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'Shia Kafir' - Poem from Extremists openly appreciating the killings of Quetta shias

This isn't hooliganism but state sponsored genocide.
View attachment 21481

It is using Qadyanis as an escape goat by power hungry politicians. It has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims.

Under Islam, Qadyanis, as any other non-Muslim minority must be given protection. On the village level, it's an example of anarchy / chaos, as vigilantes believe they have the right to enact "hadd punishment".. Which is completely against Islam.
How is it possible that LeJ can openly hold rallies in public like that, being a proscribed organization? This is not incompetence by the Pakistani authorities - this is collusion. Nothing else explains it.

Not collusion, fear.
Yeah i know the sunni(brelvi) love for Ahmadis. Pakistanis ignited the fire of sectarianism and now crying about it when it hurts them.

I know you are a Pakistani by heart. But please try to understand the dynamics on the ground. Do not paint everyone with the same brush.
It is using Qadyanis as an escape goat by power hungry politicians. It has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims.

Under Islam, Qadyanis, as any other non-Muslim minority must be given protection. On the village level, it's an example of anarchy / chaos, as vigilantes believe they have the right to enact "hadd punishment".. Which is completely against Islam.

Bhai, if you said this in front of mullah he will call you qadiani agent. Fact is Mullah is given too much power in Pakistan.

I know you are a Pakistani by heart. But please try to understand the dynamics on the ground. Do not paint everyone with the same brush.

I apologise. Sorry bro.
There is no such thing as Shia Sunni in Pakistan. These scums make mountains out of molehill, they disappoint me so much that i wonder if there is a God?

What we need is a serious genocide. Other than that I do not see answer to our ills.
The basis of sectarian hatred is the differences between extremists in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Pakistan has happily become a battleground of these useless and debilitating ideological wars.

If anyone is old enough, he will remember that up to late 70s', this menace did not exist in Pakistan.

All these groups sprung up after the Iranian revolution in response to Iranian policy of exporting revolution. Only thing is while shia groups were largely shut down, the sunni groups have survived to this day and are now out of hand.
All these groups sprung up after the Iranian revolution in response to Iranian policy of exporting revolution. Only thing is while shia groups were largely shut down, the sunni groups have survived to this day and are now out of hand.

A Mullah .. be it of any type .. shape ... color

is an expense on this planet. They must be eradicated.
How on Earth do these bastards convince the buzurgs to abandon all wisdom and logic? Normally the elders are the voice of reason, but something has gone wrong here. Maybe deep down, even they are scared for their survival?.

What do you mean by buzurg? Tribal elders or older generation?
A Mullah .. be it of any type .. shape ... color

is an expense on this planet. They must be eradicated.

If Pakistan is to survive Sunnis especially Barelvis themselves need to take action despite what they may personally believe about certain sects. Pakistan itself is under threat.
Bhai, if you said this in front of mullah he will call you qadiani agent. Fact is Mullah is given too much power in Pakistan.

What is a Mullah? It's a general word you are using my friend.

The biggest Mullah for Sufis (Barelvi|) in Pakistan is Shah Tarab ul Haq Qadiri in Karachi. According to him, Qadyanis are non-Muslims, but must be given full freedom and rights to practice their faith, as long as it does not harm anyone else's beliefs be it Muslim or Christian.

He does not ask his followers to go around killing innocent Qadyanis, burning their property, terrorizing them, and creating anarchy.

In Punjab, we have many Islamic seminaries going back 600 years. None of the scholars there ask people to go out and kill another innocent human being just because of his religion or supposed "gusatkh e rasool"

There is no such thing as Shia Sunni in Pakistan. These scums make mountains out of molehill, they disappoint me so much that i wonder if there is a God?

What we need is a serious genocide. Other than that I do not see answer to our ills.

your comments prove that the biggest genocidal killers in history were secularists

A Mullah .. be it of any type .. shape ... color

is an expense on this planet. They must be eradicated.
you probably prayed in one of those lovely masajids in Pakistan behind a Mullah :omghaha:
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What is a Mullah? It's a general word you are using my friend.

The biggest Mullah for Sufis (Barelvi|) in Pakistan is Shah Tarab ul Haq Qadiri in Karachi. According to him, Qadyanis are non-Muslims, but must be given full freedom and rights to practice their faith, as long as it does not harm anyone else's beliefs be it Muslim or Christian.

He does not ask his followers to go around killing innocent Qadyanis, burning their property, terrorizing them, and creating anarchy.

In Punjab, we have many Islamic seminaries going back 600 years. None of the scholars there ask people to go out and killing another innocent human being just because of his religion or supposed "gusatkh e rasool"

your comments proves that the biggest genocidal killers in history were secularists

As i earlier said. Once the state bent down against Ahmadis, it was only a matter of time before extremists would find their next target. But still i don't see any concrete action taken against terrorism in Pakistan.
The beghairat Shareef brothers are holding silly events like most people to sing national anthem, biggest flag and festivals. What i see in Pakistan today is that one section of society is living a great life and does not care what happens and the other one i see are losing everything.
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There is no such thing as Shia Sunni in Pakistan. These scums make mountains out of molehill, they disappoint me so much that i wonder if there is a God?

What we need is a serious genocide. Other than that I do not see answer to our ills.

You like genocide? You want to kill more human beings? Do you know killing 1 innocent human being is killing ALL of mankind!

Why don't you learn from the example of Maula Ali alaihissalam? He never talked of eradicating the Khawarij, who were fighting him. He fought 20 wars with them, but never spoke of genocide. He fought for justice, and was always trying to bring them towards truth!
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