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Shame on Saudi Arab, Turkey and Egypt

Present international electronic media,World bank.IMF,UNO,US banking system, us politics(80% of US senators elected by jewish lobby) .
In short major natural resources and trade routes located in muslim world but controlled by jew zoinist regime.

There is only one solution which is jihad by spending 1/10 to 1/3 of our income and time for uplift and unity of islam and welfare of muslim ummah and defence,then direction of wind will be changed infavour of muslim ummah.

I heard that Israel dont have large regular army but every israeli women or men should spend one month or more yearly for armed services .After winning 1973 war against arabs israeli prime mininster told in her interview that she read life history of prophet of muslims helped her to defeat arabs.

When muslim were world super power each men should spend 1/3 of his time and money in jihad (Welfare services for muslim ummah as volenture).

Choice is still in our hand.
Israel has a regular army and a conscript army too, as far as I know. They are the Only army in the world which can mobilise the reserve troops in a short notice. They cannot be underestimated under any scenario.

Yes, The AIPAC yields tremendous clout in US Politics! Some people were Saying that Obama will favour Palestine and the Arabs, You know what I told them back then??? **** OFF! Obama is the biggest Con Man in the whole world!
Ratus as name suggest ur one weird things from kangaroo family...
Whose current mentality were you referring to? Let me know so i can further bring a bit different mentality I've dark side as well kept it for certain ppl who play with kids in indonesia!! got my point good if u still didn't get it i'll explain it to you later. If nations with worst economies and political problems internationally are being offered to join NATO there is future possibility of China alliance with NATO like organization of Muslim Nations..and i say its hard difficult not impossible so that your head is clear to understand obviously u did not pick earlier ***..
Dude our own country people are suffering.Pakistan is still a developing nation and what do you want us to do?I sure hope Pakistan will never intervene in this conflict.You are talking as if Pakistan is a first world country with huge foreign reserves and strong military (Air Force, Navy..)If you guys really love your fellow Muslims perhaps you should start donating money to Edhi so they can provide food to poor Muslims.It's Arabs internal matter.
=261472]Shame on Arabs Shame on Saudi Arab, shame on Turkey, shame on Egypt. The toys in their basements called F-15s and Tornadoes for Saudis and F-16s for Egyptians, Turkish and useless

They may say the same to us: shame on us pakistani that we are a nuclear power & military might, and cannot help the Kashmiri in hour of need and from Indian brutal aggression.

Is there any Arab Muslim State that will unilaterally go for a strike on Israel to keep Israel under severe pressure to back off. For whom are these rockets, missiles, planes Saudis, Turkish and Egyptians keeping what is purpose of their armed forces when another Muslim country needs them in hour of need.

This will be nothing BUT a Suicidal recipe, and will give Israel the excuse to move its forces into neighbouring Arab countries and capitalize its GREATER ISRAEL plans.

1- In 1967, the Arab Israeli 6-day war, Eygpt-Syria-Jordan fought a direct war with Israel. Saudia and other arab countries contributed their troops/money/ammunition ..... but they lost the war.... Israel's military capabilities outshone theirs.

2- Saudi King Faisal even initiated an OIL EMBARGO against all western countries, one day after this 1967 war began, as condemnation to western countries for their support to Israel.

3- At the war's end, Israel had gained control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. Arabs could not regain their territory.

4- In 1981, Israel launched an offense against Iraq's Nuclear reactors Tammuz-1. They bombarded it to destruction and the world remianed quite.

Did pakistan try to save its muslim brother countries in these years - 1967 and 1981? No! Simple reason: We couldn't have!

So, I think instead of blaming ourselves (Muslim Countries) .... we should rub off the differences b/w muslim countries and strengthen our military before we even talk of any offense against Israel.

