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Shenyang J-15 aircraft carrier-based aircraft

Had anyone told you yet?

The world is going to end on 2-20-2020

I am afraid you are going to dominate nothing.... :lol:

Don't worry, your Vietnam will be back as a Chinese province because it will be impossible to resist our overwhelming dominance :lol:
Please do not mix Indian military indigenous failure with China own domestic military effort. Trying to class us with Indian is an insult.

Our military development effort is far superior and successful. Didn't we just bag an important air defense deal from Turkey that even US and Russia cant compete with us.

The local media even given with freedom to pose will hard to find fault with China military production effort.

Our Small bird Tejas carries more than twice load compare to this 2 engine hyped plane. Now Chinese government controlled media has expose the hollowness of its owned cheap Russian copped J 15. This true for each and every chinese weapon and product. I see a funny attempt of Chinese trolls to defend their junk from being exposed by their own media.

This is really enjoyable. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!
Our strategy is regional dominance first, then global dominance.
Layer by layer, step by step, we are building our economic, financial, technological, military, political, cultural and information power to reclaim what is rightfully ours.

By 2030 we will have regional dominance and by 2049 we will have global dominance.
Post-2049 we start the beginning of the 1000 year Chinese rule....the Chinese millennium!!!

The sleeping dragon is awakening from our 500 year sleep.
We are shaking the world as we awaken.

This is our dream, our destiny, our birthright!

And this crap plane is the 1st step in that direction right?
Let me answer your question with a question.

Brazil ALREADY had a catapult carrier now, does that mean they have bigger World stage influence than India and China combine??

As i said, and you quoted, you can do whatever the hell you like with your money, you can get a catapult carrier now, or you can get 12, China have the means and money to build it, just what are you doing to do with the one or 12 Catapult carrier with? Beside running up and down the chinese coast before 2030??

There are PROPER ways to train up to what you want, there are STUPID way to train up to what you want, my point being, China should wait until the first catapult carrier to induce J-15 with it, not to running it half-arsed with a ski-jump carrier. What are you going to expect from learning with plane running half of whatever it should be??

As i said, you fork the bill, you can do whatever the heck you want, even if that means you are wasting your own money, hey, that's fine by me
Our strategy is regional security in South China Sea and protecting our sea route abroad. We cannot rely on the US to protect our economic asset.

Our strategic thinking already place the mass induction of J-15 with around the time frame of the new aircraft carriers battle group. We MUST defend our territorial integrity and asset and there is NO wasteful spending as you claimed in your post. It is our economic lifeline and we will achieve our independent development without disruption and threat from the West.
Our Small bird Tejas carries more than twice load compare to this 2 engine hyped plane. Now Chinese government controlled media has expose the hollowness of its owned cheap Russian copped J 15. This true for each and every chinese weapon and product. I see a funny attempt of Chinese trolls to defend their junk from being exposed by their own media.

This is really enjoyable. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!
You mean to tell me your LCA carries more weapons than a Flanker variant? Go seek treatment before the disease spreads to the rest of your brain.

And this crap plane is the 1st step in that direction right?
Perhaps one day we'll be able to reach LCA's level. Do you always get orgasms from rumour mill articles?
If you go and research statistics you will find out the natality of almost all european countries was improving slightly before the crisis in 2008. Now with improving economic conditions, the levels will probably start growing in a year or two again.

Crisis sinks European birth rate: study | Herald Sun

What's Really Behind Europe's Decline? It's The Birth Rates, Stupid


What's Really Behind Europe's Decline? It's The Birth Rates, Stupid - Forbes

Population decline is real and happening in Europe right now | Conservative Home

Spain's Population Declines in Sign of Europe's Woes - Businessweek
Does anything posted by the members above have to do about J-15 or Su-33?
@Oscar @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz Some moderation is required to keep the topic from deviating.
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Thats a nice "2050 plan"
Step 1 should be to build something that hasn't been copied or stolen from other countries.
There is a reason why the Russians, with several decades of aircraft buidling expertise, were able to design and move on to the superior Mig-29k, while the Chinese are stuck with a copy of an inferior, overweight 90s-era design that relies on Russian engines.

Incidentally, for all their boasting, all we need is for Russia to stop supplying engines, and pretty much the entire Chinese modern fleet (and most of the PAF) will be wiped out.

"China has actively sought to purchase Su-33s from Russia on numerous occasions—an unsuccessful offer was made as late as March 2009"
which says it all.
What do you mean Jaamati? You have a 1tn$ economy at the least? 5tn$ PPP stats? Infact your economy has junk bond stats.
My maid here in Delhi is Bangladeshi and she tells me about the shitty environment and job oppurtunities in her country. She lives in a slum on the outskirts.

That was an argument?
Our strategy is regional dominance first, then global dominance.
Layer by layer, step by step, we are building our economic, financial, technological, military, political, cultural and information power to reclaim what is rightfully ours.

By 2030 we will have regional dominance and by 2049 we will have global dominance.
Post-2049 we start the beginning of the 1000 year Chinese rule....the Chinese millennium!!!

The sleeping dragon is awakening from our 500 year sleep.
We are shaking the world as we awaken.

This is our dream, our destiny, our birthright!

Don't get too emotional. :D
Max payload is 6.6 tons according to the GAD。
China media is not controlled as tight as you guys thought.

They have no difference from the rest of the world (exclusive of N.K)----just don't challenge the CCP, anything is fine.

People there are at fast pace, and unsealed. Most of them are quite smart and it's difficult for foreigners to catch up.

That's why the nation move forward so rapid. No one can achieve the same if people were really censored/brainwashed.

Anyway, a proper controlled media is definitely better than a lost control one.

That's not freedom, its messy.
Our Small bird Tejas carries more than twice load compare to this 2 engine hyped plane. Now Chinese government controlled media has expose the hollowness of its owned cheap Russian copped J 15. This true for each and every chinese weapon and product. I see a funny attempt of Chinese trolls to defend their junk from being exposed by their own media.

This is really enjoyable. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!

You can't even make it if Russians showed you the blue prints.

another funny attempt for an incompetent Indian troll to bash on Chinese equipment. Name one other media besides Indian media thinks India produce good indigenous military hardware. what a joke LOL! :omghaha:
Thats a nice "2050 plan"
Step 1 should be to build something that hasn't been copied or stolen from other countries.
There is a reason why the Russians, with several decades of aircraft buidling expertise, were able to design and move on to the superior Mig-29k, while the Chinese are stuck with a copy of an inferior, overweight 90s-era design that relies on Russian engines.

Incidentally, for all their boasting, all we need is for Russia to stop supplying engines, and pretty much the entire Chinese modern fleet (and most of the PAF) will be wiped out.

"China has actively sought to purchase Su-33s from Russia on numerous occasions—an unsuccessful offer was made as late as March 2009"
which says it all.

"overweight 90s-era design"? LOL i think the Russians are pretty happy with the price you paid for MKIs hahahaha

You think Russia is gonna stop selling us engines?

India defense spending = 46.1 bil in 2013, lets say you spend every penny of it to buy Russian hardware
China defense spending = 166 bil LOL, we could do the same and still have 120 bil left. you get the picture? pity...

I'll admit tho India is the better customer haha, but Russia and China shares way too many mutual interest than India. so good luck with that :yay:
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