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''Sharpshooters'' Convert To Thunder Bravos Move To Bholari

I will try but i dont think i can find because it was a reply by someone in a Twitter thread

Never trust a random account in a single go. Always check with 3 or more credible sources for authenticity which will save us lot of questions or doubts and even the credibility of the Forum. Actually, everyone is sharing lot of stuff which doesn't relate to facts or even come close to the reality.
Never trust a random account in a single go. Always check with 3 or more credible sources for authenticity which will save us lot of questions or doubts and even the credibility of the Forum. Actually, everyone is sharing lot of stuff which doesn't relate to facts or even come close to the reality.
Bro this is not the first time me or any other shared any fanboy made patch here in PDF , i just shared to let others share their thoughts regarding JH-7 bomber jets , i dont know why senior members gets hyper by this patch.
PHYSICAL movement of military units cant be hidden in any case. In this case, people living around Bholari, alongwith good Sats, would have already picked up this movement.
We on PDF, unfortunately, are the last ones to receive such news.....due to our near to no-access to such news.

I have not seen any close civilian population to Bholari air base from Motorway but I could be wrong.
What's the source and credibility of patch?

Edit: Just saw baqai confirms and proves that not everything on the internet is credible and be posted here. This place will literally become FB gossip corner or if you want it be like that. I am sure you wouldn't since you have no money to ask from Weby or anyone else hence, let's keep this place clean.
Someone posted sat image of JH7 in Pakistan today. Forgot which thread.
Never trust a random account in a single go. Always check with 3 or more credible sources for authenticity which will save us lot of questions or doubts and even the credibility of the Forum. Actually, everyone is sharing lot of stuff which doesn't relate to facts or even come close to the reality.

or better check here, there is high probability that the news has generated from this forum or the other "the dark side" forum :p
Someone posted sat image of JH7 in Pakistan today. Forgot which thread.

When imaginations runs wild
or better check here, there is high probability that the news has generated from this forum or the other "the dark side" forum :p

Honestly, most of the times, people likes to hear what they want to regardless of true or not. In other words, feel good when hear it. So, most of such gossip places are like one is at-least not disappointed and has to read something opposed to mere rumor. It's not that easy for everyone to stick to or being close to realistic and logical discussion.

Some places are merely those feel good clubs having variety of "I am right because I said so" kind of authoritarian posting meaning to "praise me" and then having lot of clicks.

I remember once a joker maligning this place and offered lot of titles left right to the ones to join him on a new Forum. That's exactly how it worked.
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JH-7 in my opinion not happening as for J-15 rumors started by one guy we all know. Well that would depend on Indian Navy induction. If they go for F-18 then we can see J-15 if they would go for Rafale M then we would see more J-10. That is my own assessment please don't take it as some news I am sharing.

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