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Sharif brothers declared ineligible

"What happens when you piss off Punjabis, 65% of the Pakistani population? Shahbaz Sharif has really done a good job with Lahore and Punjab as a whole. People aren't going to take this decision easy."

But it’s a fair decision. Most Pakistanis, including Punjabis, know this. Punjabi dynamic might be coming into play here with the Punjabi CJ Iftikar and Nawaz Sharif against Sindhi Zardari however I think most people know that had it been CJ Iftikar making the decision on the NS case, the verdict would have been the same. Iftikar did support Musharraf’s take over and NRO against Nawaz Sharif after all.

It is indeed a fair decisin. The problem is that the yard sticks used to deal with BB and Shareef brothers have been different . Whereas the former has had the NRO the latter has alwys had this spectre hanging over their heads. What also is wrong is the statements by taseer prior to the judgement and also promulgation of Governor rule. If the sharif broters were disqualified, someone else from PML(N) sould have been aske d to form a government.
Lets the people to decide ones fate in election not by court.
Court can not disqualify a person who is elected, who is cheif minister,who has support of elected members.
It is very sad after hearing PCO judiciary decision about Sherif's brothers.
Here are my arguments for judiciary that this is unfair.
Ask the judiciary how many vote were given to Shabaz Sharif in 18 Feb Elections(From Punjab Provincial Assembly ).
he is elected person from his area.he is the chief minister of Punjab, so those all members of Punjab Assembly who supported him in election of Chief Minister in Punjab assembly also comes with people's vote.
So he has million of votes from all over the Punjab,How court can disqualify a person who is elected member of the assembly and has support of elected member of the assembly.During his election as chief minister even ppp support him.
Even if he is criminal, he come from the people,blames against him are childish, how many person are in assembly who have such charges, then why he suffered only,because he is struggling for the true democracy.

People get benefit from NRO, where was judiciary that time,when was it,when a dictator throw it from it roots....

So he has support of million of people, he is elected person.
Democracy and provisional assembly is superior to court.
They can not do like this,we believe in people power and democracy.
PCO judges bench in which PML have no confidence and they are the remaining of dictators
If you piss off Punjabis, there goes the economy because the economy is run on agriculture Punjab is the center of agriculture and as you see from the above article I posted Punjabi businessmen going on strike for even one day can have a huge negative effect on Pakistan's economy.

By the way, I dont think 65% of Pakistan's population is Punjabi that's too much. Punjabis make almost 50% of Pakistan's population.

How does pissing Punjabis off affect the economy. That simply wont happen. They produce and sell for profits not for love of the country or for shariff bros, make no mistake.

Economy would be effected if there is continous civil disturbances. Give some lollypops to business / agriculture and the govt will almost pull it off.

What do you say?
He got the law amended. It was probably a university not recognized by the Pakistan Higher Education board. Which in today's terms are called degree mills. He officially has no recognized college degree.

The law has been amended now in 2008. I am talking about the 1990's, you could only become MNA if you were a graduate, he has been MNA twice at that time. The law has been amended for other candidates.

Everybody kept worrying about pissing off Balochis, Sindhis for the sanctity of Pakistan... What happens when you piss off Punjabis, 65% of the Pakistani population? Shahbaz Sharif has really done a good job with Lahore and Punjab as a whole. People aren't going to take this decision easy.

Not all Punjab supports PML-N, PPP has many seats in Punjab, even our PM and Interior minister are from Punjab. Also the part of people that support PML-Q, and then the big part of people who don't really care.

About people not working, that's complete BS, A-am admi needs to work daily to make a living, they will not die of hunger for a politician. They might protest for afew days or maybe a week, but thats it.
its really annoyin. y dont our fu**in leaders dont let each other find their tenure. peace deals with talibans was a gud sign and it was a realief for investors and normal pakistanis. now this will again make the whole system unstable. shehbaz sharif went to chian and signed accords. now wat is gonna happen to that. atleast a delay of one or two years?? his visit which would have been a source of ravenue now stands as a cost. its only pakistanis who are gonna loose while ppp wins. we should put our misiles in their a$$es and send them out of pakistan.
we fuc**in need political stability along with peace in order to improve the condition of our country. y is it so hard for these dumboos to understand
But it’s a fair decision. Most Pakistanis, including Punjabis, know this. Punjabi dynamic might be coming into play here with the Punjabi CJ Iftikar and Nawaz Sharif against Sindhi Zardari however I think most people know that had it been CJ Iftikar making the decision on the NS case, the verdict would have been the same. Iftikar did support Musharraf’s take over and NRO against Nawaz Sharif after all.

Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz were declared in eligible to contest in the elections because they were masterminding the highjacking of a flight from Colombo of PIA and he was jailed on that basis in the high court and later was given refuge outside Pakistan he and his brother chose to do so, some of the other cases against them have been tried and they have been pardoned or declared not guilty, It was a Musharraf era bench that gave this decision during Marshall Law not exactly CJ's best friends are they had he been in judgement of this case he would have considered the argumen baseless.

Being a Punjabi I can see that because Nawaz is a Highjacker that he is ineligible to stand in the elections I am sure that most of my Punjabi brothers will understand this makes perfect sense doesn't it?
How does pissing Punjabis off affect the economy. That simply wont happen. They produce and sell for profits not for love of the country or for shariff bros, make no mistake.

Economy would be effected if there is continous civil disturbances. Give some lollypops to business / agriculture and the govt will almost pull it off.

What do you say?

You dont know how damn popular Nawaz Sharif is in Punjab province of Pakistan. People were dancing in the streets of Punjab for days when he returned back from exile. They call him the Lion of Pakistan.
I hope Punjabis aren't that dumb (I am a Punjabi myself) Honestly Punjabis support him because of ethnicity! I hope one day our people realize they're Pakistanis First then Sindhi and Punjabi or Balochi.
I hope Punjabis aren't that dumb (I am a Punjabi myself) Honestly Punjabis support him because of ethnicity! I hope one day our people realize they're Pakistanis First then Sindhi and Punjabi or Balochi.

yea i dont support him either but there is a huge support for him in punjab province, its a fact.
Please, try to understand a minority is trying to hijack a society.
I trust it is not difficult for Sharif and banificials of Sharif to collect few hundred in streets set fire govt. buildings but it is not democratic and civilized way.
I suppose only in Lahore their are 8 million people living and few thoiusand does not represent the true sentiment of people.
Elections is the right way to determine the popularity.
Zardari family is in power as was once Sharif family and this is the way of the jungle.
I hope Punjabis aren't that dumb (I am a Punjabi myself) Honestly Punjabis support him because of ethnicity! I hope one day our people realize they're Pakistanis First then Sindhi and Punjabi or Balochi.

I wonder what city you are living in then go have a look at Punjab today it looks beautifull almost every bit of it has reasonable medical coverage a passable educational setup more literacy and if Nawaz allowed the motorway to be made and bought the Idea of Gwadar port is he still only considered to be elected on ethnical basis.

Have you forgotten the Nuclear tests the joy it had bought in our nation on the streets unity beyond anything do you remeber the manufacturing plant for Indus motors providing a lot of jobs to out of town Karachiites or the deregulation of the markets the pushing of the GDP to 8% not ever acheived by anyone again have you forgoten the record decrease in unemplyment or the best days of the steel mill after 71' or the increased and expanded road network the creation of a highway the peace in Swat where tourism was giving us leaps and bounds the royalties that were earned after allowing K-2 to pass health and safety regulations the stopping of Indian media allowing us to have our own identity , or the expansion of the rail network or the year when PIA purchased 6 airbus A-310 all that still ethnic in your opinion, Punjab being the exporter of the best types of cotton or the export of our Mango raking in revenue for who else but out developement only during Nawaz's first reign did Pakistan stop taking aid remember the Financial crisis of 88' when our foreign reserves had dwindled, the only one government that had acheived its real five year plan that grew our electricity capacity by 11.2% the reduction of our trade deficit.

Do you know it is a known fact that during Nawaz's first term we didn't recieve any international aid after the sep 92' flood because they "failed to recieve certification that Pakistan was not developing a nuclear bomb"

The growth of our power generating capacity to 10696 MW was acheived by 98' a promise made to the nation of breaking the 10000 MW barrier was broken.

you still think that he was elected purely on ethnic basis.

And hear are the sources in case you were thinking I am repeating party lines.
Liberalization and Economic Crises in Pakistan- M. Zubair Khan
IMF economic report 2008
Privatization in Pakistan- Dr. A. R. Kemal
MONGABAY.com Country Studies: Pakistan- the Economy
Economy of Pakistan: an overview- Dr. Ishrat Husain
Lecture on Pakistan’s Economy- Kaiser Bengali
World Bank Group
Economy and Society in Pakistan
Trade Liberalization and Poverty in Pakistan- Akhtar Mehmood and Farkhanda Sohail
Remittances, Trade Liberalization, and Poverty in Pakistan: The Role of Excluded Variables in Poverty Change Analysis- Rizwana Siddiqui
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I wonder what city you are living in then go have a look at Punjab today it looks beautifull almost every bit of it has reasonable medical coverage a passable educational setup more literacy and if Nawaz allowed the motorway to be made and bought the Idea of Gwadar port is he still only considered to be elected on ethnical basis.

