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Shiv Sena targets Shah Rukh Khan for backing Pak players

hey Davy

If u dont know abt ISLAM then dont talk abt ISLAM

SRK is no Muslim

Muslims believe that the entirety of the Islamic teaching rests on the principle of Tawhid (Oneness of God).

Please so not apply your version of Islam on Shahrukh , worshiping Idol is his business not yours.

And how conveniently you brought in religion and hijacked the topic.
Please so not apply your version of Islam on Shahrukh , worshiping Idol is his business not yours.

And how conveniently you brought in religion and hijacked the topic.

Its not his version is islam its the islam that 1.67 billion muslims believe in not to forget jews and christians.So dont get all chumy with ur unique false ideas.And he said that srk was not muslim so what difference does it make to you?
It is all due to the rivalry between the two cousins Udhav and Raj who now have two different parties with the same cause...marathi manoos.both the parties want to hijack any issue first and gain mileage out of it as they appeal to the same constituency. They have a decent following in and around mumbai.

The other reason is for all said and done the man on street in india don't want Pakistan players in IPL now as they feel it is not in good taste. They love Pakistan players and love to watch India Pakistan matches but after the Mumbai incident it will be difficult for Pakistan players to play in Mumbai for sure.

It will take time for wounds to heal and sanity will return with passage of time. It may sound unreasonable but it is true. I think both governments must take positive steps for peace and trust to return.

I found some people questioning SRK's faith, religion. I would say only ALLAH has this right to judge a follower so why we as mortal souls indulge in that.
Its not his version is islam its the islam that 1.67 billion muslims believe in not to forget jews and christians.So dont get all chumy with ur unique false ideas.And he said that srk was not muslim so what difference does it make to you?

What he does in closed door of his house is his business you do not have right to enforce your wishes on him period.
Lets get back to topic.
It is all due to the rivalry between the two cousins Udhav and Raj who now have two different parties with the same cause...marathi manoos.both the parties want to hijack any issue first and gain mileage out of it as they appeal to the same constituency. They have a decent following in and around mumbai.

The other reason is for all said and done the man on street in india don't want Pakistan players in IPL now as they feel it is not in good taste. They love Pakistan players and love to watch India Pakistan matches but after the Mumbai incident it will be difficult for Pakistan players to play in Mumbai for sure.

It will take time for wounds to heal and sanity will return with passage of time. It may sound unreasonable but it is true. I think both governments must take positive steps for peace and trust to return.

I found some people questioning SRK's faith, religion. I would say only ALLAH has this right to judge a follower so why we as mortal souls indulge in that.

Shiv Sena is mostly situated in Mumbai, Its trying to get political mileage from Mumbai attacks. I don't think that would be any different if it would have been any other country including Pakistan.
I think no muslim can say to any other muslim that your not muslim abslutely false statement if srk have done some thing wrong ALMIGHTY ALLAH will take his HISAB who we are saying he is muslim or not but i think SRK is very good human being only mistake he has made he should tell his children what is right religion for them which is islam he should respect hindu religion to but not like that keeping a QURAN near to GEETA is not good he has to decide what he is muslim or hindu if he is just respecting hindu religion like that i dont think it is a good way to do that but he must resect hindu religion too but not like that telling his childrens that hindu and islam religions are same it is tottaly wrong their are 100 percent difference between both religions u can't say it both the same
Let these idiots attempt any interference with SRK and watch how they will be rear gutted by the Indian people :D

and yet they routed Abu Azmi's son Farhan who was SP candidate and Muzaffar Hussein of Congress in Bhiwandi which is 65% Muslim population.

The guy from Shivsena who won Mr.Rupesh Mhatre was a normal auto rickshaw driver.

20 Years on Shiv Sena Rules Mumbai and Thane Muncipal Corporations.

Hadn't it been MNS Shiv Sena would be ruling Maharashtra Assembly.

Despite of having less 'Nagarsevak's' Sena took over Nashik Mahanagarpalika where NCP was ruling. Nashik is supposed to be NCP leader Chagan Bhujbal's fort.

Check the facts before commenting.

Notice some minor Shiv Sena leader is making this an issue - Sanjay Raut. Btw the Shiv Sainiks are being critisized heavily in the media on the 9 and 10 pm news

Sanjay Raut is the editor of Saamna. A MP of Rajya Sabha, considered as right hand to Bal and Uddhav Thackre.

