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Shahid Afridi deletes tweet supporting Uyghur Muslims in China

Unless Xinjiang is opened to the world, Chinese arguments have no base. All the world will look to China as an authoritarian regime trying to suppress the minorities in that region to make sure that in the future there is no uprising in the area and China's plan of economic expansion can continue at full pace without hiccups.

USA and Europe are obviously exaggerating but still the facts are not that misplaced and the reality is not very far off.
Lol.. another stubborn liar. After caught repeatly slandering China and couldnt rebuke any of the claim in my provided video. The usual excuse of China need to open up China all agency for foreign to inspect without any condition BS which non of the western countries themselves and Pakistan can do it. Why the double standard? Becos it suits your anti China agenda.

Your tactics are getting boring, try something new. First you ask China for evidence of non oppression and when evidence provided with data and statistics. These people will change the tone and ask for something unreasonable.
More you ran out of excuse after posting fake experience of not able to travel freely in Xinjiang. Your slandering tactics is too common. Until now travelling in xinjiang is totally unrestricted once you can enter the province. It just that there are some area out of bound. But faking an account and try tell the world you try and cant travel freely in xinjiang. My immediate reaction, this guy is just a bot planting fake news and experience about China.

Indian Kashmir is one area not able to travel freely. :enjoy:
Indian Kashmir is horrible place for Muslims. But Xinxiang is just as bad. Or worse.

just that there are some area out of bound
Yeah yeah. Got it. Carry on while you have the power. When His power comes, you will pay.
Indian Kashmir is horrible place for Muslims. But Xinxiang is just as bad. Or worse.

Yeah yeah. Got it. Carry on while you have the power. When His power comes, you will pay.

Can you provide any genuine and credible evidence that it is worst than Kashmir?
Yes yes, blind by lies and fake news. Come visit Xinjiang and see for yourself.

Why would I be blind by fake news? We all know what is going on in Hong Kong. Is it really difficult to believe that something on a larger scale is going on in Xinjiang. Furthermore, do you deny the reports of re education camps, or the Chinese govt press release about a revised Quran free of “extreme” thought? Or the videos all over social media of mosques being demolished? Etc, etc.

Again I have tremendous respect and appreciation for your nations support of Pakistan. But this is a hurtful issue for us just as if we were mistreating Chinese in our country would be for you. Our govt and people are largely silent bc of our economic position and also our sincere friendship with you. But that doesn’t change the reality of what is going on.
Why would I be blind by fake news? We all know what is going on in Hong Kong. Is it really difficult to believe that something on a larger scale is going on in Xinjiang. Furthermore, do you deny the reports of re education camps, or the Chinese govt press release about a revised Quran free of “extreme” thought? Or the videos all over social media of mosques being demolished? Etc, etc.

Again I have tremendous respect and appreciation for your nations support of Pakistan. But this is a hurtful issue for us just as if we were mistreating Chinese in our country would be for you. Our govt and people are largely silent bc of our economic position and also our sincere friendship with you. But that doesn’t change the reality of what is going on.
Seriously, what have u really understand of Hong Kong?

The video has mention the purpose of re educational camp. There is nothing wrong to eradict of extremism. Demolition of mosque, really? Some video is easily manipulate to cause hatre when new mosque are build which never shown but fake allegation of Chinese government tearing down old mosque which deem unsafe as stopping Islam in China.

Remember the allegation of Assad using poison against young children show by CNN with them cover in dust. Of cos some dramatic photo is quick to sensationalize and mend out judgement...


Guess the truth...

None of your allegation against China stands on ground with no authentication and no proper research. Just purely based in emotional in that split moment if anger.
Seriously, what have u really understand of Hong Kong?

The video has mention the purpose of re educational camp. There is nothing wrong to eradict of extremism. Demolition of mosque, really? Some video is easily manipulate to cause hatre when new mosque are build which never shown but fake allegation of Chinese government tearing down old mosque which deem unsafe as stopping Islam in China.

Remember the allegation of Assad using poison against young children show by CNN with them cover in dust. Of cos some dramatic photo is quick to sensationalize and mend out judgement...


Guess the truth...

None of your allegation against China stands on ground with no authentication and no proper research. Just purely based in emotional in that split moment if anger.
Can you say the stupid Chinese govt should not interfere in religious matters and let Muslims in China practice Islam freely.

This is just to show others how freely they can practice Islam in China .you might ask how is it related .I would say I just want to show if you cannot say that on an international forum how can you expect the Muslims in China to do the same living in China .
Can you say the stupid Chinese govt should not interfere in religious matters and let Muslims in China practice Islam freely.

This is just to show others how freely they can practice Islam in China .you might ask how is it related .I would say I just want to show if you cannot say that on an international forum how can you expect the Muslims in China to do the same living in China .
Lol.. typical excuse to avoid the point. Are you saying religious extremism is another make up propangada and ISIS never exist? It's all make up. I guess you will be selective in your stance.
So in reply to my video from a non indian reputed source, you give me a couple of Chinese mouthpiece videos saying all is well.
Does it matter is it Chinese source or not as long as it provide concrete evidence against fake allegation? Tell me which media will do proper research for Chinese or say the true for Chinese. R u going to deny biased against Chinese in most media?

Instead of trying to prove all the evidence in the video against Chinese abuse are fake. All you can do is claim biased media as your source of attack? Pathetic. Chinese media don't make up malicious attack but report based on evidence. They are always welcome challenge against their claim. Usually coward or fakers will avoid challenging the evidence becos they know they stand no ground.

A lie repeated a thousand times and it will be the true. This is phase initiate by Nazis. For western media, it does not matter the allegation is true or not. As long as it repeated a thousand times. Fools will take it as true.
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Does it matter is it Chinese source or not as long as it provide concrete evidence against fake allegation? Tell me which media will do proper research for Chinese or say the true for Chinese. R u going to deny biased against Chinese in most media?
Concrete evidence, yes. Not easily created interviews.

We see detention centers from satellite with guards. Lots of them in the region. Enough to cater to a huge number of detainees. Then we get interviews that confirm the evidence.

Why do you have so many reeducation centers and why are they so well guarded. The only terrorism you suffered from are a few knife attacks.
Concrete evidence, yes. Not easily created interviews.

We see detention centers from satellite with guards. Lots of them in the region. Enough to cater to a huge number of detainees. Then we get interviews that confirm the evidence.

Why do you have so many reeducation centers and why are they so well guarded. The only terrorism you suffered from are a few knife attacks.

Can you post a link to the source which shows those satellite images of the detention centres with guards?
How is one can stand moral ground and try lecture others when you turn whole kashmir into concentration camp with lockdown? And the recently saga of stupid law is even more of a joke... And we have an indian smart alec try lecture China on human right? :rofl:

Why is the space achievement irrelevant? It is one of the reason Chinese people can be proud of and continue their way of doing. We are on the right track.

Because, at least in India, there are people including political parties amd student union across university are protesting.But in your country, no one even allowed to protest bad things.

Do you have any GENUINE and CREDIBLE evidence that is not from the SAME people/ilk that claimed Iraq had WMDs that could destroy Europe in 30 mins? The SAME people/ilk who murdered over 3 million innocent Iraqis between 2003-2016.
Do you have any GENUINE and CREDIBLE evidence that is not from the SAME people/ilk that claimed Iraq had WMDs that could destroy Europe in 30 mins? The SAME people/ilk who murdered over 3 million innocent Iraqis between 2003-2016.

The second and third links will tell you how to get the evidence by yourself without having to rely on anyone else. I hope you trust yourself.
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