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Shahzeb Khan murder: Parents pardon culprits 'in the name of Allah'

Aurangzeb Khan's sister just said in To The Point that this is confirmed that her brother's family is going to be shifted in Australia they have visa .............
its all about the money..

guys, we should put ourselves in the shoes of their family and then try to think the whole secanario.
they have got their other children as well, their daughters especially when you are living in a society of critics and so-called middle class educated family.
in addition, time is only the best judge. let the time roll on.
after all case has got so much attention of echelons as well as man in the street, i think that it would not remain a case of shahzaib but will become the case of levelers and the so-called baboos & bachha burgers.
He was Forgiven not for the Name of Allah ... but for the Amount of Rs.370 million .

our local Raymond Davis .

Well , sir , that is the Islamic law , what do you expect anyone to do ? :azn:
As usual dumb Pti idiot talking without facts, Shahrukh Jatoi, the main accused in the Shahzeb murder case, got death sentenced by an An anti-terrorism court (ATC) in karachi..

Shahzeb murder case: Shahrukh Jatoi sentenced to death - DAWN.COM

Why you and people like you are that much butt hurt with PTI? Whatever I posted had nothing to do with PTI, yet your burning butt forced you to drag PTI into it. Its one year since Shahzeb Khan was murdered and I was talking in general. And for your info, death punishment is already banned in Pakistan, thanks to Noora and Zardari. Now suck it.
Well , sir , that is the Islamic law , what do you expect anyone to do ? :azn:

If they were so Islamic then they should have never said & i Quote . " No Money can Buy Our Son , He will get Justice , We will nto Forgive his Killers " .

unfortunately .. some political pressure Namely " Nabeel Gabool of MQM " and a Certain PPP minister plus Rs.370m & Australian visa was what needed to give Justice to their Son .

Islamic Law does not mean you have to force the victim to take blood Money .
I know this family personally, Shahzeb Khan one. Chief Justice went out of his way to get them justice and this is how they treat the result? This is very shameful. I'm gonna have talk with his dad next time i see him and tell him on face how you just ruined everything in Pakistan.
some political pressure Namely " Nabeel Gabool of MQM " and a Certain PPP minister plus Rs.370m & Australian visa was what needed to give Justice to their Son .

Nabeel Gabol has broken his relation with this family due to this pardon ... And today in Khanzada's show Aurangzeb Khan has admitted that his FIR was registered due to Nabeel Gabol's influence along with MQM..
Islamic Law does not mean you have to force the victim to take blood Money .[/QUOTE]

after all, here in pakistan, islam comes to apply on our matters when we get some benefit from islam otherwise it is for others only to adhere its principles.
nowadays islam is a name of marriage of convenience.
If they were so Islamic then they should have never said & i Quote . " No Money can Buy Our Son , He will get Justice , We will nto Forgive his Killers " .

unfortunately .. some political pressure Namely " Nabeel Gabool of MQM " and a Certain PPP minister plus Rs.370m & Australian visa was what needed to give Justice to their Son .

Islamic Law does not mean you have to force the victim to take blood Money .

Shame on these drama baz parents.
I know this family personally, Shahzeb Khan one. Chief Justice went out of his way to get them justice and this is how they treat the result? This is very shameful. I'm gonna have talk with his dad next time i see him and tell him on face how you just ruined everything in Pakistan.

He lost a son for gods sake. Dont be so mean and emotional you dont even know the circumstances he was probably put through. He might have been threatned and feared losing another loved one. I dont think anyone would ever want that. What makes a true man is the ability to forgive but never forget. Thats what you call a real man. If you wanna blame someone blame yourself and every single pakistani for allowing our country to still be run by feudals blame the goverment for being so corrupt we all know thar in pakistan if u dont have power ur nothing. Theres no law. No rules a common pakistani just like all of us will never get justice in pakistan because of the system that weve created. A system for the rich.
Where the entire government machinery is involved in saving the murderer, what difference does it make if the family do so?

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