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1.Note the parallels with March '71. BD has practically no Govt. The administration is really non-functional. The declarations coming out of the gathering of youth are obeyed. Hasina, like her father in March '71, has totally lost control over whatever she started - or even allowed to develop. In fact there is right now no single leader or institution which can say they will extricate us from this stagnation.

2. The patriotic elements remain dazed and helpless. Now it is quite clear the powers behind the Shabagh affair are RAW and Qadyinais.They are utilizing their local agents in BCL, leftists, nashtiqs, Qadyiani cadre, Hindu activists, etc. The road from here is not visible. Our future appears dark.

3. In March '71 Sheikh was overtaken by the student leaders whose ranks had been totally infiltrated by RAW. Till the end Sheikh did not a violent break-up without maintaining links. He had wanted a constitutional change in line with his Six Points. The students took the movement ahead where Sheikh had no control.
everybody knows who did this and for what!i said this many post that jamaatis can do anything for their benifit! even said i'm a hindu too. haha most of my relatives are even mollah . but not like them . you see the tableegis doesnt like the jaamatis. i never ever heard anything and any good about islam and the religeon from the jamaahat-shibir.some people never understand because allah sealed their hearts.in suarah lahab allah declared abu lahabs wife who bears the load of woods ,beause those kafrs never understand the situation. you will see soon these bunch of jamaati criminals will be eliminated from the country.they are nothing but some parasites.

sepoi dada has spoken
everybody knows who did this and for what!i said this many post that jamaatis can do anything for their benifit! even said i'm a hindu too. haha most of my relatives are even mollah . but not like them . you see the tableegis doesnt like the jaamatis. i never ever heard anything and any good about islam and the religeon from the jamaahat-shibir.some people never understand because allah sealed their hearts.in suarah lahab allah declared abu lahabs wife who bears the load of woods ,beause those kafrs never understand the situation. you will see soon these bunch of jamaati criminals will be eliminated from the country.they are nothing but some parasites.

1. Yes I saw when you were called a Hindu here (aazidane I think, the guy who doesn't even know the difference between Sunnis and Shias or what Qadianis are).

2. I have been called a "RAW agent", "Hindutva goon", "Awami thug" and many other things, even though I have said the BNP are better than the Awami League (though I will support whichever party has the best policies excluding the traitors of Jamat of course).

3. Insha'Allah Jamat will either be banned in Bangladesh or become even more irrelevant and drop from their current (4.6% and 2 seats in parliament to 2.3% - half of the current 4.6% - and 0 seats in parliament).

4. Islam in Bangladesh is safe e.g. we have a 5-6 million gathering of Muslims every year in Dhaka, the biggest in the world which by the way apparently Mujib donated the land for.




Bangladeshis in the Tableeghi organized Dhaka Ijtema. The Tableeghis, biggest Islamic group in Bangladesh, are hated by the radical Jamat e Islami.

@sepoi, the man in the last picture will no doubt be called "Indian secret agent", "malaun", "Hindutva goon", "Awami thug" etc by the Jamatis and their supporters here.

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Bangladesh burning: Police shot dead 7 protesters - CNN iReport

The law enforcing authorities in Bangladesh is carrying out a systematic campaign of shooting and killing unarmed civilians, who’s only crime is to try to voice their protest against the sham and grossly unjust war crimes trial now reaching climax in the country. This internationally discredited tribunal has already sentenced ( in-absentia) to death by hanging an Islamic scholar Mawlana Abul Kalam Azad and to life imprisonment to another Islamic leader Mr. Abdul Qader Molla. The legal observers are unanimous that not a single charge against the two was proved in the trial. The tribunal is now poised to pass death sentence on all the remaining opposition leaders including Prof. Ghulam Azam, Mawlana Delwar Hossain Saydee, Mawlana Motiur Rahman Nizami, Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid , Muhammad Kamaruzzaman and Salah Uddin Qader Chowdhury.

Very neutral reporting by CNN like most other intl media like this:


These news outlets R far more civilized that prothom alo type awami/leftist propaganda outlets. At least they R reporting the facts on the ground.

