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Shireen Mazari beaten and arrested from her own home

Things are getting bad ...one PTI worker got stabbed in KPK in ICU.

@Suz3 - It was fun while it lasted.

Regenerate please as a new Avatar.

I'll be waiting for you, faggot.
the whole Noon league is generated in the same way.
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Someone sitting abroad knows more about pakistan from PTI Facebook pages then the people living here. I know you believe Imran khan is your prophet and barking at others is the only thing he has taught you.
Says Sharif mafia slave
Says Sharif mafia slave
Never said I supported Nawaz. But i can see the indoctrination in you.
Here is how your life goes
(1) wake up pray to Imran
(2) Look at all the PTI fan pages
(3) Then spam defence forum and your own Facebook with PTI live coverage and messages from your messiah.
(4) accidentally comes across a corruption case live BRT Peshawar aginst PTI, ignore( how can god possibly do corruption right?)
(5) Bark at someone trying to tell you the truth
(6) Eat , pray to imran some more and then go to sleep. Starting next day have to spread the gospel again.
Lool, You gonna try to justify her corruption? During whole PTI tenure they looted and plundered but because Inran khan is your messiah your gonna look the other way? Her, zulfi bukhari and sheik rashid have done unprecedented levels of corruption. Infact it was PTI who did false cases against noonies while none of themselves were touched.
And I know what idiot reply some will give is to call me a Patwari’ before you do I do not stand with them. If they do corruption they should be brought to justice as should PTI filth. I have had the opportunity to be very close to PTI echelons and they are nothing more than rotted filth.

Patwari, jiyala, Fazlu lovers are all the same. You lot are the worst people on earth not because you support them but because you are brain dead people with no abilities to differentiate between right and wrong. Koi itna gira hua kaise hosakta hai ?
Patwari, jiyala, Fazlu lovers are all the same. You lot are the worst people on earth not because you support them but because you are brain dead people with no abilities to differentiate between right and wrong. Koi itna gira hua kaise hosakta hai ?
Because I don’t support your prophet I’m brain dead? M8 look who is talking. None of PTIs corruption cases have been brought to light yet.
From BRT peshawar, Ring road rwp, sugar mafia, wheat shortage, medicine shortage case, auctioning high rise belt islamabad, LNG crisis multiple times and the list goes on and on. But you have to ignore them right? Cause your god immi is always right. I see the dajjal force one when i see filth like you.
Patwari, jiyala, Fazlu lovers are all the same. You lot are the worst people on earth not because you support them but because you are brain dead people with no abilities to differentiate between right and wrong. Koi itna gira hua kaise hosakta hai ?

Desi zionists is more accurate term
Time and time again, I have said that by not announcing the march sooner, IK is making a massive blunder ! If he has tiny bit of common sense left in him, he needs to announce the march right now ! I don't understand even a 2-year in Pakistan knows that it is better to trust a snake than the Pakistan Establishment but yet IK decided to have back channel talks with them. Just really, really stupid tactics!!
The mob is on both sides which means a civil war. Let's not give air to silly notions. In the past the then opposition PDM members were also arrested including women pols.

This system can't deliver anything unless corrupts and crooks are dragged on streets by public. Once cleanup is done then we can restart.
Fascist PMLN showing their true colors!

They're frustrated and desperate because they're not getting any green signals. It's over for pmln, elections will be announced and their government/ politics is over for good. These are the last desperate measures.
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