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"Shining India, Swaggering India" - Times of India

This WAS an India specific thread, yet more than half the replies here are made by Chinese trolls. As early as post number 2, Chinese-Dragon started trolling.

Wrong, that video in my post was 100% relevant to the topic, of Indian swaggering.

And apparently the moderators agree, since they deleted several posts, but not mine.

I agree there is also called American who only talks about China and how good China. His id starts with M

If you are talking about "Martian2"... he is of Taiwanese descent, and he was born in America. It's not exactly a secret.
What insecurity is that? I am not the one ashamed to put on the flag for the nation I support (India) even though I am a Canadian citizen. You on the other hand dont seem to be to much into the Chinese flag yourself. If you know what insecure means, the only one insecure here is yourself.

Why should I deny my origin just to please you guys? Are you a bunch of insane people? Give me a break!

You guys are insecure as far as whenever you lost the argument you start to accuse the opponent as false flagger.

Exactly! This WAS an India specific thread, yet more than half the replies here are made by Chinese trolls. As early as post number 2, Chinese-Dragon started trolling.

Who are these Chinese trolls? I'm German and I never hid my identity from the very beginning. The other guy who got banned was from Singapore of Tamil origin. The whole thing started to derail, when you guys ran out of arguments but instead of admitting your social flaws, you started to hysterically shooting around like a fishwife with false flag accusations.

As everybody can see, even your accusation that I only participate in China related threads is made up out of thin air.

There is also another thread about the USA and its private space programme where I said that the US can make great weapons and what not but fails to make a decent car, in comes an Indian asking me to show Chinese car. WTF? Who is the one making a non-China related thread into a China related thread?

What a bunch of dishonest and deceitful people you are. The title of this thread is more than proven in this thread!
It is American culture to waste food, But in India, If you waste the food then it is considered disrespectful! So it is Ok to waste food if you emigrate to US?

Tip is based on the individual preference like dress, In US I am ok with my daughter wearing western clothes, but not micro mini skirt or cleavage showing tops!

You be what you are without hurting others sentiments!

Tipping is an etiquette which affects other people - The waiters earn their money mostly through tipping as these are mostly employed on minimum wage. There are many students especially who do part-time in restaurants to earn their money. For that sake, many students even from India, wait tables on the side to earn money to support themselves while doing their schooling here in US. This money helps them significantly.

Many restaurants, by default, add 18% or 20% if the no. of people are 6 or more.

But some restaurants, by default, add 18% gratuity to their bills even if it is a single member. Many in Little Italy in New York do that.

The other general guidance for tipping is - if you tip low, you do not like the waiter's service.

At the end of the day, it is your personal choice on how you tip but as for me, I see it differently.

As for wasting food, some Americans waste food but many do not. But you can see even advertisements in televisions which provide statistics about this food wasting and how they can save food. In restaurants, they provide boxes for the leftovers to be taken home. Americans think of wasting food as a behavior they want to get rid of.

As for dressing modestly, even my American friends discuss how their teen age daughters want to dress in a particular way, want to party and how the parents have difficulty preventing that.

In short, there is a difference between etiquette and your examples.
Götterdämmerung;2967770 said:
Why should I deny my origin just to please you guys? Are you a bunch of insane people? Give me a break!

You guys are insecure as far as whenever you lost the argument you start to accuse the opponent as false flagger.

Who are these Chinese trolls? I'm German and I never hid my identity from the very beginning. The other guy who got banned was from Singapore of Tamil origin. The whole thing started to derail, when you guys ran out of arguments but instead of admitting your social flaws, you started to hysterically shooting around like a fishwife with false flag accusations.

As everybody can see, even your accusation that I only participate in China related threads is made up out of thin air.

There is also another thread about the USA and its private space programme where I said that the US can make great weapons and what not but fails to make a decent car, in comes an Indian asking me to show Chinese car. WTF? Who is the one making a non-China related thread into a China related thread?

