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Shiv Sena targets Shah Rukh Khan for backing Pak players

"Choli daman ka saath" (Bond between Br* and Br****).

Dude.. I knew this proverb for ages, but never thought of it the way you put it here.. wow...:rofl:

While I am as incensed with the 26/11 and pakistani support for terrorism, Shiv sena is behaving exactly in the way that gets members banned on this forum(me and Doc got banned the same day :undecided:) which in turn also gets the message diluted.

SS had great idea against Rahul of black flags. They should have appealed to the indian public to boycott My name is Khan instead of threatning that they will not allow it in Maharashtra. I can gaurantee that an appeal to all india would have caused more grief to SRK than this threatning stand of SS.

So while the message was just, the method screwed it up..
My prediction is that SRK will go and meet Bal Thackrey before the release of the film to clarify the misunderstanding. Siv Sena will understand it properly this time and won't disrupt the screening of MNIK. SRK got the kind of promotion that nobody would ever be able to do just for a film and Siv Sena got 3/4 days national headlines. Both party happy now time to party...!!!

BTW Sagarika Ghosh of CNN IBN who saw the movie with the BJP leaders absolutely trashed the movie and panned SRK's performance. Rajdeep Sardesai also watched it, but did not comment(which obviously means he did not like it), so looks like another garbage film from KJo and SRK.

Sagarika Ghose (sagarikaghose) on Twitter
Rajdeep Sardesai (sardesairajdeep) on Twitter

Movie release and controversy have "Choli daman ka saath" (Bond between Br* and Br****) :D

:rofl: :rofl:

SRK knew it very well that there would be reactions on his comments which will give the film the much needed publicity which was lacking. He even made statements like "Am I going to get into trouble for saying this" and so it was a well though out move from him I guess. I must say well done SRK, it will ensure a huge opening.
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Have just come back from a week long ban for (presumably) saying that Islam has killed more of its own than any other religion in the world.
I don't see how you even deserve to be on this forum with such ignorant and self-righteous anti-Pakistan attitude.

First of all my apologies to all Indian muslims. As an Indian, I do not owe one to any Pakistani.
Muslims are one whether in India or Pak, so when you unleash your ignorance about Islam on this forum to muslims regardless of nationalities, have the courage to stand and have your pesky ignorant self be stomped and discarded from this forum.

I had no call to make such a statement about your religion. The fault lies not in the religion but in some of those who follow it, who tarnish forever the way the world looks at it as a whole ..... sad, but true.
On one hand you criticize some followers of Islam for alleged misconduct, on the other hand you openly support the Shiv Sena thugs and terrorists who have made the lives of minorities miserable and hell in Maharastra.

Have you ever seen your sheer ignorant face in the mirror?

So what I should have said instead was that more muslims have been killed by muslims than by any other people of any other religion in the world.

And that is a fact one cannot escape from..... whether you ban me again or not.

A fact? Where did you get that fact from? Got it from Shiv Sena's party pamhlet or simply pulled it out of your arse?

Don't you see the trembling islamophobe hidden under your skin?

Incidentally my ban was for "silly off-topic statements" so let me stay on topic here and ask each and every Indian here ......

What is wrong in the stand taken by the Shiv Sena?
What's wrong with Shiv Sena's stand?

A party of thugs and terrorists who think Ram gave them the ownership of Maharashtra and by virtue of it they can do whatever, expel, terrorize through criminal activities anyone or other party or civil member or opinion not aligned with theirs.

And you think what's wrong with them? Burning homes, businesses, posters, targeting innocent muslims and christians, beating up muslim/minority politicians in parliament, so on and so forth, yet you have the audacity to say WHATS WRONG WITH THEM?

Remember discussing yours or anyone's banning is not allowed on the forum?

Have we as a nation forgotten that this is the same country we are talking about which sent another "team" a lttle over a year ago to play a different "game" on an Indian pitch?

Have we as a nation forgotten the thousands of our brothers and sisters whose blood has flown into our own soil thanks to this same nation's scum that shoot and bomb with impunity on our soil to try and wrest away what was never and will never be theirs?

Have we as a nation forgotten the forefathers of this same nation which did not see a common future with our own forefathers and tore the land and its people apart 62 years ago?

