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Pakistan is a low IQ nation because of stunted growth of the majority. The minority that comes out and protest, and then sometimes gets arrested/ killed, should work on leaving the country and stop caring about it.

High IQ nations don't need an individual to tell them what to do. Pakistani nation wants someone to guide them all the time.

The majority is coward too. It is afraid of strong forces. In Karachi, people were afraid of MQM. In rest of the province and in Punjab, people are afraid of PP and PMLN. Even police and bureaucracy is afraid of them.

Our establishment is afraid of the international establishment. It will do whatever it takes to please the international establishment.

If you are a popular leader in such a country, you need to run your party in a manner that suits people here. Power politics was needed here, not European politics where people have brains to assess the next options collectively by themselves without any help.

Consanguineous marriages has a lot to do with it too.
Encouraging brain drain is probably not a good idea
he's been abroad ever since I can remember.

he came back to sell his properties, lucky for him that he still found them to sell. in my case when I went back to sell mine I found that I had already sold them the previous time I was there.

strange that, since I do not believe I did any such thing. but as we know islamic patwaris gardawars and tehsildars don't lie and there are no qabza gangs. if there were any our hero khan would have stopped them.

oh wait maybe it was gen. bajwa who didn't let him and made him install king of crooks wasim akram II at the top
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Pakistan is a low IQ nation because of stunted growth of the majority.

High IQ nations don't need an individual to tell them what to do. Pakistani nation wants someone to guide them all the time.
The issue is not primarily IQ. It is sociocultural decay, people have lost honour and character, they are corrupt, selfish, egotistical, and traitors by nature.

They have no loyalty to their country, they don't allow meritocracy to flourish for the greater good, they don't learn from others who are better and more experienced than them. They refuse to accept the objective truths or goods even about their enemies.

IQ is the last thing on the last - and mainly the problem is due to cousin marriage - ban this or implement a rule like Saudi Arabia and things will improve to a workable level in this domain.
are they really stupid?

Even a monkey can differentiate between harmful/beneficial things with just one experience
They are not , this approach is working really well for them , compare shahbaaz gill pre treatment and post treatment ,

They are deliberately picking up the the loudest ones and getting their volume reset, all 4 loudest spokesperson of PTI have under done / undergoing the army treatment
Nopes. There are some issues because of which I can't settle in Pakistan now. So I have moved permanently abroad. Was a heavy decision....

Entire family is moving... All immediate family members.

Can't really blame you for the current horrible situation in Pakistan, I hope you have a much better future living abroad.
Nopes. There are some issues because of which I can't settle in Pakistan now. So I have moved permanently abroad. Was a heavy decision....

Entire family is moving... All immediate family members.

I wish you luck for your relocation
But I'm still willing to gamble on Pakistan
Nopes. There are some issues because of which I can't settle in Pakistan now. So I have moved permanently abroad. Was a heavy decision....

Entire family is moving... All immediate family members.
Wish we could afford for our extended family too. Don’t know how everyone could move to UK until a calamity worth them a refugee status. Perhaps masquerading as Qadiani?

Doing the right thing

This country is only meant for Sharif and Zardari families

Niklo bhai niklo
UK is meant for Sharif and Zardari too. Trust that they will make us slaves wherever they go
Pakistan is a low IQ nation because of stunted growth of the majority. The minority that comes out and protest, and then sometimes gets arrested/ killed, should work on leaving the country and stop caring about it.

High IQ nations don't need an individual to tell them what to do. Pakistani nation wants someone to guide them all the time.

The majority is coward too. It is afraid of strong forces. In Karachi, people were afraid of MQM. In rest of the province and in Punjab, people are afraid of PP and PMLN. Even police and bureaucracy is afraid of them.

Our establishment is afraid of the international establishment. It will do whatever it takes to please the international establishment.

If you are a popular leader in such a country, you need to run your party in a manner that suits people here. Power politics was needed here, not European politics where people have brains to assess the next options collectively by themselves without any help.
I am talking about nations on the same IQ level and same socioeconomic level as Pakistan. One example is the Latin America's. Even in the Continental Africa people don't tolerate things beyond a certain point. They get radical and get what they want regardless of the cost.

BUT in Pakistan people are extra khabees and dheet mitti.
Nopes. There are some issues because of which I can't settle in Pakistan now. So I have moved permanently abroad. Was a heavy decision....

Entire family is moving... All immediate family members.

A tough decision but a very good decision ! Good on you !
Similar dangerous tactics, to what the Egyptian police did to Morsi and his peoples Its the PAK army doing.
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