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i already signed to the we are pepple . i show my deepest solidarity to the shaabag protestors
আমরা ১৬ কোটির পরিবার মাত্র ১ লক্ষ স্বাক্ষর যোগাড় করে শাহবাগকেও অবশেষে বিশ্বমানচিত্রে নিয়ে আসতে পারি।
( collected )
Bangladesh's 'Tahrir Square' protest demands death for war criminals

Object of public wrath is Islamist politician found guilty of war crimes during Bangladesh's war of independence in 1971

Bangladesh's 'Tahrir Square' protest demands death for war criminals | World news | guardian.co.uk

Bngladesh's protest is bigger than tahrir square. It has wider and definite issue .
More of that its the demand of whole Bangladesh and all the same type protest going all over the country
Could this possibly start a civil war in BD? BD would be my favorite country if they slap a ban on jamat-e-mullahs

1. Jamat threatened a civil war a few weeks earlier.

The Shahbagh square protests (though genuinely supported by the people could only happen if the Awami govt decided not to oppose it) are perhaps a sign of strength from the Awami league government that they are stronger i.e. physical control of central Dhaka.

2. Jamat do not have that many supporters and are (unfortunately I have to say as I don't believe in violence) getting killed in riots/clashes with the police.

So how can they launch a civil war?

3. If worse comes to the worse the army will step in if we approach complete breakdown.

The army doesn't want to get its hands dirty doing something that is not its job i.e. running the country. Plus it looks bad on BD's record that we have had a coup.

If they carry out a military takeover it'll be in conjunction with the US.

The US are upset with Hasina over the Yunus affair but ultimately want a democratic Bangladesh which means smooth transition of power by elections.

So to sum up, no civil war is unlikely.

However there will be a lot of chaos as we see now.

To be honest even I am shocked that the Awami League are talking of banning Jamat and that it seems it could even become a reality. I didn't think it was possible. Let's see what happens.
15 February 2013
Bangladesh: Resist pressure to push for death sentences at war crimes tribunal
Mass protests have taken place across Bangladesh calling for the death penalty for a man convicted of war crimes.

Mass protests have taken place across Bangladesh calling for the death penalty for a man convicted of war crimes.



Given the extremely tense situation in Bangladesh, there is a real risk that the government will use this amendment to push for those tried in the ICT to be sentenced to death

Abbas Faiz, Amnesty International’s Bangladesh researcher
Fri, 15/02/2013

The Bangladesh government must not let a proposed new legal amendment lead to a push for death sentences for those convicted in its ongoing war crimes tribunal, Amnesty International said.

Bangladesh’s International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) was set up in 2010 to try people suspected of crimes under international law, including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed during the country’s 1971 war of independence.

On Sunday, parliament is likely to pass an amendment to the law governing the proceedings of the ICT, which will enable prosecutors to appeal for the death penalty for those sentenced to imprisonment in the tribunal.

“Given the extremely tense situation in Bangladesh, there is a real risk that the government will use this amendment to push for those tried in the ICTto be sentenced to death,” said Abbas Faiz, Amnesty International’s Bangladesh researcher.

“We urge the government to resist this. The death penalty is the ultimate cruel and inhuman form of punishment, and the government should abolish it altogether, not call for it. .”

The amendment, proposed by the Cabinet, will allow the prosecution an equal right to appeal sentences – creating an opening for the prosecution to ask the Supreme Court to increase sentences of imprisonment to death sentences.

The ICT delivered its first verdict in absentia on 21 January 2013, sentencing one of the accused, Abul Kalam Azad, to death for crimes against humanity.

On 5 February, the ICT sentenced Abdul Quader Molla, a senior member of Jamaat-e-Islami (an opposition party), to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity.

That second verdict sparked mass protests across Bangladesh with tens of thousands of people rallying in in Dhaka calling for the death penalty for Molla. Opposition activists have called both verdicts politically motivated

A further seven individuals, all members of political opposition parties, are currently on trial in the ICT.

“The ICT is a historic opportunity to end over 40 years of impunity for the horrendous crimes committed during Bangladesh’s independence war,” Faiz said. “Victims deserve justice, but the accused also must have their human rights respected. Imposing the death penalty, which is a human rights violation, is not the answer.”

“The government must not simply use their majority in Parliament to change the law so that they can ask the Supreme Court to impose a death sentence.”

“This is the time for a calm and considered approach to these trials, if they are to bring justice and help ensure redress for the victims of the mass scale human rights violations in 1971. The government must ensure that the ICT maintains its independence and does not come under pressure from the public and the authorities to deliver the verdict that they want.”

Amnesty International has also received disturbing reports that some individuals critical of the ICT have been threatened and may be at risk of retaliatory violence.

“It is absolutely vital that the government ensures that those critical of the ICT are given protection and do not have to fear for their safety simply for exercising their right to freedom of expression,” Faiz said.