Opinion sorry don't mind you did not pick why i did not add Pakistan to the list....go through my posts i already explained Pakistan cannot do anything its not about nuclear Pakistan is already involved in tri party undeclared War with US/NATO, AFGHANS AND INDIANS. What do you expect from Pakistan at this time. I hope after this post of mine you'll understand. While arabs are sitting idle. Dear friend incase you are forgetting this black gold called Oil can make West stop Israel guaranteed. West needs this Oil energy to boom their economy if Oil embargo is imposed West will do whatever for us:). Look at other factors. Pakistan had nothing in 67-81 2 War already had put Pakistan into a state of depression. Again i will stress to keep Pakistan away from it because its a different matter and exception. We are at War we cannot afford anything. those Arab morons with Oil and $$$ are the first to take action and of-course Arabs can Strike Israel unilaterally. Sir gee Indian is Nuclear so are we stop thinking like a child that Pakistan did not help Kashmiries we did more than Kashmiries done for their region our soldiers died for Kashmir. We are doing the best we can on Military front its govt that is doing nothing. it was 6 day arab Israel war tyms have changed scenario is different 6 days of Oil embargo will chock west to death economically rest you are a wise guy..
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Opinion sorry don't mind you did not pick why i did not add Pakistan to the list....go through my posts i already explained Pakistan cannot do anything its not about nuclear Pakistan is already involved in tri party undeclared War with US/NATO, AFGHANS AND INDIANS. What do you expect from Pakistan at this time. I hope after this post of mine you'll understand. While arabs are sitting idle. Dear friend incase you are forgetting this black gold called Oil can make West stop Israel guaranteed. West needs this Oil energy to boom their economy if Oil embargo is imposed West will do whatever for us:). Look at other factors. Pakistan had nothing in 67-81 2 War already had put Pakistan into a state of depression. Again i will stress to keep Pakistan away from it because its a different matter and exception. We are at War we cannot afford anything. those Arab morons with Oil and $$$ are the first to take action and of-course Arabs can Strike Israel unilaterally. Sir gee Indian is Nuclear so are we stop thinking like a child that Pakistan did not help Kashmiries we did more than Kashmiries done for their nation our soldiers died for Kashmir. We are doing the best we can on Military front its govt that is doing nothing.
Yaar frankly speaking there are too many traitors in Arab Nation.If for example Saudi King put oil embargo he will be most likely killed and some new saudi house member will take over and finish the embargo...
Yaar if i am saying this should happen or you dream on this should happen we know its not gonna happen the way we want we are expressing our opinions. Arab govts are with in traitors that's why we are discussing them..:)
Ratus as name suggest ur one weird things from kangaroo family...
Whose current mentality were you referring to? Let me know so i can further bring a bit different mentality I've dark side as well kept it for certain ppl who play with kids in indonesia!! got my point good if u still didn't get it i'll explain it to you later. If nations with worst economies and political problems internationally are being offered to join NATO there is future possibility of China alliance with NATO like organization of Muslim Nations..and i say its hard difficult not impossible so that your head is clear to understand obviously u did not pick earlier ***..

Ok let’s get something fixed first; since your Latin is poor, a Ratus Ratus is not part of the kangaroo family.

Now the post issue as you don’t seem to follow basic stuff.
Originally Posted by luftwaffe
My question is..Is there any chance of NATO like alliance of Muslim nation with specifically China being the only non Islamic Force.
Not with the current mentality, and you can forget China.
You want to know if there was a chance of a NATO type alliance of Muslim nations.
Well the answer is a simple No. This will not happen in the present state of affairs as the Muslim nations are still preoccupied with their own affairs and problems to even get around to looking at some collective alliance. Hence the current ‘mentality’, that is the political environments within these nations will not provide sufficient support for this to occur. Also that is still a level of international distrust floating about for this to happen. For a simple start Turkey is too involved being a part of NATO it will not want to look into an alliance with other Muslim nations.

As for China, you place too much trust there. Think a bit; China and Russia are each using Pakistan and India as their proxy war against each other. You are in the long run being used.
Add to this, it is not in China’s interest to get linked directly into any such alliance. Such an alliance will have ramification with much of their, China’s, global development, be it trade or otherwise.

