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Shamsi Air Base under UAE control: Air Chief

How many countries have bases in Pakistan? :whistle: No wonder there is a mess up.

Targeting Iran may be.
:cheesy: It was just a honest question. You jumped your smart assery gun. Thanks anyways.

ok...no problem....i have just gone mad over the stupid media claims that they used mountains as cover and all that ....thought you also without getting into any logic...caught up in that
India should take sublease any airbase near kotla nuke plant.

For right price pakistani generals will sell you or lease you any thing.

How many countries have bases in Pakistan? No wonder there is a mess up.

For right price pakistani generals will sell you or lease you any thing.

Targeting Iran may be.

For the right price you can use pakistan for any activity including and not limmited to attacking pakistan from with in.

Pakistan Air Force’s (PAF) deputy chief has said that the Shamsie airbase in Balochistan is not under their control as it was funded and constructed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Briefing an in-camera session of both houses of Parliament on Friday, Air Marshal Muhammad Hassan told lawmakers that the US military had used the “Terrain Masking Technology” in the May 2 top-secret operation in Abbottabad that had killed al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. It was the first use of this technology that has astounded the world.

He said that the US stealth helicopters managed to evade Pakistani radars because they flew between two mountains. He added that the Pakistani military came to know about the incident after one of the helicopters crashed.

Terrain Masking is a flying technique that has been used since the invention of radar in the 1940s. Equipment such as Terrain-following radar better helps aircraft to terrain mask and that has been used in various iterations for a while now. This was not a ‘first use’ of this type of technology.

Was there a real point in making this briefing in-camera? Now we seem to be getting garbled versions of what was said anyway. Why not do something absolutely revolutionary and actually be up front with the people of Pakistan and tell them what happened instead of trying to “manage” the facts?
Lot of Pakistani Guys are asking question

1. Why so and So Airbase is into control with UAE....?
2. Why US is doing Drone attack...??

Bhai Log...Pakistan took lot of money from UAE. China and US and enjoyed like anything...And Dude...Nothing comes free in this world.

In continuation to my previous post on page 5 :


United Arab Emirates UAVs Flying in Helmand Province

The United Arab Emirates’ air and air defense force has been quietly supporting NATO operations in Afghanistan.

The UAE military has deployed tactical unmanned aircraft to Afghanistan to work with NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, says Royal Air Force Air Marshal Stephen Dalton. The UAV is currently operational in Helmand Province, working with the British military, Dalton revealed at the Dubai Air Chiefs Conference today.

The specific UAV type wasn’t disclosed, but Dalton says it was a ScanEagle-sized vehicle, although not the Boeing UAV specifically.

Dalton heralded the deployment as a sign of what contributions even non-NATO allies can make when they ensure their systems are interoperable with allies.

The deployment fits in with a broader relationship with U.K. and UAE have, with U.K. officers also in the UAE’s Air Warfare Center.

Dalton says he’s keen to keep the relationship healthy through exercises. And despite the heavy tasking on British forces, he’s hoping to extend and invitation to Gulf Cooperation Council forces for training opportunities in the U.K. in the next 12-18 months.

United Arab Emirates UAVs Flying in Helmand Province « ALGERIE DEFENSE

Also the news was printed on 18-Nov-2009 by an arabic newspaper Al Shrooq as follows:

الطائرات الإماراتية تشارك في المعارك الأفغانية

كشف مصدر باكستانى مطلع لـ«الشروق» عن مشاركة دولة الامارات بجنود وعتاد حربى فى أفغانستان، مؤكدا أنباء عن إرسال أبوظبى طائرات بدون طيار للقيام بمهام قتالية تحت قيادة حلف شمال الأطلنطى.

وقال المصدر القريب من الدوائر الاستخباراتية والعسكرية فى هذه المنطقة إن الإمارات «بعثت 120 جنديا من أجل متابعة تشغيل وتأمين السلاح الإماراتى هناك».

وأوضح أن الإمارات تشارك فى الحملة العسكرية الغربية بطائرات بدون طيار وأنواع أخرى من الأسلحة.

