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Shooting in Copenhagen !

Wow, these guys just don't know when to stop.

I'm a Muslim but i'm a strong advocate of just killing off the Islamists, or better yet cutting off the head of the snake and putting sanctions on Saudi Arabia & it's Sandy Friends (I am half-open to the option of invading Saudi Arabia)
This will be the only way to ensure everlasting peace & end the disease spreading in the Muslim Community.

The Only Issue would be these Islamists complaining that it's discrimination against Islam, and some of the Lesser-Educated Muslims believing them.
Right folks this thread is NOT about Saudi Arabia.

Please keep on-topic.
A group of muslims gathered to show simpathy to the dead terrorist.When interviewed about the killings,they had this to say (google translate from Danish):

So you think that the attacks were in order?

- It was self-inflicted because they have offended and provoked our prophet. It never leads to anything good , so those who have suffered Denmark for terror , intimidation and fear, it is those who have offended the Prophet . Those who have taken the Prophet are those who have suffered Denmark for this terror. The artists are accomplices in the Danes to live in fear .

But what is the reason that the show up?

- This is to show support for our Muslim brothers . It is to show that we support him . When we look at this , we must look at the main problem . How did all this? It would never have happened if there were not these caricatures of the Prophet

Ven af Omar: De er selv ude om det - det var selvforskyldt - Ekstra Bladet

Sure enough,as per tradition ,when the police arrived they started shouting "Allah Akbar" and all the other theatrics.:pissed:

Yeah,i see coexistence with these people in the future...
A group of muslims gathered to show simpathy to the dead terrorist.When interviewed about the killings,they had this to say (google translate from Danish):

Ven af Omar: De er selv ude om det - det var selvforskyldt - Ekstra Bladet

Sure enough,as per tradition ,when the police arrived they started shouting "Allah Akbar" and all the other theatrics.:pissed:

Yeah,i see coexistence with these people in the future...

If you do not see co-existence with these people, than your blessed Euro Union should have never tried to colonize their nations in the first place. Most of us are happy in our own nations. :lol:

Why are you so afraid of Islam?
If you do not see co-existence with these people, than your blessed Euro Union should have never tried to colonize their nations in the first place. Most of us are happy in our own nations. :lol:

Why are you so afraid of Islam?

These people live in the 7th century,i live in 2015.If it comes to choices i choose me,same for the rest of Europe.

Muslims who have adapted and kept their religion to themselves will stay and be an integral part of Europe,those who think that their religion is above the law bill be purged.There will be a Darwinian selection in here and clowns like those in the article i've mentioned are not accepted anymore.People have had enough.
These people live in the 7th century,i live in 2015.If it comes to choices i choose me,same for the rest of Europe.

Muslims who have adapted and kept their religion to themselves will stay and be an integral part of Europe,those who think that their religion is above the law bill be purged.There will be a Darwinian selection in here and clowns like those in the article i've mentioned are not accepted anymore.People have had enough.

Maybe one day, you will realize that you(Europeans) have pushed most of these recent immigrants into isolation and segregation by not accepting their beliefs. Respect is a two way street. By looking down and talking down on their way of life, you think they would come to respect you as being superior. :lol:

Let's really get into the core of the issue.
Maybe one day, you will realize that you(Europeans) have pushed most of these recent immigrants into isolation and segregation by not accepting their beliefs. Respect is a two way street. By looking down and talking down on their way of life, you think they would come to respect you as being superior. :lol:

Let's really get into the core of the issue.

How is that ? Let's get into details.

Islam gets the same respect in the West as the other religions.Exactly the same.Islam gets more respect in the West than Christianity in Islamic countries.

Now,you're asking not to insult the Prophet.What you're asking is unequal treatment for Islam above the law of the land.Religions get ridiculed here ,like it or not.

But,if you want to take the same route,you do realise that if we gave attention to religion like what the loonies are asking for Islam there would be no Islam in Europe in the first place?Christians would only have to say that they are insulted by the fact that muslims don't see Jesus as the son of God and you're done,banished.These islamist idiots don't understand that these laic laws ,all of the satire around religions are here to make sure nobody thinks that his religion is better than the other one's.But thanks to muslim nutjobs we can clearly see that some of you have the stupid ideea that somehow your religion or a the memory of a guy from the 7th century are more important than our laws.Well,they aren't .It's those muslims who think that their religion is above our laws,they are the ones who look down on people.
How is that ? Let's get into details.