As for you dark side, please don’t be so childish. If you had not been so petty as to jump to the personal defence attitude you would have realised I was referring to the chance of the NATO style alliance, not your question on the matter.
If I want to waste my "breath" to refer to your specific mentality I would do it so you would know it was directed at you.

Also this:
i say its hard difficult not impossible so that your head is clear to understand obviously u did not pick earlier ***.
makes no sense.
While arabs are sitting idle. Dear friend incase you are forgetting this black gold called Oil can make West stop Israel guaranteed. West needs this Oil energy to boom their economy if Oil embargo is imposed West will do whatever for us:). Look at other factors. Pakistan had nothing in 67-81 2 War already had put Pakistan into a state of depression. Again i will stress to keep Pakistan away from it because its a different matter and exception. We are at War we cannot afford anything. those Arab morons with Oil and $$$ are the first to take action and of-course Arabs can Strike Israel unilaterally. it was 6 day arab Israel war tyms have changed scenario is different 6 days of Oil embargo will chock west to death economically rest you are a wise guy..

Bro, sanity must prevail. Emotional decisions become self-inflicted wounds.

Simple comparison of Arab military (and their training) to Israel's military capability - says it all.

The Arabs have experienced three wars with Israel and availed nothing - infact lost their terrorities.

Arabs are not morons - I would call them wise. They know their limitations and are aware that a simple excuse will give Israel the opportunity to invade our Holy land.

They tried this OIL EMBARGO in 1967 and the result was that King Faisal was killed off.

USA invaded Iraq (Saddam had threatened to convert oil trade in EURO) and they invaded Afghanistan (to protect their Caspian Sea gas & oil reserves) .... they can invade ANY country!

They just need one simple excuse .... we can't choke them off .... they'll missile-doze us off.

Hadiths prove that when hereafter will come near .... they (Jews & Army of Dajjal) will march into Makkah & Medinah.

One should take on aggression only when we have the capability to do so.... otherwise its just suicide.

Bottom line is - for ALL Muslims:
1- Avail education
2- Strengthen your economy (wriggle out of western clutches)
3- Update & strenthen your military technology
4- OIC should make a Muslim Army - only when it achieves the above.

Wa-Saalam :)
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We also have our set of traitors - Zardari & Co - that have come to do USA's direct bidding. Can we remove our traitors???
How long will people take this? That's the real question.
Sooner or later, the limit will have been reached and countries will not sit on the sidelines and watch how Palestinians are humiliated.
It's just a matter of time, hopefully.
All the current Arab leaders need to take a hike and never come back, they should be replaced by more younger, open-minded people, people that have a sense of humanity and moral courage.
How long will people take this? That's the real question.
Sooner or later, the limit will have been reached and countries will not sit on the sidelines and watch how Palestinians are humiliated.
It's just a matter of time, hopefully.
All the current Arab leaders need to take a hike and never come back, they should be replaced by more younger, open-minded people, people that have a sense of humanity and moral courage.

Brother Jihad, you know and I know what Islam says about injustices and oppression and how to deal with it. And they (countries) are already sitting on sidelines and letting Palestinians being humiliated. There's no limit to their shame. It's beyond shame. They are as shameless as a pigs. Not even one country out of 57 is standing up against the tyranny of the Israel, yet almost all the ocuntries in the west is supporting Israel with political, financial, and military support. Almost all the western nations are defending Israel's action by twisting the words.

Yet the faggot OIC have no shame, no dignity, no honour, no sense of responsibility and no compassion. All of them deserve a miserable death and hereafter!

And I can bet all the Muslims around the globe share this thought with me about their respective and other Islamic countries.

I am seriously disgusted by such silence.
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Until Muslims don't unite under one banner then we will never solve this problem. All these Arab Muslim countries have all this money in which God has provided for them yet they waste it. what is the point of Egypt and Saudi buying advance weapons and not using it. You may argure that they are pressurised by the western countries but Brothers if we go back to the pass Great Muslim leaders like Saludeen and many others faced this problem head on not like cowards who bow down under pressure. The humiliation of the palestinians has gone for to long, we as in all Muslim countries must do somethink.
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