وكان موقع «ألجيرى ديفينس» الجزائرى، قد نسب تصريحات للسير ستيفن دالتون قائد القوات الجوية الملكية البريطانية فى أثناء فاعليات مؤتمر دبى الدولى لقادة القوات الجوية فى دبى قبل يومين بأن الإمارات تساهم بطائرات من دون طيار فى العمليات القتالية فى أفغانستان. ونقل عن المسئول البريطانى قوله: «إن نشر هذه الطائرات يتلاءم مع العلاقة المتينة والواسعة مع الإمارات.. ويشير إلى إمكانية مساهمة الحلفاء غير المنتمين إلى حلف الأطلسى فى العمليات الجارية إذا تأكدوا من ان أجهزتهم ونظمهم قابلة للتشغيل المتبادل».

ولم يشر القائد البريطانى إلى طراز تلك الطائرات، لكنه قال إنها فى حجم طائرات «سكان إيجل» التى تصنعها شركة بوينج الأمريكية.

أما المصدر الباكستانى فقال لـ«الشروق» إن الإمارات تشارك بشكل جدى فى العمليات» , وحاولت الشروق الاتصال بوزارة الدفاع الإماراتية والسفارة الإماراتية فى كابل للحصول على تأكيد أو نفى لتلك المعلومات، لكن أحدا لم يرد.

وكانت الإمارات قد أعلنت الخميس الماضى أمام مجلس الأمن الدولى، مشاركتها فى الجهود الدولية والإقليمية لتأمين سلامة موظفى الأمم المتحدة فى أفغانستان وذلك من خلال استضافتها عددا منهم فى الدولة نتيجة للأوضاع الأمنية غير المستقرة وتعرضهم للمخاطر فى أفغانستان. لكنها لم تشر إلى أى مساهمة عسكرية سواء بالجنود أو بالسلاح.


Why the F__k is the base under UAE control for what freaken purpose and why??

these airstrips were made by shieks to do FALCONRY!
apparently they are obsessed with some kind of species which can be found in pakistan...

Shamsi / Bandari

The small Shamsi airstrip is located near the bleak town of Washki in southwestern Pakistan, near the convergence of the borders of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. On 20 October 2001 Pakistan agreed to allow American forces to use Shamsi, which had been built for wealthy Saudi sheiks who indulged in falconry there. The Shamsi airfield was originally built by Arab sheikhs for falconry expeditions in the southwestern province of Baluchistan Construction was financed by Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), and completed by Husnain Cotex Ltd (HCL) as of 31 December 1988. In 1967, the founder Chairman Haji Mohammad Yousaf Sheikh started pursuing construction business. Being single headed, he proceeded to get construction works on the infrastructure side under the name of Husnain Construction Company. The initial teething problems and the throat cut competition however could not refrain him moving forward.

The United States had used Shamsi airbase in Pakistan’s Balochistan province to station unmanned Predator drones used to attack terrorist targets inside the country’s tribal areas. An unnamed senior US official told Fox News February 20, 2009 that the US was launching Predator UAV strikes from at least one base in Pakistan. The confirmation contradicted previous denials from officials. This confirmed a statement made by California Democrat Senate intelligence committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein that riled intelligence circles because she seemed to reveal sensitive information about the Pakistan-based staging ground during.

A Google Earth image from 2006 shows three US drones at the airbase as early as 2006 at the Shamsi airfield, also known as Bandari, about 200 miles southwest of Quetta and about 87 kilometres from Kharan in Balochistan. US special forces used the airbase during the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. Pakistani government said in 2006 that the Americans had left and both sides since denied repeatedly that the US was using Pakistani bases. The first photo from 2006 in Google Earth has now disappeared, with a new picture which doesn't show the Predator.

