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'Shots fired' in Munich shopping centre, Multiple deaths reported at shooting in Munich shopping mal

he was a psycho.. seems he was under psychiatrically treatment..

Yea, but that doesn't change the fact that he was a german.

Dual national. Iranian.

As I earlier said, he had both nationalities, but he refered to himself as a german. And since not papers but people themselves decide what they are, he was a german.

Another rumor also says that this was one of the motives, he was an outsider, he was bullied as a foreigner..
he had some kind of race problems:

ppl who died in this crazy event..


three known names are all foreigners

also he used a hacked facebook account to lure some ppl to OEC

Yea he aimed mostly for people with an migration background it seems, however I think that is not important, human is human.. It makes me so sad, cannot believe still such things happen.. :(
The police chief of Munich said it was hacked, but obviously it was a fake account and just created a few weeks/months ago.

this event has nothing to do with religion or race. He was just a frustrated psycho.

Ich weiß auch nicht, Gerüchte und Spekulationen sind ja eigentlich nicht angebracht, aber es gibt immer mehr Stimmen, die behaupten, es hinge mit Mobbing zusammen. Einfach schrecklich..
This guy was born in Germany and nothing to do with what Merkel did.

Anyway, why you care so much for countries like Germany since you are an Indian?

I don't live in India anymore, and moreover, we have to travel to different countries, mostly UK, Japan, France and Germany for conferences. Usual things people do while doing PhDs in emerging fields.

Now, every time I'll visit France or Germany, I'll have that subconscious fear of a religious regards paving his way to a sensuous afterlife.
I don't live in India anymore, and moreover, we have to travel to different countries, mostly UK, Japan, France and Germany for conferences. Usual things people do while doing PhDs in emerging fields.

Now, every time I'll visit France or Germany, I'll have that subconscious fear of a religious regards paving his way to a sensuous afterlife.

You seriously doing PhD and you are worried about getting killed in a random act of terrorism/mass killer?

The chances of you dying on a plane to fly to Europe is far, far greater than being killed by an act of terrorism/mass killing. Trust me and spend your time worrying about sometime else.
You seriously doing PhD and you are worried about getting killed in a random act of terrorism/mass killer?

The chances of you dying on a plane to fly to Europe is far, far greater than being killed by an act of terrorism/mass killing. Trust me and spend your time worrying about sometime else.

I was also afraid of flying, it took me many flights to get accustomed to it. Still mid air turbulence scares the **** out of me.

I'm also scared of mass gun shooting in US.
You seriously doing PhD and you are worried about getting killed in a random act of terrorism/mass killer?

The chances of you dying on a plane to fly to Europe is far, far greater than being killed by an act of terrorism/mass killing. Trust me and spend your time worrying about sometime else.

I was also afraid of flying, it took me many flights to get accustomed to it. Still mid air turbulence scares the **** out of me.

I'm also scared of mass gun shooting in US.

Well, the more you know, the more you have to be scared of.

When I was a kid I was afraid of nothing, because I didn't know about anything. Like they say, ignorance is bliss, and it really was bliss. Now I've got concerns out the @ss.
May the victims rest in peace,i guess in a sense,the perpetrator was also a victim.
Condolances to all the victim's families. RIP. Such events are tragic and barabaric. We should entirely and absolutely condemn them.

That said, after hearing the news I was like "it better had not be a British-Pakistani". Followed by "it better not be a Pakistani". Then followed by "it better not be some rootless itinerant who has ever touched his feet in Pakistan". Since all the boxes confirmed negative I was "wow. Relief".

And to those of nervous disposition, mentally challanged or just plain rabble rousers please relax. In UK we had the following deaths last year.

*655 died from stairs and steps
*1,523 through accidental poisioning
*808 car driver/passenger
*237 exposure to smoke
*96 cyclists


Please keep safety in mind at all times. Buy a bungalow so your home has no steps. Sell your car and never travel in a car. Never ride a bike. Throw everything out in your home that might be combustible or liable to burn and give off smoke. Everything should be metal, concrete including your bed. Get rid of medicines, washing up liquids, bleaches and or other chemicals.

Have a safe, happy life !!!
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Yea, but that doesn't change the fact that he was a german.
Does a Black become Chinese if he moves to China? No, of course not. Similarly German citizenship doesn't make one a "German" in the ethnic sense of the term.
Munich murderer, 18, 'had a picture of mass killer Anders Breivik as his WhatsApp profile' as police probe 'obvious link between two'
  • Anders Breivik killed 77 people on July 22 2011 in Norway massacre
  • He exploded a car bomb in Oslo before gunning down 69 on Utoya island
  • Police say there is a 'link' between killer Ali David Sonboly and Breivik
  • Sonboly used an image of Breivik as his WhatsApp profile picture

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ice-probe-obvious-link-two.html#ixzz4F1Wa7sbY
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Emerging facts on the killer who targeted teenagers in a shooting spree in Munich paints the picture of a sad loner who fantasised about getting back at the world he hated.

Classmates today told how Sonboly, 18, had no qualifications and was bullied by 'Turkish and Arabic' students at school.

Battling an inferiority complex, he was 'obsessed' with computer games and would call himself names like 'Psycho' and 'God like'.

On online chat rooms, he threatened other users, until he was eventually banned.

A classmate said he had very few friends at school and during a row a few months ago, he warned 'I will kill you all'.

Tovero Evo, 32, who lived in the same block of flats, said: 'He was always by himself, I have never seen him with boys or girls.'

Police described him as 'deranged' and said he may have been seeking psychological treatment.

When they raided his parents house last night, they found a book on school massacres called Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters.

It contained information on the infamous Columbine High School massacre in the US, in which students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 pupils and a teacher.

There were reams of paper on Tim Kretschmer, 17, who killed 15 people at a school in Winnenden, southern Germany, in 2009. Police said he 'admired' the killer.

They also found research on Erfurt massacre in April 2002, in which Robert Steinhauser, 19, killed 13 teachers, two pupils and a policeman before committing suicide.

He was said to be getting revenge after a challenging time at school.
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If this would have happened about 15 years ago, we wouldn`t have this discussion now. This rampage had been mentioned in connection with Erfurt or Winnenden not islamic terror... but we live in times in the here and now and the Iranian origin of the young makes the whole thing to politkum instead to take a look at it illness.

Does a Black become Chinese if he moves to China? No, of course not. Similarly German citizenship doesn't make one a "German" in the ethnic sense of the term.
Jein, if someone is born is this country and he lost his soul for his homeland, who i`m to deny him this?
But on the other side, we have many migrants especially from islamic countries who, regardless of their place of birth and german citizenship, still claiming to be Moroccans, turks or even Iranian.
At all this dual citizenship is on of the greatest jokes, either you are German or Iranian, but not both.

@Timur What`s your problem with Germany?
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