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Shireen Abu Akleh: Al Jazeera journalist shot dead in West Bank

@jamahir i think we need to see/hear an unbiased account before coming to conclusions don’t you think?

I mean, it’s Al Jazeera. Israeli statement on this is claiming a Palestinian self goal characterised as an Israeli assault.


1. You believe this Israeli soldier @Beny Karachun who posted a small clip from the Israeli military which seems edited and without full context and detail ? This is the same Israeli military which killed Rachel Corrie under a bulldozer.

2. Al Jazeera is a NATO news agency which before 2011 portrayed itself at least neutral but in 2011 turned full on NATO and waged disinfo and false propaganda war against Libyan Jamahiriya and the Syrian government. Surely you should have known this especially when in your own NDTV source it is written that AJ is based in Qatar and Qatar is a place where there is a big American military base. However, AJ top management has to be seen projecting the Palestine cause and therefore these reporters were sent to this area. These journalists need not believe in the NATO orientation of AJ's management and Qatar government ownership and therefore said this about the incident which contrasts with what the Israeli military and Beny Karachun say :
The wounded Al Jazeera producer, Samudi, said there were no Palestinian fighters in the area where Abu Aqleh was shot.

"If there were resistance fighters, we would not have gone into the area," he said in testimony posted online.
Look buddy why should anyone listen to an Iranian opinion when your society is so unfair anyway. How many people go missing by state guards every week?.

Just attaching yourself to the Palestinian cause every time is not going to absolve you
I just wonder what is your point? Why don't you come to Iranian section and Ask your questions there? Or open a thread about your issues. I am sure that there are people to answer your questions.

There are no disappearing whatsoevr in Iran, no one is getting disappeared in Iran for asking questions. But i would be glad to answer your questions somewhere else.
1. You believe this Israeli soldier @Beny Karachun who posted a small clip from the Israeli military which seems edited and without full context and detail ? This is the same Israeli military which killed Rachel Corrie under a bulldozer.

2. Al Jazeera is a NATO news agency which before 2011 portrayed itself at least neutral but in 2011 turned full on NATO and waged disinfo and false propaganda war against Libyan Jamahiriya and the Syrian government. Surely you should have known this especially when in your own NDTV source it is written that AJ is based in Qatar and Qatar is a place where there is a big American military base. However, AJ top management has to be seen projecting the Palestine cause and therefore these reporters were sent to this area. These journalists need not believe in the NATO orientation of AJ's management and Qatar government ownership and therefore said this about the incident which contrasts with what the Israeli military and Beny Karachun say :
Edited? There's nothing to this video, it was uploaded by the Palestinians and simply translated.

How does some BS about NATO have anything to do on whether Israeli soldiers or Palestinian apes that are blind firing their assault rifles killed her?
Look buddy why should anyone listen to an Iranian opinion when your society is so unfair anyway. How many people go missing by state guards every week?.

Just attaching yourself to the Palestinian cause every time is not going to absolve you
well, can you give us an estimation on that ? by the way who are state guards ?

Do the Israelis want to kill journalist?
won't be first time, in 2021 didn't well trained not trigger happy Israeli forces bombed a building housed media offices in Gaza to disrupt their reporting on what happens in Gaza ?
here is another list in dire need of assassination.

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Israel forces have history of attacking Journalists, I just saw a Piece from PBS hour on the list of Journalists were attacked, then there is attacking children and UN shelter, The issue here is not Israel but the western Media/Powers who have made Israel into a holy Kingdom of Heaven state and its people God's children who are incapable of doing anything wrong, their wrongs were justified and unpunished, anyone who even tried to question them was Anti-Semetic or Holocausts reference comes in, and that prevent any strong actions on a UN level against them and their actions. And I am pretty sure even if this is proved that she was killed by Israeli soldier, nothing will happen and within a week people will forget and world moves on.
Okay. Details need to come out. But this is never going to come out as a “state sanctioned hit” on an unsuspecting journalist. More likely to be a stray bullet, a case of mistaken identity or unilateral action by a trigger happy moron.

I agree with you to the extent that freedom for media to report on the ongoing conflict must remain inviolate and for that Israel will need to answer with commitments to ensure this never happens again.

However, this has nothing to do with you or Pakistan. If you want to boil over this, by all means go ahead. I just don’t think GCC states or the Pakistani administration is with you on this any longer.
plz stop your BS
Warm words on twitter and once again zero accountability because the “chosen one” has fired the shot.

If they can blow up the AP and Al Jazeera offices last year and still get $1 billion in aid from the USA to resupply their Iron Dome defenses, I don't see how this reporter's death would change things.

Israel is really a nation of parasites with no culture of their own. Always manipulating others and stealing from other cultures and doing perverse disgusting things.
>Palestinians blind fire a bunch of shots above the shoulder
>Scream and cheer that they hit a soldier
>Few minutes later the Al Jazeera journalist was reportedly killed
>Turns out no Israeli soldier was hit
>Blame Israel for killing the journalist

And you retards believe those lying Palestinians

You need to check what you are posting.
Lol, your terrorist Palestinians are blind firing and kill Al Jazeera reporters and then blame Israel for her death

It's not the Israelis that killed here anyways, Palestinians are blind firing their guns because they're untrained idiots. They're also shooting at the sky many times, it isn't the first time they kill their own that way.
the video the IDF claimed with that palestnians shot her randomly was shot in a COMPLETELY different place. And she was shot right under the helmet with CMs between the bullet and the tip of the helmet. This is not random she was shot an IDF marksman your lies wont live. shame shame SHAME

and Shereen 3 days ago said that she was feeling she was being targetted and might get assisinated. What does Al-jazeera do? Send her to the frontlines instead of protecting such a great journalist. AL-Jazeera is using the palestnian cause to clean its bloody hands off iraq syria yemen and lebanon and sinai
Can you guys see?

Palestine gathers us together. That's why Palestinian cause is a holy matter and the #1 priority for us. Palestine is our living Quran, every drop of Palestinian blood is a hit in the face of every Muslim. Palestine is our Forqan, it distinguishes our enemies from our friends, it drops the Masks of Double crossors and hypocrites. Palestine is a holy cause
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