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Shireen Abu Akleh: Al Jazeera journalist shot dead in West Bank

I know what I'm posting and I'm standing behind it.

There may be more information and detail that comes out about this killing but the video of a gunman firing seems to be misleading and is being challenged by many.
There may be more information and detail that comes out about this killing but the video of a gunman firing seems to be misleading and is being challenged by many.
No one says that the gunman in the video was the one that killed her, the fact is, some people ran from the location she was shot from, and yell that an Israeli soldier was hit, yet no Israeli soldier was hit.
Let's not get on a high horse here - in Iran she would be arrested for having her hair out.

In Iran a journalist, a female who reports against the state will face arrest for national security.

Here, an incident occurred - but in Iran she would be arrested as state policy. So please don't shed crocodile tears for this lady.

Some one innocent is killed for doing her job and you are bringing Iran into all that. Is Iranians have shot her, you need your head examined, don't be a sicko.

There may be more information and detail that comes out about this killing but the video of a gunman firing seems to be misleading and is being challenged by many.

These are the typical explanations we have heard over the years from the Israeli thugs from denying their crimes and committing the atrocities at the same time.
It's not clear who killed her.

But, after I read about it, I bet the killer is in the Palestinian side.

It was likely by error, they mistake her for a Israeli soldier.
Just ask yourself the question:
Do the Israelis want to kill journalist?
It could simply prevent them from coming.

The second question: is it possible that the Palestinians, which were blind firing (and not the first time it happens) hit the reporter?

The third question: is there any proof it was the Israelis that killed her?

After all of this, what's more likely to kill a bystander, an idiot that's blind firing above his shoulder, claiming he hit a soldier which reportedly fell to the ground, yet no Israeli soldier was hit, or is it a trained soldier that's more likely to hit her?

No one says that the gunman in the video was the one that killed her, the fact is, some people ran from the location she was shot from, and yell that an Israeli soldier was hit, yet no Israeli soldier was hit.

Everybody shut up and listen to this zionist.

Its all a big conspiracy against the great zionist entity. The palestinians pumped up her image for decades, for this exact moment to kill her and blame the zionists.

then they strategically waited for the cameras to show up, dressed some random jassem and hamza palestinians in zionist riot police gear, and also attacked the funeral procession as well.... all to blame the " most moral army in the world" -cnn

this is all a great conspiracy against the zionist enitity.

stop watching fake news, stop believing your own eyes, and just listen to the narrated western shitstream media version that will tell you the truth about this conspiracy. And while your there, make sure you watch their horseshit on ukraine as well, its a 2 for 1 special
Everybody shut up and listen to this zionist.

Its all a big conspiracy against the great zionist entity. The palestinians pumped up her image for decades, for this exact moment to kill her and blame the zionists.

then they strategically waited for the cameras to show up, dressed some random jassem and hamza palestinians in zionist riot police gear, and also attacked the funeral procession as well.... all to blame the " most moral army in the world" -cnn

this is all a great conspiracy against the zionist enitity.

stop watching fake news, stop believing your own eyes, and just listen to the narrated western shitstream media version that will tell you the truth about this conspiracy. And while your there, make sure you watch their horseshit on ukraine as well, its a 2 for 1 special
No one says it's preplanned, they just took advantage of the situation.

Yesterday our Hackney branch organised a vigil/protest outside Stoke Newington police station to send a clear message that the Hackney community opposes cooperation between Hackney police and the Israeli police. The protest came off the back of news that Hackney police had hosted Israeli police on a tour through the streets of borough, to the dismay of many residents and others beyond.

Please sign this petition calling for assurances that there will be no further cooperation of any kind between Hackney and the Israeli police.
Hackney vigil against police exchange
Israeli police are notorious for the violent tactics they use against Palestinians in the context of Israel's apartheid rule. Who can forget the scenes from just a few weeks ago, when armed Israeli police attacked the funeral procession of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, brutally beating mourners and ripping down Palestinian flags. It was only a week later that Israeli police force were shamefully welcomed in London by Hackney police.

Make no mistake, the Israeli police attacking the funeral were not just a few ‘bad apples’ or rogue officers—their behaviour was emblematic of the role that Israeli police play, alongside the Israeli military, as the enforcers of apartheid.

The Hackney community, including many PSC members, have already been protesting their local police over the racist mistreatment of a minor in a local school, as well as violence against local protests opposing immigration raids. Now Hackney PSC is joining forces with other local partners, including Palestinian residents of Hackney who wrote a letter of protest to the Mayor, to demand that Hackney never welcomes Israel’s apartheid police force again.

Please sign Hackney PSC’s petition to demand an end to any cooperation between Israeli and British police.
In solidarity,
Deputy Director
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