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'Shots fired' in Munich shopping centre, Multiple deaths reported at shooting in Munich shopping mal

@SMS Derfflinger @flamer84

I will be waiting for people to find reasons to justify this attack.
I wonder wich muslim countries Germany 'invaded' or 'colonized'.
Interestingly,these people have no arguments and run away as fast as possible when peaceful countries like Germany who invaded nobody,who never really was in the colonial industry gets attacked...
@SMS Derfflinger @flamer84

I will be waiting for people to find reasons to justify this attack.
I wonder wich muslim countries Germany 'invaded' or 'colonized'.
Interestingly,these people have no arguments and run away as fast as possible when peaceful countries like Germany who invaded nobody,who never really was in the colonial industry gets attacked...

This was NOT a terrorist attack. NO connection has been made with ISIS or any other organisaton.

The person was born in Germany and had a grudge against society because of perceived slights against them.

White ethnic Germans have done the same thing in the past as well.

@SMS Derfflinger
peaceful countries like Germany


what a brain fart.. they have the saying "never again" "never again war" but they activly supporting and going to war in many countries for US


he was a iranian with german passport.. born in germany and 18 years old.. it looks like he had a grudge against poor pll getting money from german state.. also against turks.. they cant say if he said something against turks or just germans with wich he had a loud conversation.. someone said that the shooter said "he will kill all foreigners" ..

also some rumors of a woman who said he said allahu akbar..

he seems to be the product of german society.. of lower class in wich it is very normal to be against Turks, Muslims, ppl who get money from state (social care).. etc

and let me say this : if he would be turk or arab than it would be a IS terrorist.. an islamist.. and the shitstorm against turks and immigrands would begin.. but iranians are seen as good or better say as some kind of cousins.. so it was just one psycho..

you can search google, youtube etc for "münchen schießerei video" to see that psycho
I knew of a person here in the West who was of Iranian decent but considered himself Aryan white and Persian and was a member of The Nazi group in college. He thought of himself as a true white Aryan a dependent of Cyrus ... and hated arabs andcislam with a passion. ... there were other Iranians like him.... This shooter could be like him... ???
wonder if our Indian posters have found the Pakistani connection in this one yet?
@Arsalan @Abu Zolfiqar
Shot,,,,, Fired!! Arent these both Pakistani connections already?
Frankly sir, unless we do something to change that image and counter all that propaganda we cannot suppose that the Indians or anyone else would drop it just by themselves. There is not much being done by us as well to counter any of that lame bashing trend!
@SMS Derfflinger @flamer84

I will be waiting for people to find reasons to justify this attack.
I wonder wich muslim countries Germany 'invaded' or 'colonized'.
Interestingly,these people have no arguments and run away as fast as possible when peaceful countries like Germany who invaded nobody,who never really was in the colonial industry gets attacked...

The whole terrorism is a response because x y z country invaded/colonized x y z country in the past is quite stupid.

I mean its the same people that completely ignore the horrific slave trade many Muslim countries and empires engaged in (especially in Africa) over many centuries leading to total figures that make the Holocaust look like a small picnic.....but point fingers at white people (colonial past or not does not matter) and say ULTIMATE EVIL till you go deaf.

Now they have formed a pretty overt alliance with leftists (and their assorted circus of feminists, communists, white guilters/self haters and the other morons like them).

You saw me get banned from this forum for what I said in the Corsica fireman thread regarding some pretty harsh facts and realities, so I will stop saying any more on this particular matter.....but you and I and many others know the problem...and the number is growing (I think).

But people must RISE and demand more be done by their govts. It is your govt, it is accountable to YOU (vous) the citizens....your ancestors shed much blood and sacrificed so much (it makes me shudder to think about it) so you can have this thing called democracy and secular liberalism. And so many of you throw it all away for what? So you can feel that rush of "charity" and some personal moral superiority....because every person is essentially good and thinks the same and should earn the same and BE the same as you no matter what it involves for everyone else....and if you do not agree you are a racist and/or bigot.

For so long people for most part just took it on the chin or think "it won't affect me" and kept quiet. Kept the politically correct atmosphere going and sought to not dwell on some really nagging questions about some really important issues as long as they can watch TV, enjoy the weekend and get a paycheck in some way.

But I see its starting to change, bit by bit....it is really the last chance many western countries have to take firm decisive action. I have hope for a better tomorrow...but I know it will take a long time and more innocent souls will be lost in the process while we get our act together given how much the disease of leftism has permeated for many years.
I knew of a person here in the West who was of Iranian decent but considered himself Aryan white and Persian and was a member of The Nazi group in college. He thought of himself as a true white Aryan a dependent of Cyrus ... and hated arabs andcislam with a passion. ... there were other Iranians like him.... This shooter could be like him... ???

Sounds like he was bullied and couldn't take it more than a politically motivated incident.
An German-Iranian racist psycho. What a world ....

he seems to be the product of german society.. of lower class in wich it is very normal to be against Turks, Muslims, ppl who get money from state (social care).. etc

your stereotypes, realy. Your mindset seems not so far away from his.
I mean its the same people that completely ignore the horrific slave trade many Muslim countries and empires engaged in (especially in Africa) over many centuries leading to total figures that make the Holocaust look like a small picnic.....but point fingers at white people (colonial past or not does not matter) and say ULTIMATE EVIL till you go deaf.

Terrorism is wrong but this gives you away as an anti-Muslim bigot.

Terrorism is wrong but this gives you away as an anti-Muslim bigot.


Watch it, you may learn something.

I dont give a damn what you think I am and the fact you find it funny only speaks more about you.. I have a problem with all religions to a strong degree....Islam included. The main problem for me is Islamic society in practice is somewhat slower than others to introspect and reform (ever since the high water mark of its reform in Baghdad which was crushed by the Mongols most brutally and unfortunately) ....but the basic concept/theory of it as a religion is not all that different from the others but its society has self hindered itself to a large degree for various reasons. It must change in its practical aspects more thoroughly. Until it does, others will increasingly take action in their interaction with its negative aspects in the context of the modern world.

But each individual person (whatever religion they may ascribe to) will always be judged independently by me....there are no absolutes and goodness and virtue can be found everywhere just like badness and depravity.

I talk only about societies in more general terms based on evidence.
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Apparently, he was 18 and born in Germany. To me, that makes him more German than Iranian.

True, I myself , even I love Iran , see myself also more as a german, since i lived the most time over here. Rumors say he had problems in school and was bullied for years..
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