What a bunch of dishonest and deceitful people you are. The title of this thread is more than proven in this thread!

start from post no. 2 and see urself who did what........according to u .... a person loses arguement if he does not say " SIR YOU WON, UR POINT IS RIGHT"..... this bharat and india subject has been discussed in many threads..... dere was no need of bringing it up..... i know u did not bring up this point but the singaporean did.... if a chinese will come and say.... in 8 years your country will be divided into 8 nations..... any indian will get pissed off.... and u taking side of a chinese will also get res....
If I tell you a few examples, you would be ROFL.

We always do constant upgrading projects of our infrastructure. Be it the busstops, public telephone booths, roads, maintenance is done several times a year, inclusive of repair works. I had one chap from India who actually asked me "What the hell is wrong with you people?? Why do u need to keep breaking down and rebuilding even busstops?? U have nothing else to do..blahh blaah.."...and he went on to talk about India for the next 5 mins. Mind you, that busstop was leaking like hell.

Then they have complaints over the food. They claim outright our cuisine is bland, tasteless and they don't comprehend how humans can actually eat this trash - okay...so we are trash eating animals now..coming from a nationality that can't even feed or clothe itself adequately back home, really rich

I can keep going on and on man, till I write a 10000 word essay on it, and I would have still just covered the tip of the iceberg. Just go into google and do a search for "Indian FT in Singapore" or "Indian ah neh in Singapore". There'll be a whole load of articles to read about.

Worst of it all is when they come and tell us, they have the god-given right to stay in our country and do what they want because they are better than us in their professions and we are not competent. Well here's a fact, I've worked with Indians before on a couple of projects and all I got was a bunch of squabbling and disorganized group. Totally opposite to the Singaporean crowd and also the Taiwanese group I had the pleasure of working with in the army. We are highly organized, pragmatic and we get things done. They don't perform on all 3 levels.

And their attitude to our service staff. I've seen Indians abusing Singaporean customer service staff in public, thinking it works here like how it does in India. No, it doesn't. We treat our service staff with respect. Get used to it and adapt, or I'll be the first one to show u the way to the airport.

Great accomplishments to Singapore....a country the size of a peanut with a mostly secular indigenous population.....plz....you are a fool for grouping the actions of a few to an entire nation. I can go on and on about Singaporeans and how they love to bend over and lick white $%#.......Again I can go on and on bu its pointless. I am intelligent enough to realize that the actions of a few should not cloud my judgement for the entire country.....

its not racist.
indians are by nature very arrogant people.

indians are difficult people to like and get on with.
they are an uncivilized bunch.

just look at the way indians behave in foreign countries, they have no respect for the country they live in. they breed like wild animals with no population control and destroy the host country.

Yeah right...before you go on and on....have you ever seen Chinatown in NYC? I know you haven;t, otherwise you would choose your words carefully..... I guess you are not aware of the news article that gives evidence about how the close familial ties to the ruling Communist party has made many relatives wealthy......I guess not because your govt censored it.....fool....haha

Götterdämmerung;2966069 said:
And yet not one of them ruled the whole territory that is modern India and none of them claimed to be the legitimate successor of the previous dynasty.

No difference than googling for Europe.

Read up on Ashoka....he ruled an United India that was bigger than today
Great accomplishments to Singapore....a country the size of a peanut with a mostly secular indigenous population.....plz....you are a fool for grouping the actions of a few to an entire nation. I can go on and on about Singaporeans and how they love to bend over and lick white $%#.......Again I can go on and on bu its pointless. I am intelligent enough to realize that the actions of a few should not cloud my judgement for the entire country.....

Yeah right...before you go on and on....have you ever seen Chinatown in NYC? I know you haven;t, otherwise you would choose your words carefully..... I guess you are not aware of the news article that gives evidence about how the close familial ties to the ruling Communist party has made many relatives wealthy......I guess not because your govt censored it.....fool....haha

Read up on Ashoka....he ruled an United India that was bigger than today

As for Chinatown in NYC - either Bowery China town or Flushing Chinatown, I frequent there often(as a matter of fact, I was in Bowery China town today morning) and my impression is those have very hard working Chinese people.
have you ever seen Chinatown in NYC?

I don't know what are you insinuate about NYC Chinatown. Chinatown, as any ethnic enclaves in New York City, has had its ups and downs for the past 100 years. But today Chinatown is vibrant, clean and safe. It's property values are one of the highest in NYC. There are more tourists travel to Chinatown than any place in NYC. All its buildings are remodeled and command high rents and the stores are always packed with all kind of customers.