Saudi princes hunt a fabled bird, the houbara bustard, with falcons in Pakistan, because they've hunted the houbara to near-extinction in their own land. The fabulously wealthy Saudis hunt now from specially modified Mercedes instead of the camels of their forefathers. Saudi expeditions to hunt desert birds such as the houbara bustard can be giant in scale if the royal family is involved, involving 150 falcons and costing a staggering $20m (£13.6m) per trip. The Houbara is listed under a convention on migratory species of wild animals known as the Bonn Convention. The World Conservation Union has declared it as endangered species. The hubara is a large bird and, while slower than a falcon, is maneuverable in flight and goes to ground readily, making it difficult for the falcon to follow. The bustard, hubara is the traditional quarry of the falcons, as well as the desert hare, arnab, but few of either are found in Qatar and smaller wild birds have to be relied on in addition to the pigeons.

With the arrival of the houbara, scores of Middle Eastern potentates — Presidents, ambassadors, ministers, generals, governors — descend in fleets of private planes. They come armed with computers and radar, hundreds of servants and other staff, customized weapons, and priceless falcons, which are used to hunt the bird. The Foreign Ministry awarded dozens of special permits to Arab dignitaries to hunt the bird each year, despite the fact that Pakistanis have been prohibited from killing the houbara since 1972.

The federal government has issued houbara bustard hunting permits to 31 members of the ruling families of four Arabian Gulf states for the 2007-08 hunting season. According to sources, nine such permits have been issued to the ruling family of Qatar, and another ten to UAE rulers, five of Dubai and five of Abu Dhabi. Seven members of the Saudi ruling family and five of Bahrain have also received the permit from the ministry of foreign affairs. The permits are person-specific, each with a bag limit of 200 birds, and forbid the trapping and netting of the bird and poaching of chicks and eggs.

Falconry is the sport of taking wildlife by means of a trained raptor. Falconry was first practiced in Mesopotamia, now Iraq, as early as 2000 BC and later developed in Persia, India, China, Korea, and Japan. The Romans introduced falconry, also known as hawking, throughout Europe and Great Britain, where both royalty and commoners practiced it widely during the Middle Ages. Social class determined raptor ownership: Only kings could fly gyrfalcons, the largest of all falcons; earls and dukes owned peregrines; yeomen used goshawks; and peasants were restricted to kestrels.

The sport of hunting game with trained falcons and other hawks acquired great sophistication in the medieval Islamic world, where instructional manuals were written. Falconers commonly appeared among the princely pleasures represented in the decoration of Islamic objects intended for secular use. During the Crusades, falconry was introduced in Europe, where it flourished among the privileged classes. Among the famous British and European royals who flew falcons were Mary, Queen of Scotts, King Charlemagne, and Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. Falconry’s popularity began to decline in the 17th century, after the invention of firearms provided a more efficient way to kill game.

This is no sport for dilettantes. Falconry requires extensive training, constant practice, and an almost fanatical dedication to the birds. Falconry is a huge investment. Especially in time. It can take years before someone with a budding interest in the sport can actually own, then hunt with, a bird of prey. Falconry is not just a sport. It’s more a complete and all-consuming lifestyle. Part of the sport’s appeal is its heritage, which includes terminology, training methods, and certain gear that have remained basically unchanged for thousands of years.

A bird taken from the nest before it can fly is trained to kill selected quarry by being hooded and fed fresh meat while tied to a board or block. It is then carried on a heavily gloved wrist several hours a day, stroked with a feather, and fed. When it will eat from the wrist without a hood, it is trained to attack a baited lure, so that the bird will learn to kill the quarry in the air or bring it to the ground, piercing the vital organs with its talons.

Hunting with falcons is a spectator sport in which the raptor does most of the work. When the hunt begins, a falcon is released to circle in the sky hundreds of feet above the falconer, who often uses hunting dogs to locate and flush game birds. Once the falcon spots the quarry, it drops from the sky in a “stoop” at breathtaking speed—up to 200 miles per hour for a peregrine or gyrfalcon. Falcons kill some birds by striking the head or body with open talons. They kill others by flying in a J-pattern and coming up underneath the quarry, grabbing the belly and pulling the bird to the ground before finishing it off with a bite to the spine. When hunting with a hawk, falconers generally carry the bird on their fist, protected from the talons by a thick leather glove, called a gauntlet. To keep the hawk calm, its head is covered by a stiff leather hood. When a rabbit, squirrel, or game bird is spotted, the hood is removed and the hawk jets after the quarry. Sometimes a hawk is allowed to follow the handler by perching in treetops or on power poles until the quarry is spotted. Harris’s hawks often are hunted in pairs from atop a 10-foot-tall, T-shaped perch the handler carries while walking in the field. To locate their raptors from a distance, falconers attach small bells or lightweight radio transmitters to the birds’ legs. After the kill, a trained raptor returns to the handler’s glove or perch or stays with the dead prey until it is retrieved. Raptors are generally not allowed to eat their prey other than the head and neck.

