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Shortage of mosques in France

Building mosques is not mentioned nor is Hadith-based ritual prayer mandated in the Quran. Most "Muslim practices" are derived from man-made hadiths which are quite different from Quranic teachings.
One word to describe you

And once again, it is not the problem of non-Europeans that Europeans themselves embraced secularism and discounted religion.
That's a big problem in modern Western societies now,but I still want to see a return to Christian values and tradition, just like before the fall of the monarchy
That's a big problem in modern Western societies now,but I still want to see a return to Christian values and tradition, just like before the fall of the monarchy

How,, most here have abandoned xtianity, morality has gone down the pan, churches are empty

LGBT propaganda is hammered into the minds of children and teenagers confusing the little fcukers to no end

It's only Muslims left trying to be faithful
That's a big problem in modern Western societies now,but I still want to see a return to Christian values and tradition, just like before the fall of the monarchy
Christian west is all but dead.
They only want gay rights. Notjing else matters.
Jesus aka Yeshua aka Isa could have easily been white considering the white features of modern medditernian Arabs. According to a Russian source many of them have post Proto-Eurasian genes from the Pontic region which explains why so many of them have white features.

Besides we Pakistanis recognize prophets who were Semitic, unlike us whom are majority indo-Iranic. None of our ethnic or linguistic groups are Semitic. So your argument makes no sense.

A common misunderstanding is the idea of so-called "European" features in Middle Eastern people/Semitic people and for that matter Indo-Iranian and Indo-Aryan peoples of West Asia and South Asia (Pakistan mainly here) are some kind of imaginary "European influence" while this is not correct.

It is the other way around. Most Europeans are descendents of Middle Eastern Neolithic peoples native to the Arab world, Turkey (Anatolia). The other large wave were the Indo-European nomadic migration from what is modern-day Southern Russia/Northern Caucasus/Central Asia. Not Europe in other words too.

Also the gene for light skin/blue/green eyes is a genetic mutation that originated in the Middle East, not Europe.

Studies have suggested that the two genes most associated with lighter skin colour in modern Europeans originated in the Middle East and the Caucasus about 22,000 to 28,000 years ago, and were present in Anatolia by 9000 years ago, where their carriers became associated with the Neolithic Revolution and the spread of agriculture.

Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10,000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East, claims study​

So let us end this ignorance once and for all.

Which is why you to this day can find green eyed and red/ginger Bedouin in the middle of Arabia and Kalash people in northern Pakistan in places where there was never any European migrations or presence.

Similarly with the myth of Levantine Arabs (vast, vast majority of them have dark eyes and dark hair) that don't have such features are some kind of remnants of Europeans. Nonsense. Those are ancient local features.

Which also explains why many famous Islamic personalities from the early days of Islam (Arabs/Arabians from modern-day KSA/Arabia) were described as pale/fair-skinned and even Prophet Muhammad (saws) was described as a person with ginger/reddish beard.

Anyway this is all irrelevant, I consider olive skin people to be the best looking by far, but just some historical/DNA/genetic facts here as I continue to see such misguided/false claims online about this topic.

That's a big problem in modern Western societies now,but I still want to see a return to Christian values and tradition, just like before the fall of the monarchy

I as a Muslim support this myself. I want Christianity, as a fellow Abrahamic religion with much commonalities with Islam (core tenants are very similar) as well as Judaism, to not die out among its followers but to regain their position in the societies. I think that this could create a better understanding between Muslims and the average European (people of God tend to have more in common than the opposite in particular in this day and age). Even the likes of Jordan Peterson and most of his followers have realized this.

Anyway my theory is that this lack of identity/connection with the past/lack of religion, is the main cause for the rootlessness and the spread of depression/anxiety/lack of purpose in the West and all the cultural filth that the West/USA is exporting to the rest of the world.

For instance, sadly, the average young Westerner can name some useless "social media influencer" in their sleep but they would struggle to mention the recent Noble Prize winners in say physics or chemistry.

Not only a Western problem BTW. Common in Pakistan too.

That's a big problem in modern Western societies now,but I still want to see a return to Christian values and tradition, just like before the fall of the monarchy

BTW Folnikas, are you familiar with Crete? If so, any areas of Crete that you could recommend? Preferably the more authentic (Cretan experience) the better and the less tourists the better. So naturally I am thinking about the inland (villages there) and in terms of coastline some more remote vilages/small towns in the south of Crete.
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How,, most here have abandoned xtianity, morality has gone down the pan, churches are empty

LGBT propaganda is hammered into the minds of children and teenagers confusing the little fcukers to no end

It's only Muslims left trying to be faithful
There are faithful people both in Orthodox and Catholic countries. Who try to keep the faith and preserve the traditions.
BTW Folnikas, are you familiar with Crete? If so, any areas of Crete that you could recommend? Preferably the more authentic (Cretan experience) the better and the less tourists the better. So naturally I am thinking about the inland (villages there) and in terms of coastline some more remote vilages/small towns in the south of Crete.
The more authentic? Less tourists? Oh boy,I don't know if you wanna go to those parts. These are usually the mountainous villages and towns,but many don't like foreigners snooping around. Generally,the island and the people are very welcoming and extremely giving,but some places,some villages are notoriously "closed" societies. I've been to mainstream places like Chania for example,but that's just at the coast.

