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The issue is not primarily IQ. It is sociocultural decay, people have lost honour and character, they are corrupt, selfish, egotistical, and traitors by nature.

They have no loyalty to their country, they don't allow meritocracy to flourish for the greater good, they don't learn from others who are better and more experienced than them. They refuse to accept the objective truths or goods even about their enemies.

IQ is the last thing on the last - and mainly the problem is due to cousin marriage - ban this or implement a rule like Saudi Arabia and things will improve to a workable level in this domain.
Why I have come to the conclusion that it is more to do with IQ than anything else.. let me explain why I think like that.

I have seen people throwing garbage outside of their homes, cars etc. on the streets. Anyone with a little bit of brain left wouldn't do that because he would definitely think twice about walking on the same street later. Similar behavior can be seen everywhere in the society at an individual as well as collective level.
I hope PTI learned a great lesson; next time you come to power, you eradicate your opposition and install your men in seats of power.
swag ...Pindi boy ... all time favorite ...
Why I have come to the conclusion that it is more to do with IQ than anything else.. let me explain why I think like that.

I have seen people throwing garbage outside of their homes, cars etc. on the streets. Anyone with a little bit of brain left wouldn't do that because he would definitely think twice about walking on the same street later. Similar behavior can be seen everywhere in the society at an individual as well as collective level.
More to do with horrible sociocultural traits and bad habits imo, some people just don't mind it or believe someone else will take care of it.
If you are a popular leader in such a country, you need to run your party in a manner that suits people here. Power politics was needed here, not European politics where people have brains to assess the next options collectively by themselves without any help.

Pretty much sums up the Blunders of Imran Khan, and why he will be washed away as if he never existed. A terrible tragedy because he had the core of the Awam with him until very recently when this core Awam saw that this man is a KHASSI and nothing more.
Awam with him until very recently when this core Awam saw that this man is a KHASSI and nothing more.
this one's been dying for a bloody revolution in Pakistan for years, even before khan sahab was deposed from the throne. @villageidiot @PakSword

he's also such a great friend of the earth that nearly had a heart seizure when Pakistan had completed a phase of thar coal project during his then hated then beloved when kicked out and now khassi khan (because khan has failed to cause any blood-baths as yet)
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this one's been dying for a bloody revolution in Pakistan for years, even before khan sahab was deposed from the throne. @villageidiot @PakSword

he's also such a great friend of the earth that nearly had a heart seizure when Pakistan had completed a phase of thar coal project during his then hated then beloved when kicked out and now khassi khan (because khan has failed to cause any blood-baths as yet)
I think its not about blood bath, but PTI should have people like those in PMLN and PPP. Remember stone pelting around NABs office? Less than 100 people threw stones in which a few NAB officials were injured too.. and Maryam easily avoided the questioning.

There are many incidents like that. Rana Sana and others openely threatened officials and easily got away. Because officials feared that what Rana or others were saying could come true. That's the fear under which our officials work.

Every party considers such people their assets. In Karachi, Lyari gangs are assets of PPP, and officials are scared of them. In some areas in Karachi (controlled by ANP), even our army thinks a few times before they enter those NO-GO areas. Maulana Fazlu has his own Army and he occassionally shows them marching and saluting like Pak Army. He has threatened PTI workers multiple times in the past.

What I have learned so far, Pakistani politics is like this by design where fear and power has more to do than education and reasoning. PTI with large gatherings and peaceful protests with women and children participating and getting expired tear gas shelling in return won't work.
It is hard to say.

Imran Khan has seen his politics skyrocket through peaceful means. It will be difficult for for the switch to happen.

His politics relies on pressuring the other side into acting and exposing themselves. He has won against PDM and also exposed the establishment in the eyes of the public.

I don’t know what more can be achieved here. He knows at the back of his mind ‘they’ wont let him win. But he is doing it to continue exposing his naysayers.
That, and he needs to get rid of that Peerni b*tch. Most of my close circle of contacts with the Pakistan government said she's the number one problem.