“People must be able to express their views about these trials freely and without being subjected to harassment or intimidation, and without fear of retaliation.”

Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception, regardless of the nature or circumstances of the crime, as a violation of the right to life as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and as the ultimate cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment.

The International Criminal Court and all other international criminal courts established since 1993 have excluded the death penalty as a sentence for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.

Bangladesh: Resist pressure to push for death sentences at war crimes tribunal | Amnesty International
Bangladesh's 'Tahrir Square' protest demands death for war criminals

Bangladesh's 'Tahrir Square' protest demands death for war criminals | World news | guardian.co.uk

Object of public wrath is Islamist politician found guilty of war crimes during Bangladesh's war of independence in 1971

Jon Boone and Naimul Haque in Dhaka
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 14 February 2013 20.05 GMT


Bangladesh: Thousands continue death penalty demand for war criminals
Thousands of people in Dhaka cheer in unison after surpassing seven days of a demonstration calling for the execution of war criminals. Photograph: Zakir Hossain Chowdhury/ zakir hossain chowdhury/Demotix/Corbis

Festering resentment among a youthful population super-charged by social media is by now a familiar ingredient to mass protest movements around the world.

But the latest example of the phenomenon in the Shahbag area of the capital of Dhaka that has been dubbed Bangladesh's "Tahrir Square" is not attempting to topple a military dictatorship.

A crowd estimated to be hundreds of thousands strong has been camped on the streets for 10 days demanding the execution of war criminals.

The movement has created such strong feelings that some expatriate Bangladeshis have flown home to support the call for the death penalty. Children have been filmed with the slogan "We want death by hanging" painted across their cheeks and torsos.

The object of the public wrath is Abdul Quader Mollah, an Islamist politician found guilty this month of crimes including massacres, torture and rapes during Bangladesh's bloody war of independence from Pakistan in 1971.

Another eight members of Mollah's Jamaat-e-Islami party are also on trial, as are two members of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, including a former government minister.

The men had attempted to resist efforts by what was then called "East Pakistan" to break away from the rest of Pakistan, triggering an immensely violent conflict. It is estimated that anywhere between 300,000 and 3 million people were killed by the Pakistani army and their allied local militias.

The prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, was elected on a platform of making the prosecution of war crimes a priority of her government.

Although Mollah's conviction was a moment of immense symbolism in a country whose politics was forged by the brutal nine-month conflict, a large section of Bangladeshis were angered that he was only given a life sentence.

One observer, prominent media analyst Gazi Nasiruddin Ahmed, said the protests demonstrated the power of the young people who helped propel the ruling Awami League to a landslide victory in 2008.

"The youth believes the war criminals and collaborators of the occupation Pakistan army must be tried to give the families of the liberation war martyrs a sense of closure," Ahmed said.

Many people have given credit to a group called the Blogger and Online Activist Network for first calling people to the streets. Websites continue to fuel the mood of national outrage, with laptop wielding bloggers camping on the road, uploading photos and live streaming speeches.

Public fury at the impunity many war criminals have enjoyed in the last 42 years grew further when Mollah, nicknamed the "Butcher of Mirpur" for his crimes, flashed a "V" for victory sign when he came out of the courtroom. Analysts in Dhaka say many people believed Mollah was so cocksure because he believes he could be pardoned under a possible change of government. Even some human rights activists who normally abhor the death penalty have supported it in this case. The trial was criticised by some legal experts for failing to follow due process.

Supporters of his Jamaat-e-Islami party have held counter-protests around the country.

On Thursday Shahbag, which protesters have renamed "New Generation Roundabout", became a sea of candles, lit to mark those killed during the 1971 war. "I never thought I'd see something magnificent like this," said Imran Ashraf Chowdhury, a man in his late forties. "The young ones have done us a great favour by awakening national consciousness in people."

Police said that one man died of head injuries after being beaten by Jamaat-e-Islami supporters on Wednesday during fights between the police and the Islamists in the capital's main business district. At least two supporters of Jamaat-e-Islami have died after clashes with police.
Abdul Nur Tushar is giving the definition of Chagu....hahahahaha

আব্দুর নূর তুষার দিলেন 'ছাগুর সংজ্ঞা' ... হা হা হা ! ! !

... দে...এই পেজের সবাইকে ভিডিত্তটি শেয়ার করার জন্য অনুরোধ করছি ...
খুব চমৎকার এবং যেৌক্তিকভাবে তিনি শাহবাগ আন্দোলন এবং যুদ্ধাপরাধীদের ফাসির দাবির সামগ্রিক বিষয়টিকে উপস্থাপন করেন। অনেকের মনের অনেক প্রশ্নের উত্তরই এখানে পাত্তয়া যাবে ..... তুষারের জিহবাটিকে লাল সালাম .....

