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Shame on Saudi Arab, Turkey and Egypt


Nov 4, 2008
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Shame on Arabs Shame on Saudi Arab, shame on Turkey, shame on Egypt. The toys in their basements called F-15s and Tornadoes for Saudis and F-16s for Egyptians, Turkish and useless just a show off i would say in the hour of need when Palestine is suffering these moron Arabs just call OIC meeting condemn the attacks and that's all go back to their palaces. Is there any Arab Muslim State that will unilaterally go for a strike on Israel to keep Israel under severe pressure to back off. For whom are these rockets, missiles, planes Saudis, Turkish and Egyptians keeping what is purpose of their armed forces when another Muslim country needs them in hour of need. This is the right time Arab flex their muscles again whatever it has in its inventory against Israel and leave the rest to Allah Inshallah. What more shame will these Arabs bring to Muslim world.
What more shame will these Arabs bring to Muslim world

Did you know, they have done nothing about the massacres, rapes and genocide in Darfur by fellow Arabs either...
This is truly the hour of grief i'm looking at those bombings by Jews and my blood is constantly boiling looking at those images and not a single sign of Military help from Arabs to keep Jews at bay.
Don't expect anything either. Leaders from the neighboring states are barely clinging on to power. Last thing they want to do is take on Israel.
Hey Guys don't take me wrong i love pakistan but we also haven't done anything we should... do something to change the world order i know its easy says then done but i can see the only county who has the guts to standup against Zionist regime is pakistan..
This is truly the hour of grief i'm looking at those bombings by Jews and my blood is constantly boiling looking at those images and not a single sign of Military help from Arabs to keep Jews at bay.

My point being that they cannot even keep their fellow Arabs at bay from massacring an innocent population, so why distress yourself over a lack of action against an extremely powerful country?

If anything, they should have shown (need to show) the strength and character in pressuring the Sudanese regime to stop their atrocities, that by far exceeded those committed by the Israelis.
Hey Guys don't take me wrong i love pakistan but we also haven't done anything we should... do something to change the world order i know its easy says then done but i can see the only county who has the guts to standup against Zionist regime is pakistan..

We may have the 'guts', but we sure do not have the capability. The only thing that woudl work is an international blockade of Israel to force her to return to the 1967 borders, while using an international force to guarantee that groups like Hamas do not continue with rocket fire and suicide bombings.

Pakistan can offer neither on her own.
Brother what guts are you talking about??? Guts that can't stop US drone attacks?? guts that could not shoot down 2 separate border violations by India? Agreed Pakistan has guts but Pakistan can't be expected anything at the moment we are trapped in out tri-dimensional war with Afghanistan, Nato/US and India.

Disagree Rocket firing from hamas should not stop, when hamas wasn't doing it still Jews were doing the same no difference in their position they want blood to be spilled.
International blockade ?? who do you mean by international Europe has called Jewish attacks as self-defense so did United States. Why stop Hamas if Jews aren't getting stopped.

Its time Arabs use their weak but whatever they have in Inventory against Jews along with Oil embargo against West if West calls Arab attacks on Jews as not acceptable see after Oil Embargo what these Western Nations reaction will be. An Oil Embargo ensures Western Economic Death remember.
Truly it is time for Saudi Arab, Turkey and Egypt to take first step against Israel.
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Brother its not only Turkey and Saudia Arabia, its ALL MUSLIMS who need to help our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Israelis are doing the same thing to our brothers and sisters in Gaza that the nazis did to them and then the whole world came to Germany to help the Jews.

Why cant we help our brothers and sisters in Gaza? The only way to stop the massacre of our brothers and sisters in Gaza is if every Muslim country gets united and takes action against Israelis.
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Or they should covertly start supporting the locals to get even with Israel.

Israel has no capabilities to fight an organised rival, we all know this after Lebanon war. Any country (Egypt, Turkey etc.) can easily take on Israel, if others give them support (covertly if they don't want to risk otherwise), but it needs atleast ONE country to sacrifice (taking on Israel).

The time of diplomacy has long passed. If we are not to stand against the tyranny, have no surprises if nobody stands for Pakistan when time comes. And wAllahi, this is the time if the Arab world has to neutralize Israeli threat. One cannot get any better chance than this.

I can almost gurantee you that if OIC borrow some balls and declare war on Israel if it does not withdraw, no western country will be willing to form a coalition with Israel.

But, it takes only one country to make the move, while rest supporting her (covertly if not overtly).

On the side note, expect nothing from Turkey atleast... its army has been completely neutralized by tyrant western nations. Turkish army wont allow/help anything that is remotely connected with Islam, tho salute to gallant Turks, who are great Muslims, but unfortunately their army is what controls everything and its majorily anti-islamic and threatens to oppress anything Islamic within the political arena of the country, thanks to AtaTurk for that.

Egypt on the other hand, having Hosni Mubarak's balls in America's purse, will never do anything (they are not even opening the border), unless Muslim brotherhood and the gallant egyptions rise and overthrow the puppet govt.

So chances are, Muslims are further divided, by everyone thinking that no powerful Muslim country have come forward to help other Muslims, while almost every western country is defending and supporting Israel in this massacre with U.S. surpassing all the tyranny.

The fault lies in the Islamic world for not standing (even if it does not have the capability) against the oppression of the Muslims in the hands of some tyrant nations.
This just shows you how all the world is slave to US policies. It's not the Muslim world.... what about the European Union. Israel is a mini US in the Arab region.
I think only China has the leverage to stand up to the US at this moment. Again they have their interests.

The only thing that gives me just a little comfort...... US dominance will fade. History proves it over and over.
This is truly the hour of grief i'm looking at those bombings by Jews and my blood is constantly boiling looking at those images and not a single sign of Military help from Arabs to keep Jews at bay.

I can feel it too. I hope insh'Allah the Palestinians rule the Arab world one day, since they have suffered the most. I hope Allah (SWT) gives them the power and the authority to be absolute over all the other Arabs since they took most of the blows by the sadistic yahudi army.
...... US dominance will fade. History proves it over and over.

It's true unfortunately, I'm a history major and I've read all these empires that fade away because they've practiced intolerance and flexed their might too much. I love America since it gave me so many opportunities and Americans in general are kind people, and I hope for the best for this country, but the Zionist lobbyists in Washington are the ones who want war.
What more shame will these Arabs bring to Muslim world.

They brought it upon themselves, by going against ottoman empire and collaborating with British troops in favor of an Arab nationalistic state.

Now they have kaffirs who are killing them in an open and no one can save them

Arabs leaders were st**id that instead of demanding better conditions in the Ottoman Empire they bought the idea of "freedom" to become slaves.The sharifs of Mecca were keen on this idea and in the end got nothing except Transjordan strip and salavery for ever. A good bargain for those who love "Arab" nationalism forgetting the Prophets last sermon.
Again NATO Europe and US has declared Jewish bombing as self-defense by Jews and called it righteous act by Jews what are you talking about that Europeans should helps?
I strongly suggest Arab Oil embargo threat to west on support to Israel along with a tri strike by Turkey Saudi Arab and Egypt will ensure Israel keep silent for a long time during this time Arab world strengthen its Armed Forces.
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