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"Shining India, Swaggering India" - Times of India

Having visited india, there are some things to admire, but the hubris goes way beyond that, there are genuine indian people who believe that they are the masters of the universe, while just yards away thousands of their countrymen are living in absolute squalor.
from my perspective , india consumed , enjoiyed had debt and has a sh1tty currency and owes alot of money. china worked very hard like slaves to the ccp, made lot of $$ which is keeping on getting lower and lower in value but they cannot stop working hard because if they do there will be riots. so who is better off?
from my perspective , india consumed , enjoiyed had debt and has a sh1tty currency and owes alot of money. china worked very hard like slaves to the ccp, made lot of $$ which is keeping on getting lower and lower in value but they cannot stop working hard because if they do there will be riots. so who is better off?

:china: :0 LoL
its not racist.
indians are by nature very arrogant people.

indians are difficult people to like and get on with.
they are an uncivilized bunch.

just look at the way indians behave in foreign countries, they have no respect for the country they live in. they breed like wild animals with no population control and destroy the host country.

Funny a chinese talking about respect for the country they live in...
And one justifying forcefull abortion done on its own people... Biggest human rights violation in the whole world..
As far i have seen, its the chinese who have been hated worldwide...
Having visited india, there are some things to admire, but the hubris goes way beyond that, there are genuine indian people who believe that they are the masters of the universe, while just yards away thousands of their countrymen are living in absolute squalor.
what do you mean by this? are you saying they think they are best?
regarding the territory just look for the maps or i will post them and u want to say that a single dynasty should rule the entire area without any break....... its not possible..... nowhere in the world has it so........ the concept of bharatvarsha or aryavarta was that it was ruled by the aryan kings and followed aryan traditions..... till the arabians attacked this area what we call bharatvarsha was ruled by aryan kings or hindu kings..... and brothe the concept of aryan as mentioned in our books is very different from the west says....

regarding the territory just look for the maps or i will post them and u want to say that a single dynasty should rule the entire area without any break....... its not possible..... nowhere in the world has it so........ the concept of bharatvarsha or aryavarta was that it was ruled by the aryan kings and followed aryan traditions..... till the arabians attacked this area what we call bharatvarsha was ruled by aryan kings or hindu kings..... and brothe the concept of aryan as mentioned in our books is very different from the west says....

There were many empires that rule the majority of Indian subcontinent. But none of them claim to be the legitimate ruler of a country called "India". Or that they achieve the unification of India and all other kingdoms around them are illegitimate. These empires rule as an entity of themselves. As a result, we must conclude that the country of India was created by British and gain independence in 1947.

India before British conquest is a geographic expression like Mesopotamea or Arabia. Nothing more.
There were many empires that rule the majority of Indian subcontinent. But none of them claim to be the legitimate ruler of a country called "India". Or that they achieve the unification of India and all other kingdoms around them are illegitimate. These empires rule as an entity of themselves. As a result, we must conclude that the country of India was created by British and gain independence in 1947.

India before British conquest is a geographic expression like Mesopotamea or Arabia. Nothing more.

History is not the point of discussions here...
I hope everyone stop replying to history here...
Mr.chinese century ur remark about india and its people shows ur inner weakness. If u really were a super power u must have learnt how to behave like a superpower. if this is ur level of arguement, am sorry u totally lost it buddy.
Having visited india, there are some things to admire, but the hubris goes way beyond that, there are genuine indian people who believe that they are the masters of the universe, while just yards away thousands of their countrymen are living in absolute squalor.

It’s hilarious to have our pakistani brethren talk so dismissively of India, as if to suggest that Pakistan has mastered it all. I mean if one didn’t know any better, the nonchalance, the tone and tenor of messages coming out from guys like Rafi would suggest that Pak is an advanced nation, with unparalleled levels of human development and a robust economy.

I mean, I’m not even going to waste my time ridiculing the pak economy – it would make the job of embarrassing you too easy.

And speaking of squalor – indices such as Oxford’s MPI positions pak pretty close to india in terms of poverty. As per national census data, india is eradicating poverty faster. India fares better on education, for both females and males. UN agencies such as UNDP, FAO have databases that substantiate claims of higher levels of undernourishment and hunger in Pakistan. More hospital beds and physicians in india per 1000. Higher spending by the Indian govt on health and edu (as % of GDP than pak). It can go on and on.

The crux of the message – just because china is head and shoulders above india, and just because china is good friends with pak – it doen’t suggest a transfer of bragging rights from a superpower in the making to a wannabe, contending with the “failed state” tag.

Some Indians are delusional, but ironically, your critique of the Indian mindset is also based on hallucinations. Wake up, bro…
There were many empires that rule the majority of Indian subcontinent. But none of them claim to be the legitimate ruler of a country called "India". Or that they achieve the unification of India and all other kingdoms around them are illegitimate. These empires rule as an entity of themselves. As a result, we must conclude that the country of India was created by British and gain independence in 1947.

India before British conquest is a geographic expression like Mesopotamea or Arabia. Nothing more.

u are free to believe what seems suitable to u ....... but dont ask indians and the whole world to believe ... and yaa xcludes pakistanis..
from my perspective , india consumed , enjoiyed had debt and has a sh1tty currency and owes alot of money. china worked very hard like slaves to the ccp, made lot of $$ which is keeping on getting lower and lower in value but they cannot stop working hard because if they do there will be riots. so who is better off?

Of course swaggering India is better off!

swag·ger (swgr)
v. swag·gered, swag·ger·ing, swag·gers
1. To walk or conduct oneself with an insolent or arrogant air; strut.
2. To brag; boast.
Whats with these chinese trolls under various flags acting like they always do? And that chini lizard with that movie clip is a real joke. While reality is slightly different.


stop bringing China and Chinese into this. It is between you and the Singaporeans. I'm not saying China is a shining beacon, no Chinese is, and there's no Chinese nationals here insulting you, and believe it or not, Chinese are not genetically programmed to hate Indians, so maybe think about the fact that there might be some foreigners who aren't Chinese who dislike India.
stop bringing China and Chinese into this. It is between you and the Singaporeans. I'm not saying China is a shining beacon, no Chinese is, and there's no Chinese nationals here insulting you, and believe it or not, Chinese are not genetically programmed to hate Indians, so maybe think about the fact that there might be some foreigners who aren't Chinese who dislike India.

I can give you a thousand examples of your countrymen doing so......
but since I am not an internet warrior like them , and actually have a life, I would not want to waste my time on such a useless pursuit...
look dude, I have no idea what can of trash the papers out there write about us, but I would suggest you to look beyond Pakistan , Iran and Russia.....Thw west has quite free press you know you can look at them for reports, though they too tend too produce trash at times according to the mood of the people of the country....but mostly it's good reports

On the topic: how can people say that newspapers here present propaganda, when they also write stuff like these??
People who criticised the paper at the time of defense aquisitions, are probably lauding it right now as the only truthful paper in India.......
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