Funny thing is this awami backed "tharir square" didn't get intl coverage. Epic fail. :lol: Tharir square don't happen with active & open backing of ruling regime. The morons farting about this being a tharir square should check in with some psychiatrist and get well soon. The idiots R making a mockery of the sacrifices of tharir square and getting used as pwans by the BAL fagots. :tdown:
Bangladesh burning: Police shot dead 7 protesters - CNN iReport

Very neutral reporting by CNN like most other intl media like this:


These news outlets R far more civilized that prothom alo type awami/leftist propaganda outlets. At least they R reporting the facts on the ground.

Funny thing is this awami backed "tharir square" didn't get intl coverage. Epic fail. :lol: Tharir square don't happen with active & open backing of ruling regime. The morons farting about this being a tharir square should check in with some psychiatrist and get well soon. The idiots R making a mockery of the sacrifices of tharir square and getting used as pwans by the BAL fagots.:tdown:
Wall street journal posted a fairly unbiased article. I have been saying this for a while, the west are not buying this Indian backed tahrir square. I also find shahbag a non issue, it is aim less and unconstitutional. Even if Jamaat are banned, the CG will be bound to restore them.
Wall street journal posted a fairly unbiased article. I have been saying this for a while, the west are not buying this Indian backed tahrir square. I also find shahbag a non issue, it is aim less and unconstitutional. Even if Jamaat are banned, the CG will be bound to restore them.

1. Shahbagh has been a massive show of support against Jamat and razakars.

- The Bangladeshi cricket team have participated.
- The Imam of the biggest Eid prayer (0.4 million Muslims praying behind him) has participated.
- Artists, singers, writers
- Former military officers
- Teachers, doctors

Many others. It is something that is now etched on the Bangladeshi consciousness permanently.

2. Also note that the US has not spoken out by subtle statements in favour of Jamat e.g. "We urge a peaceful resolution etc"..."We do not believe in banning political parties etc".

Who knows, they may do so in the future.

However they haven't done so which may mean they do not want to risk provoking Bangladeshi mass sentiment against them by being seen as supportive of rezakars, or are not bothered if Jamat are in fact banned.

We will have to wait and see.

However as a Bangladeshi nationalist it is nice to see my people saying that:


1. Shahbagh has been a massive show of support against Jamat and razakars.

- The Bangladeshi cricket team have participated.
- The Imam of the biggest Eid prayer (0.4 million Muslims praying behind him) has participated.
- Artists, singers, writers
- Former military officers
- Teachers, doctors

Many others. It is something that is now etched on the Bangladeshi consciousness permanently.

2. Also note that the US has not spoken out by subtle statements in favour of Jamat e.g. "We urge a peaceful resolution etc"..."We do not believe in banning political parties etc".

Who knows, they may do so in the future.

However they haven't done so which may mean they do not want to risk provoking Bangladeshi mass sentiment against them by being seen as supportive of rezakars, or are not bothered if Jamat are in fact banned.

We will have to wait and see.

However as a Bangladeshi nationalist it is nice to see my people saying that:



All politically influenced by Awami League, its quite easy if you are in power. Media always has been liberal.
Wall street journal posted a fairly unbiased article. I have been saying this for a while, the west are not buying this Indian backed tahrir square. I also find shahbag a non issue, it is aim less and unconstitutional. Even if Jamaat are banned, the CG will be bound to restore them.

Don't know where this country is heading to. BAL will take the whole country down with them.
Don't know where this country is heading to. BAL will take the whole country down with them.

Just wait, the Americans will withdraw the GSP, the Europeans will follow suit. Once that happens our RMG sector will be on the verge of collapse, the workers will get on the street, this is just the start. Now imagine jamaat+bnp+workers on the streets.

