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Shiv Sena targets Shah Rukh Khan for backing Pak players

Kajol rocks .... and was looking as hot as ever in the promos!

Cheers, Doc
India is a democracy since birth not in patches, People were born with thought of Democracy as birth right. Shiv Sena has every right to protest agreeing or not agreeing is up-to Individual.

For your information VSDOC is himself a so called minority, he's a Parsi if I'm not wrong.

Ancestors of Parsis ran away from Iran from persecution by arab muslims, I presume he knows a bit about the love of your religion.

There is no way in hell he supports Shiv Sena, he's already said that, he only supports this issue.

Just some data to put things in perspective.
The Shiv Sena lacks good astute leadership.

They should choose their battles.

And they seriously need to look outside Mumbai for a change.

The methods used etc. would still be glossed over in time ..... if the cause were right, and they knew who to pick on, when, and how.

They usually fail miserably on all counts on a National stage.

But I support them on this .... full on.

Cheers, Doc
The Shiv Sena lacks good astute leadership.

They should choose their battles.

And they seriously need to look outside Mumbai for a change.

The methods used etc. would still be glossed over in time ..... if the cause were right, and they knew who to pick on, when, and how.

They usually fail miserably on all counts on a National stage.

But I support them on this .... full on.

Cheers, Doc

Shiv Sena always belonged to Mumbai and Maharashtra.
Thanks Fateh!

Purely as a Parsi, I love the Shiv Sena for what they did some time back .... Mumbaikars may know.

There is a well sacred to us called the Bhikaji Behramji well ..... close to CST I think (or Churchgate ... I forget which). The water has miraculous powers etc.

One night some vandals had smashed the ancient stained glass surrounding the well. I remember the Shiv Sena guys of the area coming forward to help us catch who had done it.

They need a revamp. And fresh ideas. And better leadership.

Cheers, Doc
As far as I can recall, Mumbai and Maharashtra always belonged to India. :smitten:

Cheers, Doc

My home belongs to me and its in Maharashtra which is in India :).

I hate non state actors from neighbor country one is lodged in Mumbai Jail, I will not feel bad I Shiv Sena or any Indian party or group of parties stops our neighbor from playing in Domestic tournament till the Mumbai attackers are brought to Justice.
Have just come back from a week long ban for (presumably) saying that Islam has killed more of its own than any other religion in the world.

First of all my apologies to all Indian muslims. As an Indian, I do not owe one to any Pakistani.

I had no call to make such a statement about your religion. The fault lies not in the religion but in some of those who follow it, who tarnish forever the way the world looks at it as a whole ..... sad, but true.

So what I should have said instead was that more muslims have been killed by muslims than by any other people of any other religion in the world.

And that is a fact one cannot escape from ..... whether you ban me again or not.

Incidentally my ban was for "silly off-topic statements" so let me stay on topic here and ask each and every Indian here ......

What is wrong in the stand taken by the Shiv Sena?

Have we as a nation forgotten that this is the same country we are talking about which sent another "team" a lttle over a year ago to play a different "game" on an Indian pitch?

Have we as a nation forgotten the thousands of our brothers and sisters whose blood has flown into our own soil thanks to this same nation's scum that shoot and bomb with impunity on our soil to try and wrest away what was never and will never be theirs?

Have we as a nation forgotten the forefathers of this same nation which did not see a common future with our own forefathers and tore the land and its people apart 62 years ago?

And they want to play cricket with us, on our soil, with our money?

Talk about cheapness and hypocrisy guys.

Have we as nation forgotten the wars we have fought with these guys over the last 62 years, and of the sacrifices by the brave sons of our soil who have laid down their lives to protect us from their hordes?

Have we as a nation forgotten, or are we so blind or myopic that we cannot see the same bastards who plotted 26/11, have open meetings and conferences in Pakistan, under the aegis of the official Pakistani establishment, and talk about how they are going to dismember us and take over Kashmir?

Have we as a nation forgotten?

Are we blind?

Can we not see?

What the hell is this sudden new-found love swelling in our bossoms? What has given birth to this sudden empathy for the Pakistani?

If we have not, and if we call ourselves Indian, first and foremost, then what is wrong in what the Shiv Sena stands for in this case?

Are we going to be namby pamby naive gullible peaceniks who turn over and offer their ***** once again by chanting BS mantras of not mixing Sports and Politics?


There is no sport in killing defenceless men, women, and children on a station platform, watching gleefully as their blood pools and flows in red eddy currents, lazily right and left, as one stream coalesces with another forming a raging frothing red river!

There is no sport in hiding a bomb in an open marketplace or a local train and dismembering thousands into chunks of unrecognisable charred well-done flesh and sinew and bone and grist and hair!

There is no sport with such a country ..... and we as Indians should stand up as one and put our weight behind such people, instead of acting fashionably liberated and deride them on national TV as Parochial or narrow-minded.