You know Nawaz Sharif has done a lot for Punjab, i still remember i visited Lahore and afew other cities in Punjab before and after his rule and the difference was humongous! I couldn't believe how fast Lahore was transformed, it was amazing. Coming back to Karachi it made me feel we were being ignored.

and about 8% GDP growth, that is a clear lie, we never touched that high in Nawaz Sharif tenure. On the other hand we did infact touch 7.8% during Musharraf rule.

The energy increment has to be credited to BB, she was the one who put the IPP's in place, agar woh Nawaz Sharif kay tenure mein 'complete' howe tu is mein us ka koi kamal nai. We even had a power surplus in 2001, after which Musharraf totally ignored the power issue and left the nation in 2008 with the biggest energy crises ever.
I wonder what city you are living in then go have a look at Punjab today it looks beautifull almost every bit of it has reasonable medical coverage a passable educational setup more literacy and if Nawaz allowed the motorway to be made and bought the Idea of Gwadar port is he still only considered to be elected on ethnical basis.

Have you forgotten the Nuclear tests the joy it had bought in our nation on the streets unity beyond anything do you remeber the manufacturing plant for Indus motors providing a lot of jobs to out of town Karachiites or the deregulation of the markets the pushing of the GDP to 8% not ever acheived by anyone again have you forgoten the record decrease in unemplyment or the best days of the steel mill after 71' or the increased and expanded road network the creation of a highway the peace in Swat where tourism was giving us leaps and bounds the royalties that were earned after allowing K-2 to pass health and safety regulations the stopping of Indian media allowing us to have our own identity , or the expansion of the rail network or the year when PIA purchased 6 airbus A-310 all that still ethnic in your opinion, Punjab being the exporter of the best types of cotton or the export of our Mango raking in revenue for who else but out developement only during Nawaz's first reign did Pakistan stop taking aid remember the Financial crisis of 88' when our foreign reserves had dwindled, the only one government that had acheived its real five year plan that grew our electricity capacity by 11.2% the reduction of our trade deficit.

Do you know it is a known fact that during Nawaz's first term we didn't recieve any international aid after the sep 92' flood because they "failed to recieve certification that Pakistan was not developing a nuclear bomb"

The growth of our power generating capacity to 10696 MW was acheived by 98' a promise made to the nation of breaking the 10000 MW barrier was broken.

you still think that he was elected purely on ethnic basis.

And hear are the sources in case you were thinking I am repeating party lines.
Liberalization and Economic Crises in Pakistan- M. Zubair Khan
IMF economic report 2008
Privatization in Pakistan- Dr. A. R. Kemal
MONGABAY.com Country Studies: Pakistan- the Economy
Economy of Pakistan: an overview- Dr. Ishrat Husain
Lecture on Pakistan’s Economy- Kaiser Bengali
World Bank Group
Economy and Society in Pakistan
Trade Liberalization and Poverty in Pakistan- Akhtar Mehmood and Farkhanda Sohail
Remittances, Trade Liberalization, and Poverty in Pakistan: The Role of Excluded Variables in Poverty Change Analysis- Rizwana Siddiqui

One thing is for sure, Nawaz Sharif is better than Zardari :agree:
You know Nawaz Sharif has done a lot for Punjab, i still remember i visited Lahore and afew other cities in Punjab before and after his rule and the difference was humongous! I couldn't believe how fast Lahore was transformed, it was amazing. Coming back to Karachi it made me feel we were being ignored.

and about 8% GDP growth, that is a clear lie, we never touched that high in Nawaz Sharif tenure. On the other hand we did infact touch 7.8% during Musharraf rule.

The energy increment has to be credited to BB, she was the one who put the IPP's in place, agar woh Nawaz Sharif kay tenure mein 'complete' howe tu is mein us ka koi kamal nai. We even had a power surplus in 2001, after which Musharraf totally ignored the power issue and left the nation in 2008 with the biggest energy crises ever.

About the GDP read the IMF report of Pakistan of 91-2 and the basic question was an ethnic one.

My opinion on the PPP is that Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was brilliant, a fantastic orator and a very effective mass leader, but he was lusty of personal power, arrogant, impulsive and intolerant of dissidents. Some of his policy choices, expressing his understanding of the public interest, were misconceived and ended up hurting the country. His daughter Benazir was an elegant woman, bright, a good public speaker with excellent rapport with the masses. But as prime minister she turned out to be inefficient as a manager of public affairs.

They have given good to Pak and are a democratic party but I personally like PML(N) better so I am not anti PPPP I agree they have done for Pakistan
Zovc did Nawaz sahib do anything really really good compared to Punjab for N.W.F.P and Baluchistan??? And did Nawaz and BB execute gawadar project in early years??? did they thought of bringing Pak economy on big level??
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