How come he is a minor leader?

kaghaz ka sher with 200 taporis sena = shiv sena

Its time to quit whatever you are smoking.

Vasily Zaytsev has already explained the rest.

Its funny how all the secular and democratic Indians who are abusing Shiv Sena forgot the 'Zenda' incident.

Apparently this movie was opposed by Narayan Rane's son and had to delay release with some scene cutting.

Narayan Rane is a minister in Current Maharashtra Government. All Ashok Chavan said was if we recieve complain we will take action.

How come a Congress leader can oppose a censor certified movie?

Ain't it against freedom of expression and Democratic values too?

'How can Shiv Sena question SRK, a freedom fighter's son?'
Sat, Feb 6 09:09 AM

New Delhi, Feb 6 (IANS) The Shiv Sena has no right to ask Shah Rukh Khan to go to Pakistan, says 83-year-old freedom fighter Trilochan Singh, pointing out that the Bollywood superstar's father was a prominent Quit India movement activist who chose to migrate to Delhi from Peshawar during partition.

'It is so ironical and tragic that the Shiv Sena which didn't do anything during the freedom struggle is asking Shah Rukh to leave,' said Singh, who had joined the Quit India movement along with the actor's father, Taj Mohammad Mir, in Peshawar, which now lies in Pakistan.

'What is important here is that we were Hindus and we quit Pakistan, but here was a Muslim who chose to come to India. How can the Shiv Sena tell Shah Rukh, whose whole family was involved in the freedom fight, to go to Pakistan?' agonised Singh while talking exclusively to IANS.

Shiv Sena activists are seeking an apology from Shah Rukh over his remarks against the exclusion of Pakistani players from the Indian Premier League and have threatened to ban his upcoming release, 'My Name Is Khan' in Mumbai theatres if he doesn't retract his statement.

They demonstrated in front of his house, carrying what they called was a ticket to Pakistan.

'Both I and Shah Rukh's father Taj Mohammad are from Peshawar (Pakistan). We were involved in the Quit India movement. Taj Mohammad's elder brother Ghulam Mohammad Gama was an illustrious freedom fighter in Peshawar. And that's how Taj Mohammad got involved.

'Both Taj and I were around the same age. We used to be popular teenage public speakers. Both of us got arrested,' said Singh, a Congress member who once worked closely with former prime minister Indira Gandhi and accompanied her during elections.

'After matriculation I moved to Lahore and there I revived the Quit India movement among the students. I was arrested in Lahore and finally I was exiled from Punjab. So I came back to Peshawar.'

'Taj was born and brought up in Peshawar. They had a business in Qissa Khwani Bazaar. It is still the main maret in Peshawar. We carried on the Quit India movement. Taj Mohammad and Ghulam Mohammad were prominent participants in the movement.'

Singh said that after independence, Shah Rukh's father was one of the few Muslims who decided to leave Pakistan and settle in India.

'After independence, I came to Delhi. Incidentally Taj also came to Delhi. He was one of the few Muslims who migrated to India from Pakistan.

'The Shiv Sena and Bal Thackeray had nothing to do with the freedom struggle and they are asking Shah Rukh to go back to Pakistan. It's very shameful for Shiv Sena leaders. They are saying it because he is a Muslim. I think we all Indians owe it to our freedom that the Shiv Sena should not get away with such statements,' Trilochan Singh told IANS.

Singh is not too active in politics any more and is more involved in cultural activities. He is the secretary of Heritage Society of India and also chairman of the Dr.Shroff Charity Eye Hospital in Darya Ganj.
Have just come back from a week long ban for (presumably) saying that Islam has killed more of its own than any other religion in the world.

First of all my apologies to all Indian muslims. As an Indian, I do not owe one to any Pakistani.

I had no call to make such a statement about your religion. The fault lies not in the religion but in some of those who follow it, who tarnish forever the way the world looks at it as a whole ..... sad, but true.

So what I should have said instead was that more muslims have been killed by muslims than by any other people of any other religion in the world.

And that is a fact one cannot escape from ..... whether you ban me again or not.

Incidentally my ban was for "silly off-topic statements" so let me stay on topic here and ask each and every Indian here ......

What is wrong in the stand taken by the Shiv Sena?

Have we as a nation forgotten that this is the same country we are talking about which sent another "team" a lttle over a year ago to play a different "game" on an Indian pitch?

