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I am no lawyer but I know that the decision of a court isn't entirely based on the witnesses. Yes maybe they 'heard' about it. But then again, the lawyers of the defendant failed to prove that they were not telling the truth. It's been 42 years . . . . . most of the people who were present at that time are dead. Also, ***** killed so many people that only a few escaped.

Unless someone posts the entire court proceedings and proves the verdict wrong point by point, I'm gonna believe the court of law of Bangladesh and stick to the verdict that Koshai Kader is guilty ( @animalive ).

Don't agree with the punishment though.

No international standard court can give a verdict upon proofs like that. It is making a fool out of Bangladeshi law. Every international organization including UN is showing concern. And as idune said, we all saw the skype conversations and saw how well it was staged already.

we want justice for the 3 million martyrs , judgement for these rajakars who are convicted of crime against humanity. This goes for anyone regardless of whihever political party he may be in. Fake criminals...huh...there are plenty of proof that those are not fake. They killed unarmed civilians in 1971.
Been away from PDF for a long time. now I am back fellows. :azn:

And how do you think chatra league left Kader Mollah at DU to get his first class results? like he slaughtered 400 people, and no one in DU did anything? impossible i must say :lol:
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No international standard court can give a verdict upon proofs like that. It is making a fool out of Bangladeshi law. Every international organization including UN is showing concern. And as idune said, we all saw the skype conversations and saw how well it was staged already.

And how do you think chatra league left Kader Mollah at DU to get his first class results? like he slaughtered 400 people, and no one in DU did anything? impossible i must say :lol:

As I said, post the entire proceedings here and prove otherwise.

And when was he in DU again? After or before 75?
Whole world knows that Bangladesh ICT is a politically motivated show trial:

Bangladesh: Government Backtracks on Rights | Human Rights Watch
Glaring violations of fair trial standards became apparent in 2012 in the trials of the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT), a wholly domestic court set up to try those accused of war crimes during the 1971 war of independence. One of the present government’s central campaign pledges in 2008 was to ensure that these long overdue trials took place. Human Rights Watch has long called for justice for victims in the 1971 liberation war. However, serious flaws in the law and rules of procedure governing these trials have gone unaddressed, despite proposals from the US government and many international experts.

All the ICT trials underway in 2012 were replete, with complaints from both the prosecution and defense. Each side accused the other of witness intimidation. In one apparently serious irregularity, the prosecution claimed that it was unable to produce several of its witnesses and asked that written statements be admitted as evidence, absent any direct or redirect examination. The court granted the request despite the fact that the defense produced government safe house logbooks which appeared to show that some of these witnesses had been in the safe house and available to testify. In one case, when on November 5 the defense attempted to bring one of these witnesses, Shukho Ranjan Bali, to court, he was abducted from the gates of the court house by police officers in a marked police van.

In December, The Economist published an article detailing some hacked email and Skype conversations between the chairman of the ICT and an external adviser based in Brussels. These communications revealed longstanding prohibited contact between the Chairman, the government, the prosecution, and the advisor. They showed direct government interference in the operations of the ICT. The publication of these communications caused the Chairman to resign, leaving a bench in which none of the three judges has heard the totality of the evidence against the accused. Motions for retrials in four of the cases due to these communications were rejected by the tribunal, calling into question its impartiality.

“The trials against the alleged mutineers and the alleged war criminals are deeply problematic, riddled with questions about the independence and impartiality of the judges and fairness of the process,” Adams said. “This is tragic, as those responsible for serious crimes could end up appearing to be victims of a miscarriage of justice. By dismissing all criticism out of hand without any real inquiry into them, the government shows it is more concerned about winning votes than about following the rule of law.”
and how do you suggest that ISLAMIC people will vote for a party which is not completely ISLAMIC and only follows some part of it, but yet claims to be Jamaat ISLAMI? thats even a greater insult to the religion :hitwall: no wonder they aonly have 4.6%votes with them

Think of it like this, if the party was fully Islamic, would people then vote for them because of that? No, they wouldn't. Our society today is very far from Islamic culture, laws and policies; most people have bits and pieces of an Islamic daily life (jummah, eid, ramadan, and prayer once or twice a day if you're lucky).

Now if the party was fully Islamic, that would push people away from voting for them because the party would be even more alien to them then it already is. I'm sure you know that sharia came bit by bit (banning of alcohol for example), not all at once or else people would reject it (Taliban in Afghanistan). It's complicated you know. :P

Besides, when you give deen er dawat to a non-practising Muslim or a non-Muslim you start off slow, you don't just jump into it.

Anyways, I hope you get what I'm trying to say here. I'm talking about the entity known as Jamaat and what I think their plan of action is. Whether the leaders themselves follow through with the rest, as in being fully Islamic in their daily lives, let's at least give them the benefit of the doubt and say yes.

P.S. Regarding my past, current and future posts, I ain't no scholar or taalib-e-ilm, folks. I'm just another dude trying his best. May Allah guide us all.
Here is the difference between the mob and me! I want fair justice while the mob is fascist. You yourself wrote that in the last post!! End of the story!!

Do you even know the definition of facism, or have a good sense of humor!!! nah, you are full of rajaki hawa... Here's something to help you out--- Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Think of it like this, if the party was fully Islamic, would people then vote for them because of that? No, they wouldn't. Our society today is very far from Islamic culture, laws and policies; most people have bits and pieces of an Islamic daily life (jummah, eid, ramadan, and prayer once or twice a day if you're lucky).

