the rigging, save the ECP report released 1 day ago, hence Imran Khan's allegations are exactly that. Hollow rhetoric unsubstantiated by corroborative evidence. Also the ECP report shows possible proof of rigging in only 21 constituencies of 300+. That's not even 6.5%, lol!
Ok this whole post just showed me that yes you dont understand what it means to have FAIR elections...even 1% is a big deal...its called stealing people's mandate!

As for the rigging ...IF you cant call 6% as rigging then I believe you wont even call a 100% as rigging....

Believe it or not woman, the common Pakistani sees through the lies Imran Khan is feeding his select-few disciples among them females like you who appear to be far too lost to his charming good looks, to actually be able to see the corrosive force which he has become.
Lovely, landed at your level already? Sexist ...cant fight like a man so soil the women!

Shutdown Pakistan?

Does that sound like a patriotic Pakistani or the war-cry of a Jew-loving Indian? Also the 7 million people he keeps citing as his support-base is also void of any substance, because 7 million were the votes he got, and I voted for him. Would I vote for him again? Over my dead body!
And we have racism...Fear monger yields this kind of crap ^^

So where is his strength? If he doesn't have the support to secure posts of power, then why is he forcing his agenda on us - the people who did not vote him to power. Rigging, you say? Rigging is the reason he is not in power. Lol. Read on:
This sounds like Kal bhi bhutto zinda hai aaj bhi even though he is son of Zardari :whistle: slave mind!

He was never going to have a majority anyway, and while we're at it if he continues with the sel-destructive path he is treading on, he will never have a majority and he may never see the halls of power which NS currently commands.
You sound like that fox who says the grapes were sour anyway....
NS and power? He has power thanks to people like you who live in denial...

So he does want to be PM. It's true. The only reason he's crying us a river and having you parrot his message to sane Pakistanis like me, is because IK wants to be PM. What sad state of affairs.
Or maybe he is trying to hard to make dead people wake up :tsk:
And what about you parroting a denial msg rigging tou hoi nai on the 1st day and months later yes thori si hoi....Months later yes ringging hui hai ...

You prefer IK as PM, sure....
Did I say that? Stop twisting my words...there is a huge difference between I prefer and I want!
but have you cared to ask your Pakistani brethren whether or not they support him?
Have you cared about where your vote went? Sure you dont ...you are just happy with status quo...GOD HELPS ONLY THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES....why would GOD help people SATISFIED?
Sure you haven't. Because true to being a PTIan that you are, you are immune to the plight of your fellow Pakistanis. You are so arrogantly opinionated and biased in favour of Imran Khan that you have not for a second stopped and thought of all the chaos that he has brought to this country, of all the harm that he has done. And so you are a PTIan in your entirety.
The amount of chaos Zardari brought...Every Pakistani prayed for a saviour when given one they whine why him?

And how am I immune? Personal attack...level 3 accomplished!

Clearly your command of the English language and your grasp of IK's antics are both in league with your powers of apprehension right down at the bottom rung of the ladder. Let me explain. You emphasized my post as follows:
More personal attack @Chak Bamu please do come and give this guy another positive rating!

The one thing you should have highlighted you did not. Lol. I'll do it for you.

Comprende pendejo? No? Let me help you.

He isn't reforming the system from within. Stop. Read it again.

He isn't reforming the system from within. Stop. Ponder. Let's read it again.

He isn't reforming the system from within.
Maybe you have reading difficulties let me help you: His cases in the courts were I dont know just cases undisclosed....so much that it made ECP declare yes we found some rigging from no rigging....

Screaming a lie doesnt mean it will become a truth...You lot wanted him to take the right path he did...and guess what null results ...for Lahore null results ...however within 24 hrs you get the courts releasing a warrant against a want for a change in the system....Yea...reforming happening under PLMN shows the same colours as that under Zardari! Good luck convincing yourself otherwise!

Has it registered yet? It means that despite having made government in KPK, hence being a part of the system, Mr. Khan is still seeking street power to achieve his nefarious designs. Something which TuQ was doing. Which made sense when TuQ did it, because he wasn't part of the national or provincial assemblies, hence not part of the system. Changing the system from within means using the system's tools at your disposal, primarily the law-making authority vested in you by vitrue of the electoral mandate, to reform the system.
People power is street power...this is why you should have gone to the dharnas sober! Coz he was telling you YOUR POWER for change...But yea hopeless people exist in every society!

Many people are part of your dear system yet no one woke up to want a change the only man who does seems to be hated...Obviously he has hit a nerve..