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Could this possibly start a civil war in BD? BD would be my favorite country if they slap a ban on jamat-e-mullahs

how it can be civil war ? it is ration of 96% (other) to 4% (jamati) , according to voting.
Abdul Nur Tushar is giving the definition of Chagu....hahahahaha

আব্দুর নূর তুষার দিলেন 'ছাগুর সংজ্ঞা' ... হা হা হা ! ! !

... দে...এই পেজের সবাইকে ভিডিত্তটি শেয়ার করার জন্য অনুরোধ করছি ...
খুব চমৎকার এবং যেৌক্তিকভাবে তিনি শাহবাগ আন্দোলন এবং যুদ্ধাপরাধীদের ফাসির দাবির সামগ্রিক বিষয়টিকে উপস্থাপন করেন। অনেকের মনের অনেক প্রশ্নের উত্তরই এখানে পাত্তয়া যাবে ..... তুষারের জিহবাটিকে লাল সালাম .....

Man is an idiot, making up his own fact:lol:
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একাত্তরের রাজাকার হুশিয়ার সাবধান! by Haidar

(এখন পর্যন্ত শাহবাগের গণজাগরণ নিয়ে সবচেয়ে উত্তাল গান! গতকাল রাত থেকেই টানা শুনেই যাচ্ছি। গান শুনে লিরিকস লেখার অভ্যাস নাই। আজকেই প্রথম এই কাজটা করলাম।
পরিবর্তন আসছে, পরিবর্তন আসবেই। ইতিহাসের সাথেই থাকুন।
জয় বাংলা!!!)

একাত্তরের রাজাকার হুশিয়ার সাবধান!
---হায়দার হোসেন

তোরা সব চল চল চল
ওই দেখনা উচ্ছ্বল প্রাণে সত্য ন্যায়ের জেগেছে ঢল
ওরে নবীন ওরে তরুন সামনে এগিয়ে চল
আধমরাদের জাগাও চেতন, বাঁচার মত বাঁচতে বল

একাত্তরের চেতনায় তরুন প্রাণে ডেকেছে বাণ
রুখবে তারে কোন বাঁধনে রুখবে তারে কোন তুফান
একাত্তরের রাজাকার হুশিয়ার সাবধান
দেশপ্রেমে উন্মাদ উত্তাল তরুণপ্রাণ
বিচারপতি বিচার কর সত্য ন্যায়ের বিচার চাই
বিদ্রোহীরা শোধরে চল দেশদ্রোহীদের রক্ষা নাই
তোরা সব চল চল চল...

ধর্ম যাদের ব্যবসা হল বসছে খুলে হাট-দোকান
দুষ্ট লোকের মিষ্ট কথায় ভুলবে না আর তরুণ প্রাণ
মায়ের আঁচল ছিড়লো যে জন তার কেমনে রক্ষা হয়
আমার মনে জ্বলছে আগুন, জ্বলবে আগুন জগৎময়
বিচারপতি বিচার কর সত্য ন্যায়ের বিচার চাই
তোরা সব চল চল চল...
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একাত্তরের রাজাকার হুশিয়ার সাবধান! by Haidar

(এখন পর্যন্ত শাহবাগের গণজাগরণ নিয়ে সবচেয়ে উত্তাল গান! গতকাল রাত থেকেই টানা শুনেই যাচ্ছি। গান শুনে লিরিকস লেখার অভ্যাস নাই। আজকেই প্রথম এই কাজটা করলাম।
পরিবর্তন আসছে, পরিবর্তন আসবেই। ইতিহাসের সাথেই থাকুন।
জয় বাংলা!!!)

একাত্তরের রাজাকার হুশিয়ার সাবধান!
---হায়দার হোসেন

তোরা সব চল চল চল
ওই দেখনা উচ্ছ্বল প্রাণে সত্য ন্যায়ের জেগেছে ঢল
ওরে নবীন ওরে তরুন সামনে এগিয়ে চল
আধমরাদের জাগাও চেতন, বাঁচার মত বাঁচতে বল

একাত্তরের চেতনায় তরুন প্রাণে ডেকেছে বাণ
রুখবে তারে কোন বাঁধনে রুখবে তারে কোন তুফান
একাত্তরের রাজাকার হুশিয়ার সাবধান
দেশপ্রেমে উন্মাদ উত্তাল তরুণপ্রাণ
বিচারপতি বিচার কর সত্য ন্যায়ের বিচার চাই
বিদ্রোহীরা শোধরে চল দেশদ্রোহীদের রক্ষা নাই
তোরা সব চল চল চল...

ধর্ম যাদের ব্যবসা হল বসছে খুলে হাট-দোকান
দুষ্ট লোকের মিষ্ট কথায় ভুলবে না আর তরুণ প্রাণ
মায়ের আঁচল ছিড়লো যে জন তার কেমনে রক্ষা হয়
আমার মনে জ্বলছে আগুন, জ্বলবে আগুন জগৎময়
বিচারপতি বিচার কর সত্য ন্যায়ের বিচার চাই
তোরা সব চল চল চল...

Indian rajakars talking about rajakars!
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