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'Shots fired' in Munich shopping centre, Multiple deaths reported at shooting in Munich shopping mal

Here is footage, of one of the shooter, he is seen walking near mcdonalds then opening fire on random people taking a walk in the city center:

He is using hand gun, not graphic but sounds might disturb some.
This is not an islamist attack. looks more like 3 retarded german Neonazis
stop sending crazys to kaafir land to fulfil your wet dream of caliphate & everything will automatically stop
i am not sending anyone nor do i have dreams about attacking anyone
No ones sending them. They're going themselves out of the desire for revenge.

Take revenge for what? What did Germany do besides arm Kurds in Iraq? They are part of anti-ISIS coalition but rarely take part. So are these people upset the people of Mosul under attack(not much btw, it's still somewhat safe)? Then what makes them think attacking random German civilians or police or military for that matter, that have nothing to do with it, going to achieve? They should go take this up to the governments of the region, who care much less than they do, about anyone in the region. Before they take out on people who have to deal with incompetent governments, that the locals support to an extent.
'Gunman shouted "f***ing foreigners" before firing shots'

One of the gunmen screamed “Scheiß Ausländer” meaning “f***ing foreigners”, it’s been reported.

The man was heard shouting the racial slur, according to Bild.de.

There is also reports that a video has been shared of an apparent shooter shouting “I am German”.
Daily MirrorVerified account ‏@DailyMirror 6m6 minutes ago
'#Munich gunman shouted "f***ing foreigners" before firing shots'

Well if this is true, same concept, they are upset at migrants, in same way some Muslims upset at Westerners, but instead of taking it up with the governments representing them, or the power structure around the globe, they take it out on ordinary people among each other. So the people have legitimate concerns, if they don't want migrants, that's none of anyone's business, it is their right to have such position, but the people exercising concerns in wrong manner.

But, honestly, sometimes I don't blame, the governments are ignoring the people. This is something Arabs are used to(by our governments), but not something Europeans used to. If Europeans are now being ignored, and taking matters into their own hands, then this beginning of new era.

Of course if it is white shooters, you white-haters are going to make such a big deal out of it, and be very racist towards whites, even though it is isolated incident. And you're going to pretend like you're better people. I'm not in no mood to hear Muslim FB friends go on rants against white people, make pro-BLM and pro-Syrian terrorist opposition sentiments, like the idiots that they are, and of course pro-Israel nonsense from them too.

The white hating media will make a big scene out of this, and tell the Europeans they must be punished and bring hundreds thousands more migrants, and keep supporting terrorists in Syria to topple the government, and keep tax money and free submarines to Israel ... :angry:
read my Post. They look like german Neonazis ... they speak like german neonazis ... they are ...

That's a pretty white looking dude...but then again, he could be North African. As a couple of German posters have indicated...Neo Nazi groups are a possibility here.

Shooter in Norway was upset about immigrants and the liberals enabling them - but he ended up killing almost exclusively 'native' Norwegians. This could be a similar thing.
Take revenge for what? What did Germany do besides arm Kurds in Iraq? They are part of anti-ISIS coalition but rarely take part. So are these people upset the people of Mosul under attack(not much btw, it's still somewhat safe)? Then what makes them think attacking random German civilians or police or military for that matter, that have nothing to do with it, going to achieve? They should go take this up to the governments of the region, who care much less than they do, about anyone in the region. Before they take out on people who have to deal with incompetent governments, that the locals support to an extent.

They don't care for an individual country. They see the west as a whole as to blame. It's a shame really. If these people actually wanted to inflict damage in the ones causing the root cause to suffering in these countries they would go after gulf Arabs.
They don't care for an individual country. They see the west as a whole as to blame. It's a shame really. If these people actually wanted to inflict damage in the ones causing the root cause to suffering in these countries they would go after gulf Arabs.

They would reform every government in region, not attack people and start something which won't end without a civil war. Anyway, it doesn't appear to be Muslim shooters. It is something else. Which is sad and isolated, but I know the media will make enormous deal out of it....
3.5mil muslims in the US.

50mil Muslims in Europe and that's excluding Turkey.

The US is not perfect...but, assimilation is a lot better than in Europe. There are no muslim ghettos in the US, as opposed to what we see in places like France.

Are you kidding me, i think the US get their share this year, too...?
Are you kidding me, i think the US get their share this year, too...?
Umm...I'm well aware the US has had it's share of Islamic Terrorism. But, despite Donald Trump and his anti muslim rhetoric...the situation on the ground between Muslims and the average American is a lot different to what it is in parts of Europe right now.

We all know of the problems France is facing - rising extremism (how many attacks in France in the last 18-24 months?) and that's being countered by right wing extremists like Marie Le Pen. Belgium has also had issues. Germany was immune, but the close to million Muslim refugees Germany has taken in has created tension.

What do we think the reason for Brexit was? Posters all over England saying 76mil Turks will join EU...Brexit supporters saying this will control immigration (of course the idiots failed to realise, this will restrict european immigration, not immigration from the rest of the world lol)
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