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'Shots fired' in Munich shopping centre, Multiple deaths reported at shooting in Munich shopping mal

Guys..no one knows the identity of the attackers..why are we again pointing toward a Muslim people as the attackers...Is it not a biased opinion????...

Due to these nutheads, even some genuine concern from Muslim world gets bad name...Be it Palestine, Iraq misadventure by the West are not visible when some nuthead suicide attackers..just blow themselves up in the middle of the crowd...
Guys..no one knows the identity of the attackers..why are we again pointing toward a Muslim people as the attackers...Is it not a biased opinion????...

Due to these nutheads, even some genuine concern from Muslim world gets bad name...Be it Palestine, Iraq misadventure by the West are not visible when some nuthead suicide attackers..just blow themselves up in the middle of the crowd...
It's based on probability and bias formed based on recent events...
And he is not a Pakistani.


And he is not a muslim either.

Double booooo for you.


Definitely a disappointing moment for these guys. No Pakistan or Islam bashing on a tragic event.

On the contrary the one killed had reportedly been identified as German with Neo Nazi ideology.




Also the balloon of the attacker of Wuerzburg being Pakistan and not Afghani has been blown off as they are reporting him to be Afghani.


So now shud I blame RSS and then India for this recent attack as Neo Nazi groups and RSS have strong aspirations for each other esp the Ideology?



http://indianterrorism.bravepages.com/fascism as hindutva.htm

Condolences to the families of departed ones.
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Who cares if he is an Islamist or a German Neonazi. ISIS has taken responsibility
This does not seems to be an act of terrorism. Gunman will soon be classified as mentally disturbed (using american classification)
He was a 18 years old german-iranian.

It's confusing though. He was shouting anti-immigrant slurs making him right wing white terrorist. If Iranian then can't be ISIS.

A 15 year old girl died and some other children were also targeted. My heart goes out to all victims and their family. Praying for a speedy recovery for those in hospital.
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It's confusing though. He was shouting anti-immigrant slurs making him right wing white terrorist. If Iranian then can't be ISIS..

There is a video in which he acts very weird. He seems confused and gets involved with a civilian that insults him as an immigrant and they start a dialouge in which he claims to be german and being born in germany, he also shouts "f... turks" and claims that he was in a stationary treatment in Giesing (like he would try to justify himself. Seems he was mentally sick. After he got insulted further he starts shooting again.

It's confusing though. He was shouting anti-immigrant slurs making him right wing white terrorist. If Iranian then can't be ISIS.

A 15 year old girl died and some other children were also targeted. My heart goes with all victims and their family. Praying for a speedy recovery for those in hospital.

So it turns out he was just an immigrant kid with mental issues. I hate reddit but sometimes they are on the ball more than old-media and they have a pretty good account of what happened:


Someone recorded a conversation between the shooter and some local German guy while the shooter stopped on the rooftop of a building and redditers translated it. The kid was basically explaining that he's doing this because he'd been bullied throughout school and he's been in psychiatric care etc. The German guy came back by shouting insults and racial epithets against immigrants. That's where the confusion about the shooter being a neo-Nazi came from. The kid was a muslim but it doesn't seem to be ISIS/terror related.

What he did is indefensible but I do feel a little bit of empathy for the kid. Seems like he'd been isolated and bullied the whole time he was in Germany because he was different. Some redditers are even suggesting he failed his high school exams whose results came out today. I guess all those things just added up and he finally snapped.
Shooter was confirmed of 18 Year old German Iranian citizen.

There was not 3 attacker .He was lone attacker and later he commit suicide.
And if it was upto you,you would have let these 'some million people' roast in the hell holes.
It's not about Germany.Western violence never differentiates b/w the innocent and the terrorist.How do you expect the violence from ISIS to differentiate !
You just proved how one group can be so thankless.
I have some sympathy with this Iranian lad. He does not look like a terrorist to me.

Problem with Europe is that some of them are still living in the colonial period .
Problem with Europe is that some of them are still living in the colonial period .

In Germany? With our big experience in colonial buiness...yeah!
How it comes, everytime someone with arabian/african/me background failed in our society, it`s our fault, we are not doing enough. But in the land of the free, when it happens, yeah, then it was an accident, because America makes everything right. We are spending billions for this bs of integretation and they are still don`t make it...but we are responsible.
If you are not able to adopt our way of living then f...stay away from us!

If someone is really interested, i can show him, what we are doing to integrate this a..holes and if then are saying it isn`t enough...so it be.
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