Be sure to visit Knosos though and if you can,the museum of the Battle of Crete. Since you guys don't eat pork,you might find lots of delicious lamb meat there. They also have excellent cheese, olive oil and green salads.

Btw,I suggest you google "Zoniana" and check Wikipedia or videos 😋
There are faithful people both in Orthodox and Catholic countries. Who try to keep the faith and preserve the traditions.

Have you not noticed how insane the leftists/liberals/atheists/LGBT/1000 new genders crowd (in general) in the West and elsewhere have become to the point that they want the entire world to adopt their ideas?

If you don't adhere to their messed up ideas and their crusade against traditionalism (which is what it is), you are deemed as all kind of nonsense tags.

It is a huge problem. I cringe when non-Western, whether rich or poor countries, are adopting the bad elements of Western culture today, because they think that everything that is Western is great even when that is not the case.

Western scientific progress in the past 500 years, critical thinking and a healthy degree of free speech and other elements are all praiseworthy and reason to learn from, but there is a lot of nonsense as well. In particular originally coming from the US. Many of such influences are evident for any person of faith and traditionalist/conservative/nationalist (blanket categorizations I know but most people on the right adhere to those beliefs) regardless where they are located.
Maybe I don't want islam to expand even more in France? It's usually Saudis who nag and complain about "lack of mosques" in Europe or USA.
Theres no maybe, you don't want it to expand as you hate Islam.

Often the mask slips from muslim haters like you.

Islam expands in France because people convert and the immigrants needed by France are mainly Muslim and they have a
family structure so they are the ones having kids.

You hate Muslims and want to see them persecuted and driven out of Europe.
I have read many of your past posts, your a nasty piece of work.
The more hate you throw at us Muslims, the more you will regret it, this will come back to haunt you.

The west is dying and Greece in particular is dying, Greece is kept afloat by German money.
Situations can quickly change, the modern geopolitical landscape is changing fast.
If Turkey goes to war with you, Many muslims will volunteer for Turkey because of Greeks like you, so will I.
Not many westerns will fight for Greece.
The more authentic? Less tourists? Oh boy,I don't know if you wanna go to those parts. These are usually the mountainous villages and towns,but many don't like foreigners snooping around. Generally,the island and the people are very welcoming and extremely giving,but some places,some villages are notoriously "closed" societies. I've been to mainstream places like Chania for example,but that's just at the coast.

Be sure to visit Knosos though and if you can,the museum of the Battle of Crete. Since you guys don't eat pork,you might find lots of delicious lamb meat there. They also have excellent cheese, olive oil and green salads.

Btw,I suggest you google "Zoniana" and check Wikipedia or videos 😋

Thank you for your reply. My impression was also that the mountain villages are the most authentic. Similar to Cyprus from my experience.

From what I understand, Crete is the cradle of the Minoans which is regarded as the oldest Greek/European civilization/high culture. I always found Crete interesting due to its location, history, landscapes, food and close proximity to the Middle East/Arab world. Even the Arabs had a presence there long prior to the Turks.

In a way, without knowing it as I have never visited Crete, it would probably have many similarities with Sicily on some fronts.

Lamb and mutton is always a great feast if done correctly:D

Speaking about foods, I have heard good things about Cretan cuisine.

The more authentic? Less tourists? Oh boy,I don't know if you wanna go to those parts. These are usually the mountainous villages and towns,but many don't like foreigners snooping around. Generally,the island and the people are very welcoming and extremely giving,but some places,some villages are notoriously "closed" societies. I've been to mainstream places like Chania for example,but that's just at the coast.

Be sure to visit Knosos though and if you can,the museum of the Battle of Crete. Since you guys don't eat pork,you might find lots of delicious lamb meat there. They also have excellent cheese, olive oil and green salads.

Btw,I suggest you google "Zoniana" and check Wikipedia or videos 😋
I would recommend Turkey over Greece for a holiday.
Some Greeks are ok, many are like you and to be avoided. No muslim should spend their money in Greece.
The Turks are more friendly and always show love to the Pakistani diaspora.
There are faithful people both in Orthodox and Catholic countries. Who try to keep the faith and preserve the traditions.
Christianity is on the decline in Europe, in particular western Europe.
The Churches are empty in Europe, the Mosques are all packed.

The west is seeing Christianity decline and homosexuality rise, trans / non binary rise rapidly and
working women childless at 45 is now the norm.
The whole of the west will need millions of immigrants to keep their economies going,
The west had this coming.
I would recommend Turkey over Greece for a holiday.
Some Greeks are ok, many are like you and to be avoided. No muslim should spend their money in Greece.
The Turks are more friendly and always show love to the Pakistani diaspora.

