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Shocking!!Thousands of muslim children in the UK being taught to chop hands off!!

I agree. Islam is taught in schools, at least when I attended, BTW my primary school was a Catholic school in Dhaka.

The graphics lessons maybe in the courses in Madrassas.Theses Madrassas have millions of students. In many cases these kids are orphans. A parent or parents are not there to filter any radical teachings the Madrassa may have on the curriculum. But I don't see an epidemic of people going around chopping hands off in Bangladesh.

Some folks will take the news at face value and run with it.

I am surprised you don`t find this alarming. Have you considered what values and attitudes these 'millions of kids' are acquiring through such 'education' in madrassas? Sooner or later the radicals will reach a critical mass where they will be in a position to challenge the writ of the 'infidel' state (which is the ultimate goal of Wahhabism). Maybe you should cast your mind back to how the Taliban movement came about....
. .
There is no place for chopping of hands and other medieval barbarities in modern society. This is yet another case of Saudi funded schools spreading their poison. I can't wait for their oil to run out.
I am surprised you don`t find this alarming. Have you considered what values and attitudes these 'millions of kids' are acquiring through such 'education' in madrassas? Sooner or later the radicals will reach a critical mass where they will be in a position to challenge the writ of the 'infidel' state (which is the ultimate goal of Wahhabism). Maybe you should cast your mind back to how the Taliban movement came about....

I used to be a student at the University of Dhaka. I have seen more violence within and between the student wings of Awami League and BNP. More students die from the violence of these two student bodies then by the Madrassa students. Violence is almost none existent in the Madrassas. People sort of accepted the fact that these Governmental Colleges and Universities will always have violence, which in turn perpetuates violence in these schools.

Bangladesh has always been a moderate nation. I don't see talibanization of Bangladesh any time soon.

You have too much faith in the main stream media. The MSM not only provide the news, they also attempt to sway public opinion and manufacture one if need be.
1) I am not claiming that every Muslim in the UK follows Wahhabism and recognise that there are moderates and fundamentalists in every society, be it Pakistan, Britain, US or India. But I am not convinced there is a qualitative difference in the causes for and trajectories of radical Muslim movements across the world. In fact what drives it in the UK/US is exactly what drives it in the tribal belts of Pakistan and parts of Pakistani Punjab. It is a violent ideology obsessed with global domination hiding behind the veneer of religion which many moderate Muslims fail to challenge or even feel forced to defend as any attempt to confront it is seen as an attack on wider Islam (an idea actively promoted by the Wahhabis themselves). So what is true for Wahhabis in the UK holds true for their ilk in Pakistan as well.

Islam is not a violent ideology, as you put it. If it was, we would have fought like the mongols, but muslims are bound by a code of honour, even in armed conflicts. This coder of honour calls for:
1) No women and children to be harmed
2) No man who does not raise arms to be harmed
3) No green trees to be burnt
4) No possessions of the defeated side to be claimed
5) No fruits/villages to be looted from the villages
And many more conditions.
As It is beautifully put in "100 battles that changed History", "It is a historic fact that the Arabs raided the fertile cresent everyyear, year after year,because their landed yielded no grain due to it's unfertility. After Islam, the routine remained the same but the Arabs got a new reason to crusade for".
In Modern Times
If Islam was really such a violent ideology then why weren't there many instances of "Muslim Terrorism" before the Russian occupation of Afghanistan ? Prior to the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, terrorism was pretty much a monopoly of IRA and LTTE, neither of whom were muslims.
The "Muslim Terrorism" is a result of portraying the war in Afghanistan as a "Holy War", it not only encouraged people to solve their problems through the use of force, but also gave them the necessary training and weapons. The repruccusions we continue to face even today............

2) Give yourself a moment to consider why large numbers of Indians frequent this forum. While some may be here to flame and troll, most see this forum as a rare opportunity to interact with Pakistanis in real life and are here in the (vain) hope that this people to people contact, albeit on an internet forum, may eventually help reduce the kind of suspicion and mistrust that exists between the two nations. All we are trying to do is to have a civilised debate and I am sure most members will agree that PDF will be a far less interesting place if it was just full of Pakistanis agreeing with each other all the time.
We did see some people claiming that the number of Indians on this forum should be capped and I opposed that plan because I too believe that without Indian members, this forum wouldn't be half as interesting as it is. My friend, we are all here because we want to engage in a debate with our Indian friends and possibly decrease hostility between the people through debate, be realizing that the other are also people like us, and unlike you, I don't believe that this is an effort in vain. We are all moderates and are willing to move forward that is why we are here. If we hated each other, we wouldn't be here........

