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'Shia Kafir' - Poem from Extremists openly appreciating the killings of Quetta shias

All this cr@p is happening right at our doorsteps, and India being home to a large Shia, Sunni and other Muslim minority community should scare the cr@p out any Indian think tank.
As long as ideologies are not imported from outside India shouldn't have any trouble, however Kerala is increasingly moving towards extremism not the sectarian one though.
During the Gujarat riots, Bohris were openly burned alive. Men, women, and children. Their community has kept all records.

Shias in Pakistan did not decide to stay anywhere. Shias in Pakistan are NATIVE of that land.
It means you are ill informed bout certian facts. :)

Majority those killed were poor Sunnis in their Bastis. Bohris were killed in very less numbers. Said that, whatever happaned in Ahmedabad was an outcome of anger due to Godhra Train event and unfortunate. We have grownup with experience and made sure it didnt occur ever after that. It was unfortunate and a knee jerk reaction. Whereas, here we see open banner asking to kill the minorities. Atleast my country doesnt have open promotion of genocide.
It shouldn't. Our security forces will not turn a blind eye to activities like this. Only by the willful negligence and connivance of the authorities can such things happen.
Infiltration can be handled but ideology imported from ME must be checked, political parties will turn a blind eye to it due to vote bank.
It shouldn't. Our security forces will not turn a blind eye to activities like this. Only by the willful negligence and connivance of the authorities can such things happen.

You need to discount the minority appeasement act that our politicians are so fond of indulging into - end result all are in danger - even the Muslim minorities.
There is no such thing as Shia Sunni in Pakistan. These scums make mountains out of molehill, they disappoint me so much that i wonder if there is a God?

What we need is a serious genocide. Other than that I do not see answer to our ills.

I know some people from Pakistan that have now become Atheists or Agnostics because Mullahs have turned Pakistan into a cesspit of ignorance and violence. Takfiri dogs are not doing any services to Islam but in fact are turning people away from Islam.
As long as ideologies are not imported from outside India shouldn't have any trouble, however Kerala is increasingly moving towards extremism not the sectarian one though.

The bigger elephant in the room are the Hindu's presently - the Islamist's will prey on their minorities if they can go around tackling this problem first.

It means you are ill informed bout certian facts. :)

Majority those killed were poor Sunnis in their Bastis. Bohris were killed in very less numbers. Said that, whatever happaned in Ahmedabad was an outcome of anger due to Godhra Train event and unfortunate. We have grownup with experience and made sure it didnt occur ever after that. It was unfortunate and a knee jerk reaction. Whereas, here we see open banner asking to kill the minorities. Atleast my country doesnt have open promotion of genocide.

such a shame for India. In Pakistan, we can never think about killing an entire community, let alone a single innocent human being! In India, hindus openly talk about settling scores with their own muslim countrymen. Those muzaffarnagar threads on PDF are proof.

I know some people from Pakistan that have now become Atheists or Agnostics because Mullahs have turned Pakistan into a cesspit of ignorance and violence. Takfiri dogs are not doing any services to Islam but in fact are turning people away from Islam.

You are talking a fallacy my friend. Islam has nothing to do with evil human acts. If those individuals became atheists, it's their own utter stupidity.
such a shame for India. In Pakistan, we can never think about killing an entire community. In India, hindus openly talk about settling scores with their own muslim countrymen. Those muzaffarnagar threads on PDF are proof.
Ha Ha. Wake up Sid. Coz you cant afford to sleep more. If u do, neednt say whats gonna happen to u. :)


I hope you arent offended by this statement by ur countryman.

Sipah e Muhammad is a terrorist organization that conducts public rallies openly throughout Pakistan. The media just does not highlight them. In Pakistan, the Shias are a deeply entrenched community spread throughout the country, unlike LeJ etc, who are elements on the fringes, and can only conduct public shows.

Ha Ha. Wake up Sid. Coz you cant afford to sleep more. If u do, neednt say whats gonna happen to u. :)


I hope you arent offended by this statement by ur countryman.

PDF members can see your sincerity. You quoted my comment partially, with "let alone a single innocent human being" deleted deliberately

This shows your motive here. You came to attack Pakistan.
Sipah e Muhammad is a terrorist organization that conducts public rallies openly throughout Pakistan. The media just does not highlight them. In Pakistan, the Shias are a deeply entrenched community spread throughout the country, unlike LeJ etc, who are elements on the fringes, and can only conduct public shows.

