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Shortage of mosques in France

Hey europeans

Guess what, prophet Jesus was/is Syrian. How about go get your own prophet ?? Why hog the one from middle east since you hate middle east so much eh ???

Maybe create/make yiur own white european prophet?? 😂
What are you even talking about?
That also means losing a huge part of income.
Not necessarily. It is due to western worlds that caused the collapse of Ottoman Empire which Middle East back then was at stable position with thriving economy.

It is western worlds that went after Middle East and India - not the other way around.
A lot of Muslims in France, not so much in KSA. If you said that about, say Pakistan, then I'd probably agree.

What a childish comment.
How does that make sense? That's an even worse statement.
There is no shortage of churches in Pakistan, neither are they restricted in following their cultural or otherwise practices.
Your post is not so mature.

Saudi Arabia is not France.
France is secular country, We have churches In Pakistan? This forum is PDF ( P for Pakistan) .

We have Churches in all the countries that the French invaded and colonised ?

Muslim are openly discriminated against in France.
This is one of the tools they use to persecute them.

You should be ashamed of your response.
Sell out Muslims are part of the problem.
You no longer allow construction of churches or temples after the rule of Zia ul haq.
You no longer allow construction of churches or temples after the rule of Zia ul haq.
So the recent construction of a church in Islamabad is all in everyone's imagination...
People like you only exist because you were a mistake
WTF you are talking about sanhghi??

So the recent construction of a church in Islamabad is all in everyone's imagination...
People like you only exist because you were a mistake

Here you go..! Enjoy...!
France - a secular republic
Saudi Arabia - an Islamic republic

Number of Muslims in France: 3,350,000 (2019)

Number of Christians in Saudi Arabia: 1,800,000

And you must also consider the ratio of practising Muslims and Christians within those populations respectively, which will likely be heavily unbalanced

Spot on
Not necessarily. It is due to western worlds that caused the collapse of Ottoman Empire which Middle East back then was at stable position with thriving economy.

It is western worlds that went after Middle East and India - not the other way around.
Ah ErtuÄŸrul fan...ok.
Their should be no regulations when it comes to building places of worship thus no need for regulations, approvals etc

Only thing they should need is a state sponsored Imam
Building mosques is not mentioned nor is Hadith-based ritual prayer mandated in the Quran. Most "Muslim practices" are derived from man-made hadiths which are quite different from Quranic teachings.
Maybe I don't want islam to expand even more in France? It's usually Saudis who nag and complain about "lack of mosques" in Europe or USA.

Just out of pure curiosity from where did you invent/read/make such a conclusion?

How many Saudi Arabians or rich Arabs (Arabians) have engaged in terror in Europe? I don't think that you can even count 1. Despite millions of such Arab tourists in Europe. I have been in Spain, Italy, France, Greece, UK, Germany etc. and in most tourist hotspots I always see Saudi Arabian/Arab tourists from entire families to just young males to even females that are out alone shopping in London, Paris, Berlin etc.

Not once have I heard about any such claims. Even more so when there are mosques in most of those places.

But speaking about this topic, I have seen quite a few Youtube clips from American Evangelical Christians to European Christians and others complaining about why there are no mosques in KSA.

And once again, it is not the problem of non-Europeans that Europeans themselves embraced secularism and discounted religion. If not for mosques in Scandinavia for instance, aside from a few churches half-full during holidays, almost nobody in those societies would even worship God or attend places of worship. Instead many people (youngsters in particular) are worshipping "social media stars".:lol:

As for Arab money supporting mosques in Europe/West, I know the procedure behind this. Wealthy/rich/or people collecting money in those rich Arab countries are sending money to local Muslims in the West and their community (sending money to Muslim communities in non-Muslim nations are seen as a great deed in Islam - that money is spend on mosques, education, hospitals/Islamic schools and other institutions run by local Muslims who then spend that money how they please and appoint their own local clerics etc.

Every mosque in Europe/West is almost always funded by Arabs and secondary Turks. Whether local or outside support.

During my years in KSA (10 + years) I never met any extremist/so-called "Wahhabi" but in Europe many people (despite growing up in Europe) have beliefs that are not common in the Middle East and most of the extremism that they expose, are due to lack of integration, personal/economic/social problems and all of them use Islam as an escape goat. Which is why almost all terrorists/radicals in Europe have a criminal background. Also why the per capita quota of extremists/radicals/misguided people from Europe (European Muslims) is way higher than Middle Eastern Muslims regardless of country.
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Hey europeans

Guess what, prophet Jesus was/is Syrian. How about go get your own prophet ?? Why hog the one from middle east since you hate middle east so much eh ???

Maybe create/make yiur own white european prophet?? 😂

Jesus aka Yeshua aka Isa could have easily been white considering the white features of modern medditernian Arabs. According to a Russian source many of them have post Proto-Eurasian genes from the Pontic region which explains why so many of them have white features.

Besides we Pakistanis recognize prophets who were Semitic, unlike us whom are majority indo-Iranic. None of our ethnic or linguistic groups are Semitic. So your argument makes no sense.
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