The Houbara Bustard is facing increasing threat of extinction due to excessive hunting, poaching and encroachments on its habitat. This migratory bird arrives every year in Pakistan in November and December from Mongolia, Siberia and central Asian republics. This desert bird migrates to Pakistan in winter and leaves in April and May. According to experts, its population is rapidly declining in Afghanistan, Iran, India, Pakistan, the UAE, Maracoo, Saudi Arabia and Central Asian republics due to excessive hunting, poaching and onslaughts on its habitats.

The falcons are trained to hunt Houbara Bustards, a large bird known for its delicate red meat, according to the falconers. Arabs eat the houbara for sexual purposes — they think it's an aphrodisiac, though it has been scientifically proven to be a mild diuretic.
Well, why are we crying afterall it can be just a leased Military Aviation base for training of pilots, and that will include PAF pilots! They wont be using predators, nor an MH-60 !! I hope you get my point, it is much like under PAF observation more indirectly than directly.

UAE wont be a loyal country to Pakistan (neither is. Believe me, never trust most of the Arabs), but wont make a difference as it is a export rather than gift. It is getting us some loaded cash and as I see, no harmful effects are here. UsAF was more dangerous than these, but never the less limits must be maintained (not bringing in any aircrafts prior to PAF permission, as US can send anything, anytime!)
This report is missing main things and which is that Shamshi airbase was given to UAE in 1994, Where does Musharraf and army came in it? Now army is giving out all secrets out that It's all political parties and democratic parties are the one who gave out air bases to others. Good developments... I really miss my old fellows here who used to dig into more stuff.
The circus continues...

Army and civilians pointing fingers at each other and neither willing to take responsibility. Now we are told that the airstrip, which was ostensibly built for hunting trips, has been used by USAF to launch drones (who was servicing these drones on the ground?), by the UAE to 'monitor' the Iranians, and who knows what else?

How ironic that the UAE has a airstrip in Baluchistan and they are also accused of supporting the BLA insurgency!

And all the people suffering from 'ummah on the brain' need to understand that UAE has effectively rejected Pakistan's claim on Azad Kashmir by issuing stapled visas.

It seems the Pakistani establishment is asleep at the wheel.
The circus continues...

Army and civilians pointing fingers at each other and neither willing to take responsibility. Now we are told that the airstrip, which was ostensibly built for hunting trips, has been used by USAF to launch drones (who was servicing these drones on the ground?), by the UAE to 'monitor' the Iranians, and who knows what else?

How ironic that the UAE has a airstrip in Baluchistan and they are also accused of supporting the BLA insurgency!

And all the people suffering from 'ummah on the brain' need to understand that UAE has effectively rejected Pakistan's claim on Azad Kashmir by issuing stapled visas.

It seems the Pakistani establishment is asleep at the wheel.

Yea! cuz we got all sell outs here at top positionz....:what:
Really a sad scenario for the Pakistanis! Their leaders have basically planted forces hostile to the very idea of Pakistan in Pakistan for cash! Worst of all, that cash never reached the ordinary Pakistanis, all of it went into the pockets of greedy generals whose children most probably study and live in america and politicians like Mr. Ten Percent.
Really a sad scenario for the Pakistanis! Their leaders have basically planted forces hostile to the very idea of Pakistan in Pakistan for cash! Worst of all, that cash never reached the ordinary Pakistanis, all of it went into the pockets of greedy generals whose children most probably study and live in america and politicians like Mr. Ten Percent.

Are army Generals corrupt in Pakistan?
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