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shame on PAT, PTI, they are making enemies of Pakistan stronger

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Crisis should be resolved politically, without recourse to violence, says army

Published: August 31, 2014

Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif. PHOTO: ONLINE

RAWALPINDI: An emergency meeting of the corps commanders presided over by army chief General Raheel Sharif has concluded at General Headquarters in Rawalpindi.

“While reaffirming support to democracy, the conference reviewed with serious concern, the existing political crisis and the violent turn it has taken, resulting in large scale injuries and loss of lives. Further use of force will only aggravate the problem,” said an ISPR statement released after a nearly four-hour long meeting of the corps commanders.

The statement went on to add: “It was once again reiterated that the situation should be resolved politically without wasting any time and without recourse to violent means.”

“Army remains committed to playing its part in ensuring security of the state and will never fall short of meeting national aspirations,” the statement concluded.

The meeting, attended by all principle staff officers as well as Director General Inter-Services Intelligence Lt. General Zaheer-ul-Islam, had been convened against the backdrop of the deteriorating security situation following clashes between anti-government protesters and police.

All eyes are on the top military commanders as their role has now become crucial in view of the violence.

Military sources say the commanders will review the current political crisis and decide what role they can possibly play to defuse the tensions.

On Saturday night, fierce clashes erupted between law-enforcers and protesters in Islamabad as protesters attempted to march towards the Prime Minister House.

Tear-gas and rubber bullets were used by the police, while protesters of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) responded with pelting stones.

The clashes come on the 14th day of sit-ins in the capital, which had thus far remained without incident.

Crisis should be resolved politically, without recourse to violence, says army – The Express Tribune

See, even the Army is sick and tired of these non-sense. They have a war to deal with and PTI is hell bent on dragging army in. What a shame. For the first i am actually happy to see Army's maturity in dealing with Pakistan's usual political chaos.

Thank you for the abstract art animation. Are you a graphic designer? :cheesy:

See, even the Army is sick and tired of these non-sense. They have a war to deal with and PTI is hell bent on dragging army in. What a shame. For the first i am actually happy to see Army's maturity in dealing with Pakistan's usual political chaos.

Thank you. Precisely my point and I couldn't agree more. Sad that a Third President in three weeks and the premier of the second largest economy who's about to sign some HUGE projects for Pakistan's benefit may have to cancel.

Not to mention the loss of 4 Trillion which could've easily gotten the Army a LOT more weapons or even -16's or every new IDP could've gotten a BRAND NEW home instead of living homeless......and you would still have some money left from the 4 Trillion that these guys wasted. Not to mention the human pain and Trauma!!!

Now you are only ripping apart that homeland. Does it make any sense?
You have democratic mandates, go protest in the parliament or courts.
But holding the nation hostage is not the way to do it.

Bro, where have you been ALL this time. This is what I've been saying and getting hate back. There is no personal affiliations here. We are just supporting a country that DOESN'T need to be torn apart right now due to selfish politics. There is SO MUCH investment in the pipe that if the country stays on course and a system run (with protests being done like described above). Every single Paistani will benefit in less than three years due to the sky rocket economy that is about to happen. The Turkish President (Cancelled visit) and the Chinese president are coming for this VERY reason (the Chinese premier is coming in two days IF these idiots can calm down and present a decent house in front of these critical guests for Pakistan).

At this time, the entire nation needs to support the system and keep their differences to Parliament, the Court System and to Peaceful protest that END in a few hours. This is probably the WORST time to do anything like what's happening right now.
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So is Nawaz making this country any stronger? Is he making this country stable? Can Pak one day become an advanced country like lets say Singapore under leadership of ppl like Nawaz? In my opinion, if we talk about competent leader, Nawaz is clearly not one, while Imran/Qadri maybe are or maybe they are not, but I rather give them chance to run Pak compared to Nawaz, if they can make something great out of Pak that will be the best thing, but if they cant I doubt it will be much worse than present condition. Please, stop pointing out every little things to blame Qadri/Imran like staying in containers, questioning where they get money from, how they are shutting down the whole nation, etc. Look who have done much worse, is it the opposition leaders or the PM
unfortunately knowingly or unknowingly the supporters of PTI and TUQ are pushing the country towards anarchy, these idiots have not learned a single bit from events in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Libya.

In my opinion anyone who incites people for violence and unrest specially when the country is already at war with terrorist talibans is trying to protect terrorists by opening up a new front and diverging government's attention from the war.
So is Nawaz making this country any stronger? Is he making this country stable? Can Pak one day become an advanced country like lets say Singapore under leadership of ppl like Nawaz?

1) I am a pro-Pakistan person but have NO sympathy to NS and definitely I hate IK and Mullah Greedy with passion after so many innocents got injured and killed based on a campaign running on just lies.

2) The ANSWER to all of your questions is ABSOLUTELY YES. There is 100+ Billion worth of investment in various stages. Some projects already started. The Chinese premier coming to Pakistan in two days is bringing a LOT of serious projects. If the NS government can run for three more years, you'll actually SEE a New Pakistan taking shape.

