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Share Your Scary Story.


Oct 20, 2008
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United States
Hey I would like for members to share their scary story with us. Please just post your entire scary story, please remember to tell us what time and place the story occurred, perhaps how old you were, what was scary about it, the aftermath of the story, and if applicable what did you learn from it.

I think we all have scary stories, or want to get something off our chest. Here's the place to do it. Thanks!

Remember NO Fiction allowed, All stories must be TRUE.
Personally I haven't experienced something like that, but my mother and Grandmother have experienced evry much in Pakistan referring to ghosts.
Huum, I have so many scary stories, I wouldn't know where to start! I can tell you I operate a paranormal investigation team in the US and you all are more than welcomed to view my findings at some of the locations that I have investigated along with some of the collected evidence. (pictures EVPs- Electronic Voice Phenomenon) EVP is when a disembodied voice is captured on a recorder that was not heard at the time of the recording.

I have over the years witnessed many of these things called ghosts.

Feel free to view my findings at: prosinvestigations.com

I also have live cameras set in a location in which there has been a lot of reported paranormal activity. We conduct live investigations there almost every week on Sat. Nights when the weather isn’t bad.

I have also in the past conducted ghost tours at different locations in Oklahoma. People here in the US seem to have a big interest in the paranormal. I also hold a certification in Parapsychology to better enable me to explain the paranormal and ghostly hauntings.
I have couple of scary story in my life. at the age of 23 I was in between a cross fire between two rival groups. They were firing each other from either side of the road and I was just passing with a rickshaw just before midnight. I cant explain how much I was scared for that 3 mins seeing bullets just flying over my head. I never knew you can literally see the bullets at night like some sort of small pieces of fire balls. First I thought somebody just firing from behind. I jumped out of rickshaw and crawl almost 10 meters and then jumped over a wall. :what: .. I think that was the longest 3 minutes of my life. Later I found my hands and my akles were bleeding. I had to go to a hospital nearby and had my wound treated. The nurses were really nice and were very helpful.

The another scary story I experinced at the age of 16 or 17 I dont remember. It was about black magic. Somebody stole gold from one of my cousin. He wanted to know the whereabout of that guy, but he couldnt find any clues.. So my mom or somebody told him to arrange some sort of black magic by a guy, used to live by our house. Anyways nobody including me did beleive a bit of it. So we all gangued up to see what happens :taz:
That guy came and turned off all the lights at night (about midnight). and we were just waiting to see the ghost to come over. I dont know what happend, suddenly we heard 3 bing bang on our roof.. It was so noisy and then whole house started shaking.. I was sharing the chair with one of my uncle and I just fell from the chair with the shake like an earth quake... I still dont beleive in ghost.. But I cant forget that feeling... THERE WERE SOMETHING :devil:
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it was in year 2001 when i beat up the PPP member with the cricket bat but i though he was dead that was scary i am going to be hanged to death ? never did see him again i am scared what God going to say about this...
it was in year 2001 when i beat up the PPP member with the cricket bat but i though he was dead that was scary i am going to be hanged to death ? never did see him again i am scared what God going to say about this...

you get this medal

it was in year 2001 when i beat up the PPP member with the cricket bat but i though he was dead that was scary i am going to be hanged to death ? never did see him again i am scared what God going to say about this...

If anything, God will give you heaven. One less scum left on the earth:sniper:
Hey I would like for members to share their scary story with us. Please just post your entire scary story, please remember to tell us what time and place the story occurred, perhaps how old you were, what was scary about it, the aftermath of the story, and if applicable what did you learn from it.

I think we all have scary stories, or want to get something off our chest. Here's the place to do it. Thanks!

Remember NO Fiction allowed, All stories must be TRUE.

Start with yours first. I have few scary dreams and 1 real life strange experience.
I was writing a post on PDF and someone knocked. I said, "Come in." I heard the study door open. I turned around to see who it was. But......there was no one there!!! The door was open but there was no one there! Yiikkes!! That sucked!
Married boys can share their scary moments without hesitation please,just keep the door closed:D
I had a dream that I was getting married, then I woke up from that nightmare.:cool:

Just getting married is nightmare for you? Fortunately you dint see the later part( 2/3 months),might give you a heart block:rofl:
Here is a scary but true story - My father happened to take us to a temple called Annanmar temple in a village in Salem district in Tamilnadu at around midnight on new moon day. That temple is famous for curing people of possessed spirits. When we entered the temple, there were 4 or 5 possessed people and the priests and the pilgrims. What I saw scared me for sometime as I never believed or understood the concept of spirits. There was a 80 year old lady who was possessed and ran towards a iron pillar which was made about 150 years ago and was about 12 feet high and about 4 inch thick and climbed all the way to the top of the pillar. I knew it would be very difficult even for a healthy young ones to climb up the pillar but this old lady climbed it with some ease.

My belief was shaken and still I do not know the reason behind it though my mind still refuses to believe in spirit being the cause of this.
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