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'Shia Kafir' - Poem from Extremists openly appreciating the killings of Quetta shias

Excellent points bro I have seen the same thing. Many Bengalis in the UK have started to disown their Sufi heritage and picked up the Salfist/deobandi identity and turned their backs on the elders. The sad fact is that major masjids that have majority Bengali congregations such as East London mosque are at the forefront of encouraging this change. However there is a great fight back and you have Bricklane masjid and they are the Sufi heartland of the UK bengali population. I have read Jummah there and it was great to see the salam on the Rasool(saws). Even though I didn't understand a word I felt such joy and love with my brothers, following a tradition that these filth look down upon.

Your are spot on about the whole "unite all nationalities of Muslim into one homogenous group". But these are nefarious designs as they seek to establish influence across the globe with all these nationalities.

One day Inshallah I will go visit beloved Shah Jalal(ra).

Once again i agree wholeheartedly. I often go to both the mosques you mentioned and ELM really is the main driving force for this change (they get a lot of Saudi funding). The smaller mosques, who are locally funded, are working really hard to keep our spirits up!

Re visiting Shah Jalal's Darga, you would be welcomed with open arms bro
I agree that all these sectarian gangs, talibans and MQM are all murderers - savages - extremists..

whatever float your boat if this makes you happy so be it ! not interested in trolling fest with PTI kids
whatever float your boat if this makes you happy so be it ! not interested in trolling fest with PTI kids

It is ironic when PTI trolls call MQM terrorist yet their leader defends TTP which are declared terrorists by the civilised world.
Once again i agree wholeheartedly. I often go to both the mosques you mentioned and ELM really is the main driving force for this change (they get a lot of Saudi funding). The smaller mosques, who are locally funded, are working really hard to keep our spirits up!

Re visiting Shah Jalal's Darga, you would be welcomed with open arms bro

Allah help those smaller mosques bro. I'll make a point to pray in those masjids as well. Thank for your kind wishes brother. I will make the trip to see Allah's great friend Shah Jalal and see the country as a whole.
These views aren't held by the vast majority of Pakistanis; we do not support the mistreatment of our minorities! [you can chose to not believe my statement, but it is the truth nonetheless]

Having said that, while it is sad that the majority are not voicing their opinions against this; most in Pakistan have a (bad) habit of doing just that: we chose to ignore matters that are not directly related to us; and chose to focus on matters that do.

In Pakistan the Shias hold even bigger massive rallies. But they are not shown by the media. If you check Pakistani Shia websites, you will see some pictures. In Pakistan, there are many Shia groups. And they have private armies, militias, and a massive network of intelligence.

It's not just smaller groups like LeJ

Indians don't know about Pakistan.

The Shia have been a dominant force in Pakistani politics since the beginning; didn't see anyone have a problem with that.
The number of people committing such crimes are actually a very small minority; except they get the lion's share of publicity.
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nawaz sharif is a barelvi himself. it is a known fact. The reason he is in bed with terrorists is that he is playing pure politics.
I recall back in the old days he putting flowers and sheets on the graves of the sufi saints. maybe he was a Beraliv but not sure if he still is.
because Saudis hate Beralvis as much as they hate shias and LeJ in its literature states clearly that they will kill Berlavis after eradicating shias.

my cousin was a Beralvi but he converted to pure wahabism few years back after indoctrination from a Saudi teacher. he terms kerbala and family of Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a joke. he refuses to say darood for prophet saying he is dead and doesnt deserve darood because it is shirk. he states that raping non Muslim women is halal to convert them to Islam.

he is a post graduate and very well off and not some madrasah educated poor boy who has been raped by molvis in the madrasah but his thoughts are pure evil.

in short what I am saying is that I know many ordinary sunnis that have been converted into radical hateful runts over the recent years.

I agree with your comments about Nawaz though, people at his level dont really care about relgion and for them all such thugs and terrorists are just tools for their broader schemes.
The only countries that one sees opposing Islamist's is Egypt and Bangladesh and the Syrian regime. Bangladesh is giving hell to the Jamaati's and the Egyptians to the Muslim brotherhood, while Syrians are taking on all sorts of Islamists.

Many countries besides Pakistan are giving in to Islamists.

Pakistan should ban the JI and JUI - I was surprised that no action was taken even when Munawar ridiculed PA troops.

The billions pouring in is the culprit.

to understand the difference between ordinary Muslims and wahabis

look at this video

@Jaanbaz @Cheetah786 @
It is ironic when PTI trolls call MQM terrorist yet their leader defends TTP which are declared terrorists by the civilised world.

Ok enough with this crap. Man up, start a thread and start posting proofs when IK defended or supported TTP, I will reply with the proofs where IK condemned and criticized TTP loud and clear.
It is ironic when PTI trolls call MQM terrorist yet their leader defends TTP which are declared terrorists by the civilised world.

Defending to save thier own ar$ They are not confused Infact very weak bunch people can't stand up to fight
Hain? Whatever. :D

Why wud I hate Islam. I infact Love Islam like any other religion. Our faith teaches us to respect all Religion. Thats why we Hindus bow our head whenever we cross a masjid or church or temple. Ask any Hindu here.

But ya, I do hate Muslims, especially Sunnis. Not coz they follow Islam. But because they are a menace to the society. Bohris and Shias are a support to our society. Sunnis are a burden. Now the statistics say the same. They dont follow the rule of Law, they feel alienated even if they wont be if they open themselves up to other faith like shias and bohris do.

Now if these Sunnis were follower of any other religion wudnt have made any difference to my attitude towards them. Its not bout religion dude. In India its never bout religion. Its all bout ur Class in the society. Dont see us with ur Pakistan specs. Its different here. The reason for any attitude is everything but not ONLY RELIGION.

I'm sorry, but I don't agree with your generalisation, because I closely know a few sunni families & they are not fanatics.
May be among Pakistani expatriates in North America, Europe, and Australasia, but not in Pakistan to the degree made out. Re-conversions from the extremist groups is also going on at war footing! Pakistani expatriates gladly join tableeghi jamat, or listen to Noman Ali Khan or Siraj Wahhaj or Abdur Raheem Green or Al Maghrib Forums, unaware of the fact that these individuals and organizations are the very reason behind the existence of the terrorist anarchist ideology

All extremist groups have their bases in North America and Europe. The TTP is a group whose ideology is Qutbi Jihadi [ of the Maududite / Sayyid Qutub ] group. And their headquarters is in the West. Their leaders all came from the West. Though their backgrounds were not western.

You cannot plant alien ideologies in the highly densely populated Pakistani hinterland. TTP succeeded in terrorizing Swat due to the ignorance of the local spiritual yusufzai people, who even then had no idea where the hell these people came from, and partly due to the geographic terrain, tribal culture, and power vacuums that exist all the time in KPK.

Not really. It is local among Pakistanis.. the affluent class is already under the spell of people like the Al-huda business venture.. the poor into various ahle-hadees.."purists" deobandis.. and so on. The middle class is also slowly losing itself into these rampantly extremist ideologies . Even the Barelivis and Deobandis dont pray alongside each other and are prone to violence amongst themselves. Most of the Sufi followers have been taken away by such Maududi types and their ilk under the guise of saving them from Shirk and Biddah.
everyone seeks a reason to stay relevant. That excuse of a human in the vid is simply doing that. Incite and the illiterate will follow, carry the leader on the shoulder as they march into the sunset. sigh!

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