U.S. Mulls Ending Bangladesh Duty-Free Access - WSJ.com

Dipu Moni was in the US just to stop this....... K Street alert! Bangladesh wants you - In the Loop - The Washington Post
nothing new! typical jamaati prolap.one of my neighbor lady is pregnant and she went to the shaahbag today for supporting the protestors . she become emotional with her me too .is she also a raw agent,ahmedia chatroleage? your ancestors did the same fail now you are .'71 they said muktis are dalal,hindus,leftist (who were ifluenced by the moscow) and you did the same. what a coincide. but you will see soon your loving party will be eliminated soon.answer me how a patriotic movement can be dalali? jotosob prolap .
1.Note the parallels with March '71. BD has practically no Govt. The administration is really non-functional. The declarations coming out of the gathering of youth are obeyed. Hasina, like her father in March '71, has totally lost control over whatever she started - or even allowed to develop. In fact there is right now no single leader or institution which can say they will extricate us from this stagnation.

2. The patriotic elements remain dazed and helpless. Now it is quite clear the powers behind the Shabagh affair are RAW and Qadyinais.They are utilizing their local agents in BCL, leftists, nashtiqs, Qadyiani cadre, Hindu activists, etc. The road from here is not visible. Our future appears dark.

3. In March '71 Sheikh was overtaken by the student leaders whose ranks had been totally infiltrated by RAW. Till the end Sheikh did not a violent break-up without maintaining links. He had wanted a constitutional change in line with his Six Points. The students took the movement ahead where Sheikh had no control.
dont be so confident with the usa.they can change their mind any second.they created the afgan mujahids and later they drop bomb on them :) when usa will see jamaat has no future they will dispose you like a raja condom :rofl:
Wall street journal posted a fairly unbiased article. I have been saying this for a while, the west are not buying this Indian backed tahrir square. I also find shahbag a non issue, it is aim less and unconstitutional. Even if Jamaat are banned, the CG will be bound to restore them.
@sepoi I understand how you feel.

I have defended you in another thread against abusive poster, Luffy.

Asad71 is a true patriot and nationalist, yes he is anti-Indian. However he is polite and a gentleman (I know him very well).

He actually fought for the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. Everyone talks about 71, few ever shed sweat to give us our independent country, Asad71 bhai is one of them.

So please edit parts of your post.

Please stay calm as well. It is not easy to be a Bangladeshi nationalist on here. The *you know who* club (who cannot be given any name or they will cry) will insult, abuse, provoke and lie but that is their nature, so we must continue to behave with dignity and moral superiority as we have been doing so.

Thank you bhai.
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i just protest his second para .tell you one thing bro .i'm a shahbag protestor too. it hurts us too much when someone call us raw, dalal,leftist or ahmedia .the movement start with a huge emotion . none can insult us .and when he is a patriot , i expectsomething sweet from him because he went to the liberation war with his dream and emotion .thats it. here none is my enemy or oppnent and i believe in secularism .he said what he belive and i said what i believe .he has no evidence calling us raw , dalal ,ahmedia,chatroleague .and i respect him as my father who was also freedom fighter and a bir protik from bangladesh army .
@sepoi I understand how you feel.

I have defended you in another thread against abusive poster, Luffy.

Asad71 is a true patriot and nationalist, yes he is anti-Indian. However he is polite and a gentleman (I know him very well).

He actually fought for the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. Everyone talks about 71, few ever shed sweat to give us our independent country, Asad71 bhai is one of them.

So please edit parts of your post.

Please stay calm as well. It is not easy to be a Bangladeshi nationalist on here. The *you know who* club (who cannot be given any name or they will cry) will insult, abuse, provoke and lie but that is their nature, so we must continue to behave with dignity and moral superiority as we have been doing so.

Thank you bhai.
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nothing new! typical jamaati prolap.one of my neighbor lady is pregnant and she went to the shaahbag today for supporting the protestors . she become emotional with her me too .is she also a raw agent,ahmedia chatroleage? your ancestors did the same fail now you are .'71 they said muktis are dalal,hindus,leftist (who were ifluenced by the moscow) and you did the same. what a coincide. but you will see soon your loving party will be eliminated soon.answer me how a patriotic movement can be dalali? jotosob prolap .

@asad71 himself was a freedom-fighter, to my knowledge, not a '*******' contrary to your claim.
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