Chinatown today is probably the only place in NYC that never sleep with stores open 24 hours.

As for Chinatown in NYC - either Bowery China town or Flushing Chinatown, I frequent there often(as a matter of fact, I was in Bowery China town today morning) and my impression is those have very hard working Chinese people.

Brooklyn also has a 8 Ave Chinatown that's huge and is getting bigger and a new one is brewing on BayParkway and one on Ave U. It's always a rule of thump that where ever there is a Chinatown it turn out to be the busiest commercial enclave for the neighborhood.
lol``what a bunch of clueless people and a sad country....

Everytime when I was in India, I always felt their baseless 'confidence' and total arrogance when comparing its primitive society to those developed ones. the most frequent words I heard from them was 'WILL'`` I guess due to their incompetence combined with their high ego (probably caused by thousands of years humilation done by others), the situation forces them to indulge in a total delusion which is the only way can help their inferior complexity``
now the chinese finds indians arrogant. for ur kind information in west bengal a bunch of chinese workers were kicked off and thrown outside india bcz they started fighting and beating fellow indian workers without any provocation in 2008.so stop posting craps when u hardly know anything abt india.
lol``what a bunch of clueless people and a sad country....

Everytime when I was in India, I always felt their baseless 'confidence' and total arrogance when comparing its primitive society to those developed ones. the most frequent words I heard from them was 'WILL'`` I guess due to their incompetence combined with their high ego (probably caused by thousands of years humilation done by others), the situation forces them to indulge in a total delusion which is the only way can help their inferior complexity``
as a collective nation i dont know whether we are clueless or not (visiting this country a couple of times, though, gives u the right to judge us), i m sure clueless as to how thousand years of subjugation boosts ego n inferior complex at the same time. kudos
lol``what a bunch of clueless people and a sad country....

Everytime when I was in India, I always felt their baseless 'confidence' and total arrogance when comparing its primitive society to those developed ones. the most frequent words I heard from them was 'WILL'`` I guess due to their incompetence combined with their high ego (probably caused by thousands of years humilation done by others), the situation forces them to indulge in a total delusion which is the only way can help their inferior complexity``

I don't know why a Chinese shoe maker would travel to primitive India only to hear them bragging?? And if you are on business trip to shoe making towns of the likes of Agra/Kanpur etc, I don't know who will give you the lectures that you often talk about that "India will do this or do that".. That apart from the fact that the people, you would have interacted with, would not be highly conversant in English as well.. Now if you understand the local languages (which numbers in tons) or they understand Chinese, then that's a different story..

So, now, stop telling fake stories about you, the shoe maker's trip of India.. Please spare India, when you plan your next trip.. May be that will help you with not dealing with any kind of complexes.. Deal?? :tup:
copy pasting a stupid video ans painting all India alike is same as me putting the video where a chini kid got run over by 5, 6 cars and none cared to help her, and claiming all chinis are bunch of paranoid heartless jombies.

but I'd not do that since I am not devoid of values and ethos like these chinis
Great accomplishments to Singapore....a country the size of a peanut with a mostly secular indigenous population.....plz....you are a fool for grouping the actions of a few to an entire nation. I can go on and on about Singaporeans and how they love to bend over and lick white $%#.......Again I can go on and on bu its pointless. I am intelligent enough to realize that the actions of a few should not cloud my judgement for the entire country.....

Yeah right...before you go on and on....have you ever seen Chinatown in NYC? I know you haven;t, otherwise you would choose your words carefully..... I guess you are not aware of the news article that gives evidence about how the close familial ties to the ruling Communist party has made many relatives wealthy......I guess not because your govt censored it.....fool....haha

Read up on Ashoka....he ruled an United India that was bigger than today

yes, and Ashoka's empire is a distinct empire that is not a successor to any previous empire. And no other empire succeeded his. If you want to learn about succession of empires, read up on anciet Egyptian history.
India is a country of 1 billion people, I cannot vouch for all the people, but I can tell you many of us civilized and genuine people. Please don't get prejudiced against us! Say no to stereotypes.
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