And they want to play cricket with us, on our soil, with our money?
Mixing sports with politics eh! But you wont learn, so let me try another example of your glaring hypocrisy.

You are on a Pakistan virtual soil, paid for by Pakistanis money, run and managed by Pakistanis, and you want to still talk crap about Pakistan and Islam without any shame and apologies you want to stay here, too?

If you hate Pakistan and Pakistani's civlians, military, politicans, and sportsmen etc. so much, then why the hell are you on this forum to begin with?

Do you have any self-respect, self-worth, or honour? Ever heard of these things?

You're an unbelievable bigot with hypocrisy written all over your face. Do yourself a huge favour, leave the forum and go join Shev Sena's party, with such myopic hatefull one-sided pseudo-nationalist pseudo-religious world view, i'm sure you'd do very well and make your parents proud.

Talk about cheapness and hypocrisy guys.

In your own words, Good Riddance!
Its funny how all the secular and democratic Indians who are abusing Shiv Sena forgot the 'Zenda' incident.

Apparently this movie was opposed by Narayan Rane's son and had to delay release with some scene cutting.

Narayan Rane is a minister in Current Maharashtra Government. All Ashok Chavan said was if we recieve complain we will take action.

How come a Congress leader can oppose a censor certified movie?

Ain't it against freedom of expression and Democratic values too?


Firstly , off your post, if Pakistanis label SRK a Hindu and non Muslim then that is their view. Our hero remains as such whether he embraces Islam or Hinduism or both.

Onto your post. If you care to check on the Zenda incident there were inaccuracies and lies about Rane in the original script. When Rane's son objected then the necessary editing was done. What is so "undemocratic" in that? Actually in any democracy to slur a person's good name by using fiction or entertainment as an excuse is not justified. Remember that we are not a nation of conspiracists who can spew out thrash just by vivid imagination. Our democracy calls for facts before making accusations. The original script of Zenda did not meet that requirement.

As for Shiv Sena and their actions, if Indians are not careful their next call in a few years time will be for independence of Maharashtra from India. Our ideology of Indian first and everything else follows must never be compromised. Shiv Sena goes against that. They likewise should limit their politics to politics and stop behaving like a bunch of goons who believe that they are untouchable.
I don't see how you even deserve to be on this forum with such ignorant and self-righteous anti-Pakistan attitude.

Muslims are one whether in India or Pak, so when you unleash your ignorance about Islam on this forum to muslims regardless of nationalities, have the courage to stand and have your pesky ignorant self be stomped and discarded from this forum.

On one hand you criticize some followers of Islam for alleged misconduct, on the other hand you openly support the Shiv Sena thugs and terrorists who have made the lives of minorities miserable and hell in Maharastra.

Have you ever seen your sheer ignorant face in the mirror?

A fact? Where did you get that fact from? Got it from Shiv Sena's party pamhlet or simply pulled it out of your arse?

Don't you see the trembling islamophobe hidden under your skin?

What's wrong with Shiv Sena's stand?

A party of thugs and terrorists who think Ram gave them the ownership of Maharashtra and by virtue of it they can do whatever, expel, terrorize through criminal activities anyone or other party or civil member or opinion not aligned with theirs.

And you think what's wrong with them? Burning homes, businesses, posters, targeting innocent muslims and christians, beating up muslim/minority politicians in parliament, so on and so forth, yet you have the audacity to say WHATS WRONG WITH THEM?

Remember discussing yours or anyone's banning is not allowed on the forum?

Mixing sports with politics eh! But you wont learn, so let me try another example of your glaring hypocrisy.

You are on a Pakistan virtual soil, paid for by Pakistanis money, run and managed by Pakistanis, and you want to still talk crap about Pakistan and Islam without any shame and apologies you want to stay here, too?

If you hate Pakistan and Pakistani's civlians, military, politicans, and sportsmen etc. so much, then why the hell are you on this forum to begin with?

Do you have any self-respect, self-worth, or honour? Ever heard of these things?