Now if the party was fully Islamic, that would push people away from voting for them because the party would be even more alien to them then it already is. I'm sure you know that sharia came bit by bit (banning of alcohol for example), not all at once or else people would reject it (Taliban in Afghanistan). It's complicated you know. :P

Besides, when you give deen er dawat to a non-practising Muslim or a non-Muslim you start off slow, you don't just jump into it.

Anyways, I hope you get what I'm trying to say here. I'm talking about the entity known as Jamaat and what I think their plan of action is. Whether the leaders themselves follow through with the rest, as in being fully Islamic in their daily lives, let's at least give them the benefit of the doubt and say yes.

P.S. Regarding my past, current and future posts, I ain't no scholar or taalib-e-ilm, folks. I'm just another dude trying his best. May Allah guide us all.

I think you have the wrong idea about our people. Islam is a part of our life. Yes, there are some anti Islamic elements in our society and many people don't pray Salah daily but our society is based on Islamic values. Due to cultural invasion from western & Indian channel the anti Islamic elements in our society is increasing. Average people like me wants Islamic party should stand against anti Islamic elements in our society. When public see that Jamati Islam party is too concern about going to power, their financial institution or about their cadre instead of dealing with anti Islamic elements of society, people turn their back on them. Jamat Islam in Bangladesh is more like a Fraternity than a political party. As a Islamic party who should they fear people or Almighty Allah?

Personally I'm really pissed of at Jamat because they lack of courage to stand for Islamic value.
I think you have the wrong idea about our people. Islam is a part of our life. Yes, there are some anti Islamic elements in our society and many people don't pray Salah daily but our society is based on Islamic values. Due to cultural invasion from western & Indian channel the anti Islamic elements in our society is increasing. Average people like me wants Islamic party should stand against anti Islamic elements in our society. When public see that Jamati Islam party is too concern about going to power, their financial institution or about their cadre instead of dealing with anti Islamic elements of society, people turn their back on them. Jamat Islam in Bangladesh is more like a Fraternity than a political party. As a Islamic party who should they fear people or Almighty Allah?

Personally I'm really pissed of at Jamat because they lack of courage to stand for Islamic value.

You brought up a good point. I've read your post and I agree with you on what you said about our people. In my defence I would like to say that I guess I misworded what I wanted to say. Yes, our Bangladeshi culture is from our distinct Muslim Bengali culture, but I'm sure you and I can both agree that most of the time our people don't follow these values (no, I'm not expecting niqaabs everywhere, just saying). Nevertheless, I agree with your post.
Do you even know the definition of facism, or have a good sense of humor!!! nah, you are full of rajaki hawa... Here's something to help you out--- Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Arey Bolda and the man who thanked him in that post --- ( sorry raaag ta atkay rakhte parlam na) shudhu shudhu ki ar bolda boli..... wiki maraite ashso, nije ki pore dekhso??? ashce fascist er maney bujhaite... mor gia....

Fascist (insult) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The word fascist is sometimes used to denigrate people, institutions, or groups that would not describe themselves as ideologically fascist, and that may not fall within the formal definition of the word.As a political epithet, fascist was subsequently used in an sense to emphasize the common ideology of governmental suppression of individual freedom.


Arey Bolda and the man who thanked him in that post --- ( sorry raaag ta atkay rakhte parlam na) shudhu shudhu ki ar bolda boli..... wiki maraite ashso, nije ki pore dekhso??? ashce fascist er maney bujhaite... mor gia....

Fascist (insult) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I don't know what result Shahbagh movement will bring, but i am sure at this rate kobiraaz will end up with high blood pressure :lol:.
I don't know what result Shahbagh movement will bring, but i am sure at this rate kobiraaz will end up with high blood pressure :lol:.

yeah bro, shey onekdin por pdf e ashce valo kotha, eshei start korce koto taka dise Jamat.. as if shobai oder moto dalal........i am not a hypocrite... ami jeta pdf e boli sheta gotokal 2 chatraleague netar shamneo bolechi ( though they were my friends, so it was not risky) ... but both of them are organizing protests in Shahbag...and suddenly i realized all the neutral friends sitting around us in canteen started supporting me.... Shahbagis are insignificant... Dhaka has 1 crore people...... let them vote.....
I don't know what result Shahbagh movement will bring, but i am sure at this rate kobiraaz will end up with high blood pressure :lol:.

He is in my ignore list but since you quoted him, I can see his dumb comments.

Ideological fascism is not related to fascist as insult. Jamati brigade has been using both terms (fascism and fascist). Now the meaning and the use of the terms are questioned and now these anti-national element has brought up the other meaning from Wikipedia.
yeah bro, shey onekdin por pdf e ashce valo kotha, eshei start korce koto taka dise Jamat.. as if shobai oder moto dalal........i am not a hypocrite... ami jeta pdf e boli sheta gotokal 2 chatraleague netar shamneo bolechi ( though they were my friends, so it was not risky) ... but both of them are organizing protests in Shahbag...and suddenly i realized all the neutral friends sitting around us in canteen started supporting me.... Shahbagis are insignificant... Dhaka has 1 crore people...... let them vote.....

I don't know if you have noticed or not but it seems you are on edge from past few days. I know you are concern about Islam
but you should remember the following ayah-

“Everyone upon the earth will perish, And there will remain the Face of your Lord, Owner of Majesty and Honor.” (Sura 55:26-27)
Its our duty to remind people about Islam but we are not required to go to extreme level. So, don't bother much about people let them take the benefit of freedom of choice granted by ALLAH.
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