I was relayed a few stories I can't relay due to security reasons and her influence on him.

Though he has a good heart, he's not politically savvy. One of my friends Rizwan Aslam Butt (Gujranwala PTI politician), once told me to be in politics, you have to have the mindset to stab your mother; if you can't, don't bother. He tried teaching this to IK but was pushed aside.

As they say "Politicians have no religion" "no loyalty" its all about interests.
PTI can't do shit to protect its supporters. Imran Khan only knows European politics that is of no use here in Pakistan.

In the coming days, people will start leaving his movement (some have already left). His decision of leaving Punjab and KP assemblies, even when he had full information that ECP would install PDM's approved caretakers, shows that he doesn't know what to do.

He didn't organize his party in Karachi while he was the PM. He is destined to lose big time from Karachi/ Sindh even if free and fair elections are conducted.

This man has burnt his own boat by dissolving assemblies just because he wanted federal govt despite having government in 4 provinces. What a dumb politician.

At the moment it was better for him to stay in power in all the assemblies and then wait a few months and elections will be announced. By dissolving assemblies he kinda of shot himself in the foot but ye he makes many immature mistakes, he also needs to be careful about what he says to the media.

Shahbaz Gill & Co. are utter morons he has around him. He should have gotten better political analysts on his team. On this forum, I stayed quiet when there was talk about dissolving because I knew this situation would arise.

The establishment offered him elections back when he was removed, he refused but after his removal he wants elections. No clever politician would dissolve assemblies because he will become weaker and his allies will be targetted. if he was in the NA opposition seats, he and party members could have made life harder for the PDM but on the roads you are weak unless 10M people are on the streets.
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At the moment it was better for him to stay in power in all the assemblies and then wait a few months and elections will be announced. By dissolving assemblies he kinda of shot himself in the foot but ye he makes many immature mistakes, he also needs to be careful about what he says to the media.
Kind of a moot point because everything that is happening now under caretakers would also happen under caretakers after August
Only thing is now if PTI's strategy works, PTI will sweep Punjab and KPK making sure that the general elections, whenever they are held (because apparently fauji touts are saying that pindi's duffers want a tEcHnOcRatiC govt for a couple of years), will be held under the supervision of PTI's govts in Punjab and KP
That will make general elections relatively bulletproof with regards to rigging
Pakistan is a low IQ nation because of stunted growth of the majority. The minority that comes out and protest, and then sometimes gets arrested/ killed, should work on leaving the country and stop caring about it.

High IQ nations don't need an individual to tell them what to do. Pakistani nation wants someone to guide them all the time.

The majority is coward too. It is afraid of strong forces. In Karachi, people were afraid of MQM. In rest of the province and in Punjab, people are afraid of PP and PMLN. Even police and bureaucracy is afraid of them.

Our establishment is afraid of the international establishment. It will do whatever it takes to please the international establishment.

If you are a popular leader in such a country, you need to run your party in a manner that suits people here. Power politics was needed here, not European politics where people have brains to assess the next options collectively by themselves without any help.

In Pakistan people vote is based on baradari, sect, province, money, biryani etc. We are not educated enough or have the brains to understand what is an ideology, otherwise 10M people wanting reforms would be on the streets because they know exactly what they want as it is their belief, their uniting force would send shivers to the dark forces.

Kind of a moot point because everything that is happening now under caretakers would also happen under caretakers after August
Only thing is now if PTI's strategy works, PTI will sweep Punjab and KPK making sure that the general elections, whenever they are held (because apparently fauji touts are saying that pindi's duffers want a tEcHnOcRatiC govt for a couple of years), will be held under the supervision of PTI's govts in Punjab and KP
That will make general elections relatively bulletproof with regards to rigging

Caretaker government would not have PDM. The elections will come soon.
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