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That's correct. China and Persia were historically very close. Maybe that explains why China supports Iran? Not sure about that.

That could be the case. If I'm right, Persians and Chinese never clashed with each other, in despite of having centuries of relations. Diplomatic relations were always good.

The Hui Chinese have generally about 10-15% of haplogroup R1a1a, so they indeed have some Iranian blood flowing in their vein.

However, most of them now look no different from the Han Chinese, because they have intermarried with the local Han Chinese women for at least several hundred of years.

That explains why look more Han-Chinese.
I just read this:

Narsieh was a Persian-Chinese general stationed in the Tang military garrison. He was son of prince Peroz III and grandson of Yazdgerd III, the last Sassanid king of Persia. He lived in the Western Regions area of China with much of the Sassanid imperial family which had escaped from Persia after the Arab conquest of Persia.

Narsieh's descendants adopted the Tang Imperial Family Name Li.

Narsieh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, Tang Dynasty was one of the most open period of China's history, and we did have a lot of interact with the Iranian people such as Persians and Sogdians.

Great to hear about that. But in general, which dynasties do you consider to be the best in China's history?
Great to hear about that. But in general, which do you consider to be the best dynasties in China's history?

I believe CPC will open the greatest Golden Age era for China, but for the ancient dynasties, Han/Tang/Song/Ming are pretty much the same, while Song was the weakest, but its economy was quite good.

BTW, the Iranian civilization has also been described by the modern Chinese fiction, a very famous Wuxia (Chinese Martial Art) novel by one of the most famous modern Chinese authors.

The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this novel, the Ming Dynasty was created by the Chinese branch of Zoroastrianism, and the protagonist has learned the powerful Persian style of Martial Art.
Great to hear about that. But in general, which dynasties do you consider to be the best in China's history?

The Song Dynasty! Because I am a pacifist and only care about culture and social development. Damn Mongol invasion, otherwise, the splendid Song would have much more profound influence.
The Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Song Dynasty. In my opinion.

Thanks. I will once read about those dynasties. But I heard some emperors in the Ming Dynasty were not that open, and even banned shipping (or large ships)? A pity, because China had the best shipping industry of the world in those times.
Thanks. I will once read about those dynasties. But I heard some emperors in the Ming Dynasty were not that open, and even banned shipping (or large ships)?

They were annoyed by the Japanese pirates, so they banned shipping during the first half of Ming Dynasty, but in the second half of Ming Dynasty they were quite open and had a lot of interaction with the Renaissance Europeans.
I believe CPC will open the greatest Golden Age era for China, but for the ancient dynasties, Han/Tang/Song/Ming are pretty much the same, while Song was the weakest, but its economy was quite good.

BTW, the Iranian civilization has also been described by the modern Chinese fiction, a very famous Wuxia (Chinese Martial Art) novel by one of the most famous modern Chinese authors.

The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this novel, the Ming Dynasty was created by the Chinese branch of Zoroastrianism, and the protagonist has learned the powerful Persian style of Martial Art.

Thanks for the info. Really interesting, and I will remember this book.

Yes, the development China is going through at the moment is one of Word's miracles. I heard you guys reduced poverty of hundreds of millions people? No country ever achieved such development in such short time. You guys deserve to play a huge role on the international stage. I look forward to see you guys diminishing US influence in South Asia. The sea belongs to you guys.

They were annoyed by the Japanese pirates, so they banned shipping during the first half of Ming Dynasty, but in the second half of Ming Dynasty they were quite open and had a lot of interaction with the Renaissance Europeans.

Interesting. I heard some Chinese emperors weren't even impressed by Europeans. The only thing they found interesting were English clocks?
Thanks for the info. Really interesting, and I will remember this book.

Yes, the development China is going through at the moment is one of Word's miracles. I heard you guys reduced poverty of hundreds of millions people? No country ever achieved such development in such short time. You guys deserve to play a huge role on the international stage. I look forward to see you guys diminishing US influence in South Asia. The sea belongs to you guys.

Thanks man, i hope Iran will head towards a bright future as well.

BTW, the CPC is the prototype of the Ming Cult (Chinese Zoroastrians) in this novel.


Even they used the foreign ideology or religion, but they were very patriotic people who defended their homeland from the invaders.

Interesting. I heard some Chinese emperors weren't even impressed by Europeans. The only thing they found interesting were English clocks?

Not sure, the Ming Emperors were generally lazy, while the Qing Emperors were pretty brutal.
Thanks man, i hope Iran will head towards a bright future as well.

BTW, the CPC is the prototype of the Ming Cult (Chinese Zoroastrians) in this novel.

Ming Cult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even they used the foreign ideology or religion, but they were very patriotic people who defended their homeland from the invaders.

Great story. Never knew about Zoroastrian presence in China. But I'm wondering, is the average Chinese interested in history?
There is definitely a lot of Persian/Iranian influence in our minority groups in Western China, not just Tajiks but many other groups too.

The Tajiks have their own autonomous region and a strong shia influence with no sectarian violence as seen in other parts of the world they have had a history of being defenders for China.

The Tajiks along with the Kazkahs and Huis helped China reclaim Xinjiang and being fragmented after the Qing dynasty's fall.
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