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Sharif brothers declared ineligible

Everybody wanted a fair election and Mush let is happen. And yes, there will be mass unrest, Sharif is poised to destroy the country, I'm sure he won't care what comes next. :sniper:
But our people have changed their minds again. Now we're admitting we were too stupid to vote for PPP. When Zardari was ineligible to contest due to not being a college graduate, he quickly got the okay from our kangaroo courts.

The sharifs tried to hijack and kill a person. There is no doubt in my mind that they don't deserve to be there. But our people want them in. The majority does. So let it happen! Haha give the majority their true Power and see the tamasha they do. I say let it happen, till we don't hit rock bottom we'll never learn. We've learned some tough lessons, but some tougher ones are still needed.
This is a very sad day for Pakistan I am no fan either of the political parties but the point I am trying to make just when Pakistan is already facing too many challenges and is going through testing waters this was the last thing Pakistan ever needed that is why independent judiciary is a must for Pakistans survival.
Muslim League and PPP were never going to mix. Not surprised at all. Proves how naive Nawaz Sharif is to trust someone like Zardari and also proves what big liar and con artist Zardari is. There should be no room for people like this in Pakistani politics. They are making fools out us.
This is a very sad day for Pakistan I am no fan either of the political parties but the point I am trying to make just when Pakistan is already facing too many challenges and is going through testing waters this was the last thing Pakistan ever needed that is why independent judiciary is a must for Pakistans survival.

Pakistan was going through the same testing waters and through that many challenges in 2007 as well. Did anyone care about the outcomes of that so called movement? Did they care about any riots or unnecessary disturbance? any economic destability? did anyone care how their personal agendas could block the way of a progressing Pakistan at that time? If not , then why care now.
No mercy in politics. Nawaz and his brother has only one concerned and that is their disqualification cases. Never heard statement about national interest or public prosperity. Amazingly these brother factories are closed long time ago, whats their sources of income ?....hope not Saudies are not pumping money to bring back this mullah boy back in power.
Pakistan needs to learn to live with the leaders they have got.
What you do in India, when known and proven corrupt person re-elected or stand for election ?
All these politicians are power and money hungry. When they saw Pakistan prospering from 2002-2007, they decide to come back to Pakistan because they want a share of the wealth, but now that they kicked Musharaf out, the wealth of the country is gone and now they are just barking at each other.

Pakistan would've been in a much better state today if Nawaz Sharif and Zardari & Company didn't return...also Benazir Bhutto would've been alive today relaxing in her mansion with her children in Dubai.
These politicians when returning back to Pakistan from exile have caused more suffering for everyone.

Yes very true but Zardari has chopped his own legs by doing this just wait and watch, Now the real dirt will come out from both sides.
Apparently things were not unstable enough in Pakistan for our politicians- we see progress in Bajaur and potentially in Swat, and then Zardari pulls this stunt.

Seriously, WTF.
Yup this is what you get for not sucking up to America and having educated people even on this forum praising dictators like Musharraf this nation is going nowhere for a long time.
Yup this is what you get for not sucking up to America and having educated people even on this forum praising dictators like Musharraf this nation is going nowhere for a long time.

I could have sworn that fighting people carrying out suicide bombings and blowing up schools was in Pakistan's interest, and not 'sucking up to the US'.

If you want to criticize Zardari do so, but at least find something legitimate.
well so called NRO by Musharaf has given way hope many come in the wayof that outrage
This is how Judiciary works in Pakistan, A Uniform wearing General is allowed to contest for Presidency by these Judges, These Judges legalize the election of PM who is a Dual Nationality Holder, They don't have objection if a person Like ZARDARI is elected President of Pakistan who has criminal records.

All these Judges care about is their own personal Benefits, They can admit their children in high Class universities (even they don't qualify for those seats) and nobody will question them.

Now anything is possible in Pakistan for you only IF you have money/power or Links.

If you are strong, Pakistan is the best Place to Live

If you are weak, Pakistan is the worst Place to Live.
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