PDF members can see your sincerity. You quoted my comment partially, with "let alone a single innocent human being" deleted deliberately

This shows your motive here. You came to attack Pakistan.
Ha Ha. Dude, I simply quoted ur post. You changed it later then its not my problem. Dont try to get personal on me. Better face some serious questions arised.

Nobody in this world cares whats written in Quran. We care to see how are the followers of Quran acting and treating others.

Dont kill the Fox and say in Quran killing Fox is a crime so Muslims cant kill Fox. Such a foolishly flawed logic.
Sipah e Muhammad is a terrorist organization that conducts public rallies openly throughout Pakistan. The media just does not highlight them. In Pakistan, the Shias are a deeply entrenched community spread throughout the country, unlike LeJ etc, who are elements on the fringes, and can only conduct public shows.

PDF members can see your sincerity. You quoted my comment partially, with "let alone a single innocent human being" deleted deliberately

This shows your motive here. You came to attack Pakistan.

Why is it that you show no delay in gerneralising indians but is against generalising pakistanis even though more muslims have been killed in sectarian violence in pakistan in last ten years alone than the muslims killed in india in last 50+ years..And the thread is about pakistani extremists openly gloating the killing of shias with government doing nothing against it..
Ha Ha. Dude, I simply quoted ur post. You changed it later then its not my problem. Dont try to get personal on me. Better face some serious questions arised.

Nobody in this world cares whats written in Quran. We care to see how are the followers of Quran acting and treating others.

Dont kill the Fox and say in Quran killing Fox is a crime so Muslims cant kill Fox. Such a foolishly flawed logic.

you are a liar too. if i changed or edited my post, then i invite the moderators to check.

your post above shows that you hate Muslims and Islam. That's why you are here.
You like genocide? You want to kill more human beings? Do you know killing 1 innocent human being is killing ALL of mankind!

Why don't you learn from the example of Maula Ali alaihissalam? He never talked of eradicating the Khawarij, who were fighting him. He fought 20 wars with them, but never spoke of genocide. He fought for justice, and was always trying to bring them towards truth!

Peace with suicide bombers? Times change so do tactics. This is how its gonna be, bomb them. Because they will not learn even if Jesus PBUH himself tells them so sadly.

You are talking a fallacy my friend. Islam has nothing to do with evil human acts. If those individuals became atheists, it's their own utter stupidity.

No i believe you're wrong. Human weakness is a known fact and Allah knows better in one's heart. But tell me someone blown up in a mosque by a suicide bomber screaming Allahu Akbar will undoubtedly lead to that person's disillusionment with religion. I know of a young man, who had his legs blown off, he questions me about religion and God. The answer of them being evil will not bring his legs back nor rewind time. So tell me, what will u say to change his heart, whiich has been broken since he is a cripple with no outlook for love in this world. A woman's love that is which cannot be fulfilled with anything else.
Why is it that you show no delay in gerneralising indians but is against generalising pakistanis even though more muslims have been killed in sectarian violence in pakistan in last ten years alone than the muslims killed in india in last 50+ years..And the thread is about pakistani extremists openly gloating the killing of shias with government doing nothing against it..

Indians come here to compete with Pakistanis.

Peace with suicide bombers? Times change so do tactics. This is how its gonna be, bomb them. Because they will not learn even if Jesus PBUH himself tells them so sadly.

No i believe you're wrong. Human weakness is a known fact and Allah knows better in one's heart. But tell me someone blown up in a mosque by a suicide bomber screaming Allahu Akbar will undoubtedly lead to that person's disillusionment with religion. I know of a young man, who had his legs blown off, he questions me about religion and God. The answer of them being evil will not bring his legs back nor rewind time. So tell me, what will u say to change his heart, whiich has been broken since he is a cripple with no outlook for love in this world. A woman's love that is which cannot be fulfilled with anything else.

Bomb who and where? You want to bomb women and children? What is the difference between you and those terrorists?

I gave you the example of Maula Ali. It's an extremely relevant example here.

Sorry about your crippled friend. But, i would advise your crippled friend to have sabr, and be steadfast on the one and true religion Islam. Everything happens by God's Will. And God is not unjust.
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