Have we as a nation forgotten the thousands of our brothers and sisters whose blood has flown into our own soil thanks to this same nation's scum that shoot and bomb with impunity on our soil to try and wrest away what was never and will never be theirs?

Have we as a nation forgotten the forefathers of this same nation which did not see a common future with our own forefathers and tore the land and its people apart 62 years ago?

And they want to play cricket with us, on our soil, with our money?

Talk about cheapness and hypocrisy guys.

Have we as nation forgotten the wars we have fought with these guys over the last 62 years, and of the sacrifices by the brave sons of our soil who have laid down their lives to protect us from their hordes?

Have we as a nation forgotten, or are we so blind or myopic that we cannot see the same bastards who plotted 26/11, have open meetings and conferences in Pakistan, under the aegis of the official Pakistani establishment, and talk about how they are going to dismember us and take over Kashmir?

Have we as a nation forgotten?

Are we blind?

Can we not see?

What the hell is this sudden new-found love swelling in our bossoms? What has given birth to this sudden empathy for the Pakistani?

If we have not, and if we call ourselves Indian, first and foremost, then what is wrong in what the Shiv Sena stands for in this case?

Are we going to be namby pamby naive gullible peaceniks who turn over and offer their ***** once again by chanting BS mantras of not mixing Sports and Politics?


There is no sport in killing defenceless men, women, and children on a station platform, watching gleefully as their blood pools and flows in red eddy currents, lazily right and left, as one stream coalesces with another forming a raging frothing red river!

There is no sport in hiding a bomb in an open marketplace or a local train and dismembering thousands into chunks of unrecognisable charred well-done flesh and sinew and bone and grist and hair!

There is no sport with such a country ..... and we as Indians should stand up as one and put our weight behind such people, instead of acting fashionably liberated and deride them on national TV as Parochial or narrow-minded.

I am not a supporter of the Shiv Sena on many of the stands they have taken in the past.

I probably will not support them on many of the stands they take in the future too.

But on this my friends, my brothers and sisters, I am behind them 100%, unflinchingly, unabashedly, proudly, as an Indian.

Jai Hind!

Cheers, Doc
Have just come back from a week long ban ...

What is wrong in the stand taken by the Shiv Sena?

Welcome back Bade Miyan.

Well, the wrong in my opinion is, falling into the trap at wrong time. SRK is looking for a publicity stunt to promote his "My Name is Khan" and his intentional poking of SS could have been overlooked by the SS and they should not have provided him with the mileage. Ditto with Rahul gandhi eyeing the Bihar election, and yet again poking SS to gain North Indians sympathy.

P.S. Doc, if you had seen the interview of SRK criticising SS and his policies, he had a huge poster of his upcoming movie that occupied half of the screen space. Movie release and controversy have "Choli daman ka saath" (Bond between Br* and Br****) :D. Be it, Veer, 3 Idiots, Billu Barber etc.

Sadly people like you and me have to face bans for the selfish ill doings of politicians and actors.
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Narad chote bhai, I have seen enough of life to know what makes the Shiv Sena as well as Shahrukh Khan tick. I am not naive to the games being played.

As long as the games are being played in India between Indians.

As things stand now, and for some time to come by the looks of things, no Pakistani is welcome to come and play anything on Indian soil.

All games can and will be played when the time comes on the LOC and the Durand Line.

Cheers, Doc
Narad chote bhai, I have seen enough of life to know what makes the Shiv Sena as well as Shahrukh Khan tick. I am not naive to the games being played.

As long as the games are being played in India between Indians.

As things stand now, and for some time to come by the looks of things, no Pakistani is welcome to come and play anything on Indian soil.

All games can and will be played when the time comes on the LOC and the Durand Line.

Cheers, Doc

I agree that just because shiv sena is doing politics for their gain (duh!) the cause does not become wrong or untouchable.

Everybody is doing things for their gain only, not for any principles. SRK is promoting his movie and his team, shivsena their political fortunes and those who want to play in IPL their economic fortunes.

Questions is - what promotes the cause of the common indian? Have you noticed how the so called banned JUD and its leadership is holding rallies across pakistan in the name of a 'cause'? Then what is OUR cause fellow indians?

I however completely reject the faith based attack on SRK by shivsena because - well because its not in our interest :)

Plain facts.
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