Kaptaan is not doing that. He has distanced himself from that and instead wants to rid Pakistan of its present system and in its stead pass a Kaptaan-Law as the constitution and make himself judge, jury and executioner of all on God's green earth.
Sounds like you want more people ending up like Lahore killings!
Does this make sense to you? Probably not. You're PTIan, and a female one at that.
Talk about sexist! Only from a low lying illiterate can being a female be troublesome if she doesnt support PMLN ..

Exactly who did I want to see standing by his side? Definitely not Sheeda Tulli, TuQ and the Chaudhries. Imran Khan is as disgusting as all the others. Wake up.
You need to wake up and see where NS's money is going...when you do you will not be behaving like a 10 yr old!
As it turns out a lot of us happen to be tired of your selfless, feminine devotion to Kaptaan. We get it, he's good-looking but as it turns out he's horrible for us a nation and for our future in the comity of nations.
Another one for the sexist @Chak Bamu how many positive ratings for this one?

Take a look at this champion of Semites and women everywhere.

And what you are doing in the quoted post is called hypocrisy. Care to the read the tone of your initial tirade against me one more time. Got a like reply, and you took it personally. PTIan through and through.
I didnt point out anything about you being a man or anything about another race! As usual you cant add 2 and 2....You cant stop being racist and sexist, eh?
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Apparently truth does hurt and yes my post has more quality and content than a tinda who is a PM and cant speak without a piece of paper...

Well Dharna was basic education which mind you govt forbids on its people so that they get votes in their baskets....Dharnas repeatedly educated the people on the rights and power of their votes....people like you only bash coz you didnt either you didnt get educated about people power OR you just like people beign "ruled"

Ok this whole post just showed me that yes you dont understand what it means to have FAIR elections...even 1% is a big deal...its called stealing people's mandate!

As for the rigging ...IF you cant call 6% as rigging then I believe you wont even call a 100% as rigging....

Lovely, landed at your level already? Sexist ...cant fight like a man so soil the women!

And we have racism...Fear monger yields this kind of crap ^^

This sounds like Kal bhi bhutto zinda hai aaj bhi even though he is son of Zardari :whistle: slave mind!

You sound like that fox who says the grapes were sour anyway....
NS and power? He has power thanks to people like you who live in denial...

Or maybe he is trying to hard to make dead people wake up :tsk:
And what about you parroting a denial msg rigging tou hoi nai on the 1st day and months later yes thori si hoi....Months later yes ringging hui hai ...

Did I say that? Stop twisting my words...there is a huge difference between I prefer and I want!
Have you cared about where your vote went? Sure you dont ...you are just happy with status quo...GOD HELPS ONLY THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES....why would GOD help people SATISFIED?
The amount of chaos Zardari brought...Every Pakistani prayed for a saviour when given one they whine why him?

And how am I immune? Personal attack...level 3 accomplished!

More personal attack @Chak Bamu please do come and give this guy another positive rating!

Maybe you have reading difficulties let me help you: His cases in the courts were I dont know just cases undisclosed....so much that it made ECP declare yes we found some rigging from no rigging....

Screaming a lie doesnt mean it will become a truth...You lot wanted him to take the right path he did...and guess what null results ...for Lahore null results ...however within 24 hrs you get the courts releasing a warrant against a want for a change in the system....Yea...reforming happening under PLMN shows the same colours as that under Zardari! Good luck convincing yourself otherwise!

People power is street power...this is why you should have gone to the dharnas sober! Coz he was telling you YOUR POWER for change...But yea hopeless people exist in every society!

Many people are part of your dear system yet no one woke up to want a change the only man who does seems to be hated...Obviously he has hit a nerve..

Sounds like you want more people ending up like Lahore killings!
Talk about sexist! Only from a low lying illiterate can being a female be troublesome if she doesnt support PMLN ..

You need to wake up and see where NS's money is going...when you do you will not be behaving like a 10 yr old!
Another one for the sexist @Chak Bamu how many positive ratings for this one?

I didnt point out anything about you being a man or anything about another race! As usual you cant add 2 and 2....You cant stop being racist and sexist, eh?

Stooped to IK's level already? Let me victimize myself and maybe people will take me seriously. Boohoo. Get over it.

Also your post is absolutely devoid of any content, yet again. Bravo.
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Damocrazy !
2 hundered million dollars kick backs ?
How long ?
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Damn you guys do take politics to the heart. But having said that .. no matter what IK must respect the mandate. Changes don't take place suddenly without bloodshed. One has to work hard through years to fight against the system to change it. Just my two cents ... ignore it or reflect on it just don't quote me.
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