The world does not work like that. It amounts to saying that all English Pakistanis are pedos or terrorists. Blanket generalizations are always idiotic and are best avoided.

There are plenty of Muslim tourists in Greece and even Pakistanis in Greece (sadly from what I hear many of them are not really doing Pakistan a favour by their acts) and frankly speaking, it makes no sense for Pakistanis based in the West, to point fingers at Muslims in Europe visiting European countries.

BTW, Turkey is a great holiday spot too and I have visited Turkey several times but I am yet to visit Crete and much of Greece. When I travel, I travel for the sake of travelling and I try to leave politics aside. Besides every country has bad apples, whether Turkey, Greece, Pakistan or any other country.

Also sorry to disappoint you, but there are many secular/atheist Turks who dislike Pakistanis, Afghans, Arabs, Iranians etc. and don't want them around and they would probably prefer a Greek.

Christianity is on the decline in Europe, in particular western Europe.
The Churches are empty in Europe, the Mosques are all packed.

The west is seeing Christianity decline and homosexuality rise, trans / non binary rise rapidly and
working women childless at 45 is now the norm.
The whole of the west will need millions of immigrants to keep their economies going,
The west had this coming.

Many mosques are empty in Europe as well. A huge amount of Muslims in Europe are just Muslims in name. Many are in fact making a mockery out of Islam by their non-Islamic behaviour. We can't generalize because the Muslim and Pakistani community in the West has its own problems and hypocrisy like anywhere else.

Having said that, the current insanity from the leftists/liberals/atheists/LGBT/1000 different genders crowd is mostly a Western thing/invention indeed and should be called out.
The world does not work like that. It amounts to saying that all English Pakistanis are pedos or terrorists. Blanket generalizations are always idiotic and are best avoided.

There are plenty of Muslim tourists in Greece and even Pakistanis in Greece (sadly from what I hear many of them are not really doing Pakistan a favour by their acts) and frankly speaking, it makes no sense for Pakistanis based in the West, to point fingers at Muslims in Europe visiting European countries.

BTW, Turkey is a great holiday spot too and I have visited Turkey several times but I am yet to visit Crete and much of Greece. When I travel, I travel for the sake of travelling and I try to leave politics aside. Besides every country has bad apples, whether Turkey, Greece, Pakistan or any other country.

Also sorry to disappoint you, but there are many secular/atheist Turks who dislike Pakistanis, Afghans, Arabs, Iranians etc. and don't want them around and they would probably prefer a Greek.

Many mosques are empty in Europe as well. A huge amount of Muslims in Europe are just Muslims in name. Many are in fact making a mockery out of Islam by their non-Islamic behaviour. We can't generalize because the Muslim and Pakistani community in the West has its own problems and hypocrisy like anywhere else.

Having said that, the current insanity from the leftists/liberals/atheists/LGBT/1000 different genders crowd is mostly a Western thing/invention indeed and should be called out.
" (sadly from what I hear many of them are not really doing Pakistan a favour by their acts) "
I thought you said "Blanket generalizations are always idiotic and are best avoided."?

it makes no sense for Pakistanis based in the West, to point fingers at Muslims in Europe visiting European countries.
We don't point fingers at you for going, but we have the right to boycott and we do. Muslims in the west like going to Muslims counties on holiday, it's a growing trend. You live in Pakistan and don't face the discrimination we face on a day to day basis just because we are muslims, by people who hold the same views as the poster you are defending.

Besides every country has bad apples, whether Turkey, Greece, Pakistan or any other country.
And being an apologist for muslim haters Kissing their backsides will not help

Also sorry to disappoint you, but there are many secular/atheist Turks who dislike Pakistanis, Afghans, Arabs, Iranians etc. and don't want them around and they would probably prefer a Greek.
Many of the secular / Atheist Turks still like Pakistanis

Many mosques are empty in Europe as well. A huge amount of Muslims in Europe are just Muslims in name. Many are in fact making a mockery out of Islam by their non-Islamic behaviour.
You'r wrong, Some may be empty, but most are packed, not the same as Churches as at all.
I live in Europe and see them with my own eyes, you'r just wrong here.
I live, work and interact with many Muslims is the west, they are not muslims just in name.
Yes some do misbehave but many will be at the mosque on a Friday.

We can't generalize because the Muslim and Pakistani community in the West has its own problems and hypocrisy like anywhere else.
I am a Pakistani in the west, yes we do have some problems but we also have huge amounts of success.
Don't use the blanket generalisations, you mention above on us, or believe all you read in the press.
Many of us are very successful, The number of Pakistani self made millionaires is HUGE in the west, so are the number of
professionals of Pakistani decent. Mostly we have good family values and live happy and content lives.

Don't put down the Pakistani diaspora in the west to kiss up to muslim hater.
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