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Shahid Afridi deletes tweet supporting Uyghur Muslims in China

I'm talking about providing access to the people, not test sites.

LOL you didn't get his point; he means the entire Xinjiang is a nuclear test site drenched in radioactivity. You can only visit of you are guided by a special team authorized by the official Communist Party and only in designated sites. If you venture off by yourself you might see things CCP doesn't want you to see.
Everybody: 'Why do you ill treat and suppress Islam in China?'

Han Chinese: 'Is all Western propaganda. Here, let me showyou pictures of our beautiful Xinxiang cities. Everybody happy here.'

Everybody: 'Can I come to Xinxiang and check the re-education camps?'

Han Chinese: 'WE DONT GIVE ACCESS TO TEST SITES!!! Nuclear testing - how we know you not a spy???'

Everybody: 'I only meant the civil education centers...'

Chinese: 'ALL propaganda propaganda... look here is our space program, we beat the West, so propaganda, China is best'

:hitwall: :hitwall:

How is this even remotely relevant here?
How is one can stand moral ground and try lecture others when you turn whole kashmir into concentration camp with lockdown? And the recently saga of stupid law is even more of a joke... And we have an indian smart alec try lecture China on human right? :rofl:

Why is the space achievement irrelevant? It is one of the reason Chinese people can be proud of and continue their way of doing. We are on the right track.
Yes yes, blind by lies and fake news. Come visit Xinjiang and see for yourself.

Honestly speaking I wish I had my passport and money so I would visit Xinjiang, and give my opinion over this issue , its true unless you be in the region its hard to believe news coming out, we have seen very sophisticated , organized fake news network used in ME to create Chaos . I really wish that one day i might be able to go there, so as a Pakistani's at least some of my fellow countrymen will believe me .
How is one can stand moral ground and try lecture others when you turn whole kashmir into concentration camp with lockdown? And the recently saga of stupid law is even more of a joke... And we have an indian smart alec try lecture China on human right? :rofl:

Why is the space achievement irrelevant? It is one of the reason Chinese people can be proud of and continue their way of doing. We are on the right track.
I am a Muslim. I want India to return to Muslim rule, not continue zaleem Hindu rule.

Honestly speaking I wish I had my passport and money so I would visit Xinjiang, and give my opinion over this issue , its true unless you be in the region its hard to believe news coming out, we have seen very sophisticated , organized fake news network used in ME to create Chaos . I really wish that one day i might be able to go there, so as a Pakistani's at least some of my fellow countrymen will believe me .
Tried that. Turns out you wont get tourist visit for most of Xinxiang. Try it.
I am a Muslim. I want India to return to Muslim rule, not continue zaleem Hindu rule.

Tried that. Turns out you wont get tourist visit for most of Xinxiang. Try it.
Stop faking account...

Once you are in xinjiang, you are free to go anywhere in the province. Military control area , government building and prison of cos are out of bound to public. Tell me which country military area, prison and government area are free for public to enter anytime?
Stop faking account...

Once you are in xinjiang, you are free to go anywhere in the province. Military control area , government building and prison of cos are out of bound to public. Tell me which country military area, prison and government area are free for public to enter anytime?
Yea yeah I hear the same excuses from our govt too.
Quite predictably you have posted a video of xinxiang cities. Lol.
Stop faking account...

Once you are in xinjiang, you are free to go anywhere in the province. Military control area , government building and prison of cos are out of bound to public. Tell me which country military area, prison and government area are free for public to enter anytime?

Please give us a list of prisons that are out of bounds and their geo locations so we won't go there.
Yea yeah I hear the same excuses from our govt too.
Quite predictably you have posted a video of xinxiang cities. Lol.
More you ran out of excuse after posting fake experience of not able to travel freely in Xinjiang. Your slandering tactics is too common. Until now travelling in xinjiang is totally unrestricted once you can enter the province. It just that there are some area out of bound. But faking an account and try tell the world you try and cant travel freely in xinjiang. My immediate reaction, this guy is just a bot planting fake news and experience about China.

Please give us a list of prisons that are out of bounds and their geo locations so we won't go there.
Indian Kashmir is one area not able to travel freely. :enjoy:
I asked for the full list. In Xinjiang. That is the topic of this post.
LOL.. are you even fit to ask me in the first place? Take care of you Indian Kashmir first. How many muslim has your Hindustan Indian soldiers killed? The place is locked down and internet cut off so Indian soldiers are free to do whatever they can.
LOL.. are you even fit to ask me in the first place? Take care of you Indian Kashmir first. How many muslim has your Hindustan Indian soldiers killed? The place is locked down and internet cut off so Indian soldiers are free to do whatever they can.

The locking down of Kashmir is indeed unfortunate. When 370 was removed, the public of India was assured that it would be back to normal soon. That has not happened and people of India are slowly asking the state for why. The supreme court has said https://www.indiatoday.in/india/sto...ry-question-on-article-370-1621127-2019-11-21

Check out the talk of one of our political leader Sitaram Yechury at

The ruling party is losing the support of Indian because of their policies.

What about China. Where are the leaders and courts fighting for the rights of the Uyghurs.
Unless Xinjiang is opened to the world, Chinese arguments have no base. All the world will look to China as an authoritarian regime trying to suppress the minorities in that region to make sure that in the future there is no uprising in the area and China's plan of economic expansion can continue at full pace without hiccups.

USA and Europe are obviously exaggerating but still the facts are not that misplaced and the reality is not very far off.
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