IK on the other hand hasn't produced JACK. He wants to take over the country by force at SUCH a critical time so that he can show the world the NEW PAKISTAN, when FOUNDATION of which NS and his team have ALREADY set with the Chinese, Americans, the Russians, the Arabs and some with India.

IK couldn't produce jack and now he wants to take over so that he can show the world he DID all this work when NS and his team has already been working hard at it. Second, IK doesn't want the Chinese Premier to come in NS's time as all this is being signed off and worked upon by NS's government and he wants his name on it BUT all the hard work done by NS team. How selfish, sad and pathetic.

This is the WORST time to do this size of violence for 4, 10 or 30 SEATS. The entire country's FUTURE is being stopped for personal agendas!!
unfortunately knowingly or unknowingly the supporters of PTI and TUQ are pushing the country towards anarchy, these idiots have not learned a single bit from events in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Libya.

In my opinion anyone who incites people for violence and unrest specially when the country is already at war with terrorist talibans is trying to protect terrorists by opening up a new front and diverging government's attention from the war.
Agreed, The model town tragedy now also become fishy, as TuQ other allegations in recent days doesn't have proves, any way the model town incident need a fair inquiry and S.Shareef have to step down in all this protest thingy this one is genuine demand, IK stand is getting weaker and weaker as days pasting, now the situation is TuQ IK ki besakhi ban geya hai coz IK stance nothing but a political solution.
MQM moves on current crises same as other political parties they not defending NS but defending a system, the system is not such bad ( it's need some reforms ) NS family and PPP used that always for their benefits to make fool the peoples and rule them.
TuQ intentions nothing but he Wana make his own kind of state with same old slogans which almost same as other parties, but his character is so weak coz of his bundle of lies and fishy claims that not a big majority believing on him. Other hand IK intention is nothing but become Prime Minister at any cost, for this even he could shake hand with devil, both have limited support and IK more worst if two three major Lottas leave him.
1) I am a pro-Pakistan person but have NO sympathy to NS and definitely I hate IK and Mullah Greedy with passion after so many innocents got injured and killed based on a campaign running on just lies.

thanks for being pro-Pakistan, but I would like to know why do you think this campaign is based on lies. I have listened to both Qadri and Imran speeches during this long march, not all of them but most of them, and from what I have heard them saying, I find their demand reasonable. I mean, if a PM have lied in the parliament, he should be dismissed, not only that, even the elections were rigged so how is Nawaz a legitimate PM? I am not a blind supporter of Imran and Qadri, its just that whatever I have seen of them, I agree with what they stand for.

As far as IK not producing anything, well its probably because he didn't get a chance yet right? this is Nawaz's third time being PM, and how he came back to Pak through the deal with Musharraf is well known. My point is, I cannot support someone who is a cheat like Nawaz.

About Imran being the cause of violence, well its the government who started by attacking first. What are ppl supposed to do when the government is corrupt? keep quite and accept it, which is what ppl have been doing all this while? or should they fight against corruption, which is what Imran is doing? Or is there a better way that you can suggest?
I have two negative ratings because I didn't support violence. People can curse at you and the admins won't do jack because these people are their favorites. Not sure how that's ok. Anyone with their constructive feedback should have a right to put it on here. The biggest anti-Pakistan movement is what's underway in Islamabad with so many hurt and 5 Trillion in losses!

You support violence. You support the rigged people in power, that's supporting violence. Not to mention what the PMNL party has done in the past.

The biggest pro Pakistan movement is under way, anti-Islamic and pro-Zionist people have voiced their hate for Imran Khan through tweets and newscasts and their support for Nawaz Sharif.

And, 5 trillion in losses? You really can't seem to count. Pakistan doesn't even have a 500 billion economy, Japan's annual input is 5 trillion.
There is no need for anyone to step down. if governments start stepping down because some criminals intentionally caused problems and unrest in the society and failed to obey law enforcement officials. Fools should realise that not obeying the law has consequences. We are in a state of war, we can not afford to do enquiries and put undue pressure on our law enforcement agencies, if we keep doing that, how in the hell are they going to defend this country/nation.

Agreed, The model town tragedy now also become fishy, as TuQ other allegations in recent days doesn't have proves, any way the model town incident need a fair inquiry and S.Shareef have to step down in all this protest thingy this one is genuine demand, IK stand is getting weaker and weaker as days pasting, now the situation is TuQ IK ki besakhi ban geya hai coz IK stance nothing but a political solution.
MQM moves on current crises same as other political parties they not defending NS but defending a system, the system is not such bad ( it's need some reforms ) NS family and PPP used that always for their benefits to make fool the peoples and rule them.
TuQ intentions nothing but he Wana make his own kind of state with same old slogans which almost same as other parties, but his character is so weak coz of his bundle of lies and fishy claims that not a big majority believing on him. Other hand IK intention is nothing but become Prime Minister at any cost, for this even he could shake hand with devil, both have limited support and IK more worst if two three major Lottas leave him.
Better to have a country that works then have a cancerous democracy that does not works
If there is anyone who has done his best to embolden then enemies of Pakistan over the last many months , it's Nawaz Sharif

From dilly dallying wih TTP terrorists , to Modi and Karzai apeasments , this SOB has done it all and if left unchecked he will keep on doing worse things that wil be highly damaging for our national security
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