I am not a supporter of the Shiv Sena on many of the stands they have taken in the past.

I probably will not support them on many of the stands they take in the future too.

But on this my friends, my brothers and sisters, I am behind them 100%, unflinchingly, unabashedly, proudly, as an Indian.

Jai Hind!

Cheers, Doc
A self delusioned character doesn't fit the bill in rant preaching his country fellows on the wrong side of the border. For if i wanted to address fellow citizens, i would indeed chose a Pakistani platform such as this one and for merely attracting fellow Muslims, i would probably head to the nearest Mosque. And the suggestion for any gloating Indian in self denial is that his nonsense will probably find more applauds in something like Bharat Rakshak or the local Devi Mandar.
Hence aim high and murmur to the hallow wind, for the only Ball Thakrey on this side of border is in my Boxers.
Mareen gey mur jaeen gey, pur tuj ko sabaq sikhaen gey.:pakistan:
My home belongs to me and its in Maharashtra which is in India :).

I hate non state actors from neighbor country one is lodged in Mumbai Jail, I will not feel bad I Shiv Sena or any Indian party or group of parties stops our neighbor from playing in Domestic tournament till the Mumbai attackers are brought to Justice.

I am with you on this one bro.

I will go one step ahead of simply not feeling bad.

I will actively join the Shiv Sena on this to make sure that it happens.

And I will watch the Congress closely over the intervening "talks reopening" charade to decide which way my next vote goes .....

Cheers, Doc
I am with you on this one bro.

I will go one step ahead of simply not feeling bad.

I will actively join the Shiv Sena on this to make sure that it happens.

And I will watch the Congress closely over the intervening "talks reopening" charade to decide which way my next vote goes .....

Cheers, Doc

Pakistan Defence Forum just recruited a Shiv Sena vote for next elections. Go figure :rofl:
So anyone here actually support Shiv Sena sahib?

im guessing yes.

shivSena is political party and its leader is a thug.
But sometimes its take thugs to dare say something which other shy away for the need of niceties.

Its easy to take grand stand and say politcs and sports shouln't be mixed ,yet i would say the same ,because i believe its its right thing to do . Any pakistani talent be its sports , cultural etc... willing come and work in india ,must be given fair chance appiled any other foreign national.

Let me say its our govts fault if we cant stop pak sponsored terrorism in india...more so when we cant push pakistan (I mean the GOP) stop this proxy war aganist india and punish those reside inside pakistan e,g Hafiz saeed invlolved in terror attack in india.We sholud take diplomatic measures and hard economic stanctions ,even surgical strike if it makes our livies safer.But...let me say we cant behave like kids ...u know just pounce on hapless individual pakistani cricketers or artist for all the anger feel aganist pakistani govt and its policies .

PS:The whole drama started when SRK claimed that "pakistan is great neighbour,and lets love each other" which i think is absolute BS and ShivSena was correct in asking SRK to Kasab is team member.
...u know just pounce on hapless individual pakistani cricketers or artist for all the anger feel aganist pakistani govt and its policies .

Khajur bhai, do you think the Pakistan cricketers are hapless and doodh ke dhule.

Their true colors promptly came out with the Hindu crap after the rebuff did it not?

If its a malaise which affects the whole of pakistan, how can they, pakistanis living in pakistan, be immune from it Khajur bhai?

Have you heard Imran Khan and his views on India?

Then we have Javed bhai ....

Lets not be idealistic fools here. Pakistani cricketers are pakistanis first, cricketers next.

And right now, we are more concerned about the former and less of the latter.

But I see the merit of your view ..... in more idyllic times.

Cheers, Doc
Calm down on the 'bring them to justice stuff' LeT leaders are caught and are going through trial. And obviously they are either facing life imprisonment or death.

On the other hand, hurry up and kill off Kasab already, we're all waiting.
Khajur bhai, do you think the Pakistan cricketers are hapless and doodh ke dhule.

Their true colors promptly came out with the Hindu crap after the rebuff did it not?

If its a malaise which affects the whole of pakistan, how can they, pakistanis living in pakistan, be immune from it Khajur bhai?

Have you heard Imran Khan and his views on India?

Then we have Javed bhai ....

Lets not be idealistic fools here. Pakistani cricketers are pakistanis first, cricketers next.

And right now, we are more concerned about the former and less of the latter.

But I see the merit of your view ..... in more idyllic times.

Cheers, Doc

doc, its me who started that thread here in this forum where that pakistani cricketer talked up hindu Zehniyat..

well ,then again in most ways its no differernt from some members we've meet here already.

My point is simple if india is wronged by pakistan,it should take hardest steps possible if needed take military action rather than just sulk and say "Katti" or we wont let ur player or cultural artist come here to perform.It looks rather immature and beneath our indian culture.

On the sidenote ,i wound say here that our recent agreement to start a composite dialogue with pakistan is complete betrayal for those victims of 26/11.
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