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Shining India: Dalit not allowed to Cycle in the "upper caste" areas.

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To be honest I was was quite taken back too when I joined the forum but after a while you begin to realize that this isn't a forum, it's a virtual battlefield. :rofl:

(Some discussions are very interesting though...)

:partay: :sniper:

Online warriors... Behind Enemy Lines
fact is most of the higher caste people are well aware of the fact that our ancestors did discriminate lower caste people...this caste gap is slowly getting bridged nowadays...intercaste marriages are a common scene and nobody is complaining..

How can you be so sure?

In my case me or my father or my grand father never misbehaved or subjugated lower caste people. Then why should I or my future generation pay for the supposed mistreatment that is met out to low caste people. I heard that the caste based reservation was only meant for 10-15 years after independence,but in time vested interests began to form around this reservation who till now are against even the slightest change in the reservation category.

I am all for a income based reservation.
How can you be so sure?

In my case me or my father or my grand father never misbehaved or subjugated lower caste people. Then why should I or my future generation pay for the supposed mistreatment that is met out to low caste people. I heard that the caste based reservation was only meant for 10-15 years after independence,but in time vested interests began to form around this reservation who till now are against even the slightest change in the reservation category.

I am all for a income based reservation.
Jobs, promotions, admissions etc. should all be merit based. NO reservations.
College fees etc. should be income based.
Mind you, I did not specify country a and country b. It's not just Indians or Pakistani or Chinese or ....
Problem is, seldom have I seen threads started by person 1 from country a saying "this and that is wrong in country a".
Maybe I should start a thread saying what's wrong in the Netherlands, but I can't start threads and in the grand scheme of problems around the world mine are just tiny.

i tried discussing the negative news about China, but it just becomes a tool to bash China with from Indians, Americans, and Indian-Americans, so its more useful to mindlessly scream propaganda.
How can you be so sure?

In my case me or my father or my grand father never misbehaved or subjugated lower caste people. Then why should I or my future generation pay for the supposed mistreatment that is met out to low caste people. I heard that the caste based reservation was only meant for 10-15 years after independence,but in time vested interests began to form around this reservation who till now are against even the slightest change in the reservation category.

I am all for a income based reservation.

i was not talking about my or your ancestors i was talking about the general discrimination that lower caste people had to suffer since so many centuries....yes it is true that it was meant for 10-15 years but learn from congress how to get votes from any issue...Now this thing has got so much bigger that it can never ever be stopped...everyone demands reservation now even those who were actually discriminating lower caste people..i have thus mentioned in other post that urban lower caste people are the reason for suffering of rural lower caste people..why should someone be allowed to pay less fee or get admission with less marks when his family member has got job from the same reservation??
Wow, I'm impressed by the amount of dedication these pakistani fellows have to point out mistakes in Indian society. Its simply great :woot: continue your social service to indian masses until we rectify ourselves!!!.......BTW have you ever heard about the proverb "when you point a finger towards other you are pointing 3 fingers towards yourselves"...:pop:
i was not talking about my or your ancestors i was talking about the general discrimination that lower caste people had to suffer since so many centuries....yes it is true that it was meant for 10-15 years but learn from congress how to get votes from any issue...Now this thing has got so much bigger that it can never ever be stopped...everyone demands reservation now even those who were actually discriminating lower caste people..i have thus mentioned in other post that urban lower caste people are the reason for suffering of rural lower caste people..why should someone be allowed to pay less fee or get admission with less marks when his family member has got job from the same reservation??

Its like the story of Wolf accusing the Sheep that if you hadn't dirtied the water your father surely did. I ask again why should every forward caste suffer for some supposed attrocities committed by our ancestors thousand of years ago. We are taught in school that every one is equal irrespective of his caste and religion, but when its time for college admissions we find out that we are not equal or some people are more equal than others just because they belong to a separate caste and religion. From then on you are not allowed to forget your caste if you chose to stay in India. Its funny that in a country where Govt is saying that they are working for a caste free society, you are asked your caste in every application form.

Caste based reservation was one of the biggest blunder in post-independence India. I has become a monster that will constantly polarize the Indian society for years to come. Extent this to private sector and you are inviting trouble.
Convert all Hindu Dalits to other faiths, we should not start riot and brag that we care about them, let's be real and let them have life with dignity.
actually pakistani guys are doing a fovour to indians by pointing out our weeknesses as kabir ji "said nindak nere rakiye"i dont remeber it full it said like its very good to have a critic as he helps u find & rectify ur weeknes & bad habits to make u a better person
In Perali village, Dalits can't cycle in upper caste areas


After several years of struggle and agitation, the Dalits of Perali village in Perambalur district say they continue to face discrimination at the hands of caste Hindus.

They still cannot ride a bicycle on streets where upper caste members reside. Those who dare to violate the ‘ban' face abuse and threats.

In 2002, the All India Democratic Women's Association organised an agitation in the village, forcing the district administration to intervene. A group of Dalit boys and girls cycled along the upper caste streets under the supervision of Revenue officials. The freedom was short-lived.

Dalits students of the Government Higher Secondary School in the village still cannot take the upper caste streets though it is a shorter, safe route.

They have get down from the bicycle and push it or go via the busy Perambalur-Ariyalur High Road , says 49-year-old N. Ayyakannu, a real estate broker. Even the postmaster, a Dalit, cannot ride his bicycle on the upper caste streets.

“After all the representations and agitations many of us are fed up and have come to the conclusion that things will not change,” he says.

Dalits constitute a minority in the village.

Many among them have to work as agricultural labourers for the affluent and dominant caste Hindus and can hardly afford to go against the wishes of their employers.

Dalits are not allowed to enter the temple on the upper caste street, says Mr. Ayyakannu.

‘The two-tumbler system' is prevalent in some of the tea shops, says Arumugam, a 70-year-old agricultural labourer. “The system is followed except in two shops. We cannot even sit as equals with caste Hindus on the benches at the tea shops.”

Though the village has a library, Dalit youth can only sit on the floor, says Suresh, a Dalit boy.

Charge denied

K. Padaikathu, president of the village panchayat, who belongs to the upper caste community, denied there was any ban on Dalits cycling through the upper caste streets.

When probed further, he conceded that there could be a few minor issues, but maintained there were no major problems in the village.

“Such problems were there some years back when I was young. But now, we co-exist peacefully.”

Asked about Dalits being denied admission to the temple, Mr.Padaikathu said there were separate temples in upper caste and Dalit streets and there was agreement that the two communities would worship separately

The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : In Perali village, Dalits can't cycle in upper caste areas

Where are those who ask if Hindus in Pakistan have equal rights , if a low caste hindu cant be treated equally in "Hindustan" by their own Hindu community , then only God can help.

India is a contradiction.

The Indian leaders try to fit in with whatever major power it is that rules the world at any particular moment.

Indian society does not move on. That leads to these cases, which are probably more common than just the occasional Dalit threat. The laws don't fit the society.
Yep it does not stop them being dalit they still face issues

Why should they? As far as I know Christianity have no caste system. Once converted they are just Christian or Muslim or Buddhist or whatever religion he chose to covert.
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