3) You refer to my comments about Pakistanis ‘in general’ and accuse Indians of talking in broad brushstrokes and vilifying their neighbours. You talk about Indians being obsessed with the destruction of Pakistan but provide no evidence to substantiate your allegations (comments by a few bigots on this forum and the rare nutjob in the Indian media don`t count).How do you go about reality testing your assumptions about Indians apart from, say, posting antagonistic content on here and inviting hostile comments from Indian members? Is it possible that these are just your views on how Indians perceive Pakistanis which are largely influenced by what you are fed by the state and populist media? One needs to recognise that actions of individuals determine whether they are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and virtue or evil cannot be broadly ascribed to a particular group or faith( just as Muslims bemoan the depiction of their faith in the West) It is essential for the Pakistani military and security establishment to continue portraying the Indians/Hindus as the ‘enemy’ in order to allow them to misappropriate most of Pakistan’s resources to serve their vested interests. In this they have a willing ally in the Wahhabists who are also keen to drive a wedge between the Muslims and the rest of the world for the sake of the larger ‘Ummah’

My friend I did not talk specifically about India, I wrote vice versa which refers to Pakistan as well, there is hatred on both sides and there is no denying it,As for how I can test my assumptions, well the internet is a world in it's self, you don't have to look hard to find anti-Pakistan websites/communities/blogs and clubs with their memberships from the hundreds of thousands to the millions. And this represents the thinking of the literate portion of India's population......You must think that we are educated in a mindwashing camp when we are young, my friend, we can see if our military is using us and they are not. The "Wahabist" allies you talk about, don't exist. The army is, as we speak engaged against militants in KP. They have nothing to do with any Islamic group or school of thought what so ever.........

..which is why Wahhabi influenced curriculums, including that in Pakistan, should be purged of such hate filled content..

It would be very difficult to enforce "Wahabi influenced" curriculum in schools if the need ever arises because the majority in Pakistan is of Sunni muslims. Ther is no Wahabi influence in our state curriculum.

4) I do not doubt for a second that Pakistanis are among the most generous and hospitable people around the world. It is well known that many Westerners who visit the subcontinent prefer Pakistan to India due to the hospitality of its people.On the other hand, I am sure you would have come across stories of individual kindness towards Muslims by Hindus/Sikhs in India as well. However, mixed messages from the religious and military establishment have resulted in the Pakistani nationhood becoming defined largely around its ‘Muslim otherness’ from India and the resulting radicalisation is now destabilising the country itself. Its got nothing to do with the innate goodness or badness of Pakistanis but how they view themselves in relation to the rest of the world.
Of course I have, kindness is not limited to one particular group of people, and once again you seem to think that the military is shaping our opinion. If it was, I wouldn't be here talking to an Indian, this site would be banned in Pakistan,Because any discussion with the Indians could shape my opinion about them in a way the military does not desire.
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Shocking to me is not these madarssas but these apologetic hypocrite so called muslims who r so Ashamed of Sharia laws.

I dare these hypocrite Muslims to deny:

1) that our prophet didnt order to cut the hands of thieves.

2) that our prophet didnt order lashes for drunkards.

3) that he didnt order stoning of adultress man and women.

4) that he didnt order to chop off head of the killer, if fine is not paid to the family of the dead person.

and the list goes on ...............

If any Muslim say that there is no place for Sharia laws in present day world, than pls adopt another religion of ur liking coz u have no place been muslim according to Quran, Sunnah and Hadith.

Yes i agree children that young should not be bothered by the delicate rulings of Sharia.

But they should be taught basic teaching of islam and later in life Sharia laws MUST.

Allah dont need muslims, Muslims need Allah. He will replace u muslims with some other people if u keep denying his teachings.

Non-muslims dont comment coz u have no idea what iam taking about, and there r some muslim brother here, who might be woundering also.
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^^ most of us are in denial mode and feel ashamed practising or even supporting our religion and its laws. We are getting more and more appologetic, forgetting that the more we appologize the more they'll come at you.
Kabi hum woh musalman they jin ko dekh k shermatay they yahood, ab hunstay hein sb k sb.

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