Islam gets the same respect in the West as the other religions.Exactly the same.Islam gets more respect in the West than Christianity in Islamic countries.

Now,you're asking not to insult the Prophet.What you're asking is unequal treatment for Islam above the law of the land.Religions get ridiculed here ,like it or not.

But,if you want to take the same route,you do realise that if we gave attention to religion like what the loonies are asking for Islam there would be no Islam in Europe in the first place?Christians would only have to say that they are insulted by the fact that muslims don't see Jesus as the son of God and you're done,banished.These islamist idiots don't understand that these laic laws ,all of the satire around religions are here to make sure nobody thinks that his religion is better than the other one's.But thanks to muslim nutjobs we can clearly see that some of you have the stupid ideea that somehow your religion or a the memory of a guy from the 7th century are more important than our laws.Well,they aren't .It's those muslims who think that their religion is above our laws,they are the ones who look down on people.

The majority of Muslims are not insulted by Christians believing that Isa pbuh is the son of god. We have quite a few Christians and churches in Pakistan. To satire against what some hold sacred is open provocation. As human beings, we rather insult and become condescending instead of understanding each other.

I can call your mother a whore, and If you would not at least punch me in the face for it, then you are beghairat and honorless man. Muslims hold their religion at the same value as their mother. If not higher.

So you're telling me that you would rather get cheap laughs off a cartoon by hurting the sentiments of fellow humans, instead of trying to understand your fellow man?

Your man made laws are supposed to be appreciated, while God and religion isn't? How laugh-worthy since you Euros were in the dark ages not long ago. The hypocrisy further becomes hilarious when you don't even follow your secular principles that you take over-whelming pride in.

But hey! What do I know. I am just another extremist crazy zealot.
The majority of Muslims are not insulted by Christians believing that Isa pbuh is the son of god. We have quite a few Christians and churches in Pakistan. To satire against what some hold sacred is open provocation. As human beings, we rather insult and become condescending instead of understanding each other.

I can call your mother a whore, and If you would not at least punch me in the face for it, then you are beghairat and honorless man. Muslims hold their religion at the same value as their mother. If not higher.

So you're telling me that you would rather get cheap laughs off a cartoon by hurting the sentiments of fellow humans, instead of trying to understand your fellow man?

Your man made laws are supposed to be appreciated, while God and religion isn't? How laugh-worthy since you Euros were in the dark ages not long ago. The hypocrisy further becomes hilarious when you don't even follow your secular principles that you take over-whelming pride in.

But hey! What do I know. I am just another extremist crazy zealot.

Practically ignoring everything i've said and going about your religion again.Yes,religion is not above our laws,take it or leave it.
Practically ignoring everything i've said and going about your religion again.Yes,religion is not above our laws,take it or leave it.

The problem is that we can not argue theology on this forum, otherwise I would have been able to present some thought provoking points regarding religion, belief, or lack thereof.
The problem is that we can not argue theology on this forum, otherwise I would have been able to present some thought provoking points regarding religion, belief, or lack thereof.

This is why we're getting nowhere with this.We aren't even suppose to debate this from a theological point of view.We have written state backed laws in here which take precedence over your religion,over my religion.Coming here means you accept those laws first.
This is why we're getting nowhere with this.We aren't even suppose to debate this from a theological point of view.We have written state backed laws in here which take precedence over your religion,over my religion.
Your state backed laws have no meaning when your continent has agreed to come together as a single entity under the EU. You are finally regaining your path to your secular ideals where the world comes together.

I'm sure you've heard the quote by the Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope, where he stated:
I am a citizen of the world

These are the foundations your entire western civilization has been founded upon, yet you do not even acknowledge them.

Even these concepts, forget the compass of morality and other such human traits; are based off of God and Islam.

Anyways, it was a nice chat. Hope we can continue. I have to go.
Even these concepts, forget the compass of morality and other such human traits; are based off of God and Islam.

Human morality is not based on Islam.As shocking as it may be,Islam means nothing to many people in the world.It's your problem if your life revolves around it.
Human morality is not based on Islam.As shocking as it may be,Islam means nothing to many people in the world.It's your problem if your life revolves around it.

I've dealt with angry and rebellious teenagers in the past, but you are a special case. :lol:
I've dealt with angry and rebellious teenagers in the past, but you are a special case. :lol:

Not accepting Islam as a way of life makes you rebellious huh ? Than you wonder why people have a problem with you.
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