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'Shots fired' in Munich shopping centre, Multiple deaths reported at shooting in Munich shopping mal

Stratfor ‏@Stratfor
Munich police press conf: Were at least 3 shooters carrying “Langwaffen” (larger than handguns). Not officially calling it terror attack.

Weird...it's not an armed robbery...it wasn't 1 'crazy', 'deranged individual' - it was a group of people attacking in a coordinated manner. It's obviously a terror attack. It might not be an act of Islamic Terrorism - but it is without doubt Terrorism.
are you sure about that?

show links or give source of this claim

The video where the shooter is speaking, he sounds like a native German. There are also reports that he said stuff against Turks and foreigners. The major Germany news channels are reporting this as a mass shooting and suspecting right wing terror.
After living in the West...
Yup Yup. Ban me If you want. Ban me for speaking the fucking truth.

ohh, yet we are in a situation where you get the wine and cheese, too, great hero, who speaking the truth from your warm couch, hmm...probably with a glas wine in the hand...

The video is confusing, the old man is the entire time shouting his version of "s... foreigner", and the other guy is answering in clear German without dialect, at least he is surely born in Germany.
ohh, yet we are in a situation where you get the wine and cheese, too, great hero, who speaking the truth from your warm couch, hmm...probably with a glas wine in the hand...

How many babies will you people kill before feeling any sense of guilt? Are we the animals, or maybe the truth is that you are truly the animals.
Now the locals are also going nuts.

Why would any sane person do this ever?!!
How many babies will you people kill before feeling any sense of guilt? Are we the animals, or maybe the truth is that you are truly the animals.
And what are you doing against this? Are you joining the armed forces of you country, what pakistan?, or will you canditate for the parliament or will you pray, do you have at least the balls to bomb yourself somewhere in the air, couchpotato?

They dont like immigrants...
We don`t like immigrants who behave like a..holes, that`s all...
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Poor Euros. After fucking with every country around the globe, they receive a hand full of dead and want to start crying rivers.

On a personal level, I grieve with the families.

On another note, you rabid Euros have killed so many thousands of people, that you are getting a taste of your own medicine. Not a good feeling is it?

That's why I'm an advocate of peace.

But, I don't feel for you people. I have been desensitized not to. You pasty Euros kill our peoples in droves. While you sip on your wine and eat your stinky cheese; families and houses get destroyed here in my country. It shouldn't be a surprise that we don't hold any sympathy for you people. We only connect with those that lost their lives, and their loved ones.

After living in the West, I've realized one thing. As long as it's not one of your own, you don't care. But If it's one of ours, you celebrate and ignore humanity.

Yup Yup. Ban me If you want. Ban me for speaking the fucking truth.
take it easy.. the feeling is same .. no one is going to ban you

just be mindful of the innocent deaths.. lets NOT become THEM.. then we loose right to complain.

I had an interesting conversation with a white woman who seemed to have woken up in current century by asking me how a human being can plough though people with a truck (nice attack)... I said yea it is tragic but not the first time.. then I gave her examples of Appache gunfootage of mowing down civilians in streets and children in a school van including an AFP journalist also mentioned her the American kill teams that collected teeth and fingers of their victims (including 6 to 10 year old Afghans) they even have their smiling pictures with the dead corpses.... she just immediately shut up and didnt want to talk to me. I finished her off by saying that these subhuman have just reached the west now.. thats the difference,.

remember that gay Afghan mass murderer? yes he was gay and butthurt (lol) that his mexican lovers had given him AIDS.. so he killed them.. no .... the point is.... he was member of Blackwater (G4S).. he must have killed many Afghans or Iraqis while working as an American contractor.. but in the end ... he turned his guns on his gay American lovers .. tragic
Seems like the dormant neo-nazi has re - found their mojo.

Neo-nazi... the twin brothers of khawaarji ISIS
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