You're an unbelievable bigot with hypocrisy written all over your face. Do yourself a huge favour, leave the forum and go join Shev Sena's party, with such myopic hatefull one-sided pseudo-nationalist pseudo-religious world view, i'm sure you'd do very well and make your parents proud.

In your own words, Good Riddance!
Let me correct you on the bold part above. They also target and harass north Indians who move to Maharasthra so their policy is actually against minorities. It also applies to the majority of India :D
You are on a Pakistan virtual soil, paid for by Pakistanis money, run and managed by Pakistanis, and you want to still talk crap about Pakistan and Islam without any shame and apologies you want to stay here, too?

I would willingly contribute what little I can for the upkeep of this forum if there was a way to do so for an Indian .... voluntarily.

Khairat lene ki adat humare poorwajon ne hume nahin sikhayi hai mere dost .....

Cheers, Doc
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I would willingly contribute what little I can for the upkeep of this forum if there was a way to do so for an Indian .... voluntarily.

Khairat lene ke adat humare poorwajon ne hume nahin sikhaya hai mere dost .....

Cheers, Doc

Durban Reaper claimed that he donated money for the upkeep of this forum. Two days later he got banned. Sorry but that doesn't help either doc :D
No seriously PlanetWarrior ..... its not to earn brownie points. I would be more diplomatically guarded in my posts if that was my sole aim of being here.

It is for this very reason ..... there is nothing Pakistan has given India except grief over the past 62 years ..... nothing.

This forum is the only silver lining.

That also is being thrown in our faces now.

So lets pay for what we use and stay here sir upar utha ke, shaan se.

What say other Indians?

Cheers, Doc
No seriously PlanetWarrior ..... its not to earn brownie points. I would be more diplomatically guarded in my posts if that was my sole aim of being here.

It is for this very reason ..... there is nothing Pakistan has given India except grief over the past 62 years ..... nothing.

This forum is the only silver lining.

That also is being thrown in our faces now.

So lets pay for what we use and stay here sir upar utha ke, shaan se.

What say other Indians?

Cheers, Doc

Then it would become another Kashmir like issue doc. We would end up paying the majority for this forum and in due course would claim ownership of it. I don't believe that the Webmaster would give in to our demands and in due course that would start a cyber war. Let's just stick to being guests here. Ask the Pakistanis to pass the chai, the Chinese to pass the noodles and engage in diplomatic discussions. Perhaps :pdf: a future training venue for our foreign diplomats :D
We can sign a Shimla agreement.

Where we pay, and the pakistanis maintain control.

Indefinitely. For perpetuity.

At least we won't be called free-loaders as a last ditch defense by disgruntled Pakistani brothers.

Remember as kids when we would play cricket, what would happen if God forbid the kid whose bat and wickets it was (ball fir bhi doosri mil jaati hai) was given wrongly (per him of course) out .......

Cheers, Doc
We can sign a Shimla agreement.

Where we pay, and the pakistanis maintain control.

Indefinitely. For perpetuity.

At least we won't be called free-loaders as a last ditch defense by disgruntled Pakistani brothers.

Remember as kids when we would play cricket, what would happen if God forbid the kid whose bat and wickets it was (ball fir bhi doosri mil jaati hai) was given wrongly (per him of course) out .......

Cheers, Doc

Well to those who call us "free loaders" I would suggest that they reconsider our titles to "educators". Unless offcourse they believe in the motto "ignorance is bliss" in which event I would refer them to Karan's informative thread on this post titled "THE MONKEY TRAP" :D
So anyone here actually support Shiv Sena sahib?

im guessing yes.

Shiv Sena is a party not a person :D

If you wish to join the party you would have to learn to speak Marathi and become a resident of Maharashta state. Application forms for joining the party maybe obtained at your nearest Shiv Sena office. I strongly suggest that you stick with Congress if you plan on obtaining Indian citizenship though :D
Yes .... most definitely this time around.

Cheers, Doc
So anyone here actually support Shiv Sena sahib?

im guessing yes.

Like most democratic countries, we have our differences on this one issue and Shiv Sena's approach to the same.. However normally most sane Indians do not like Shiv Sena and its hooliganism..

PS: On the issue of the movie, I am definitely gonna watch it.. Dont like SRK too much but Kajol rocks..
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