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Shadows of Sikkim in Crimea

lol, "Nepalis" who voted to accede into India. I'm clearly talking about the original race that was there before the British started flooding them. The Bhutias and Lepcha sure as **** don't like being part of India.
If India ever went to war with China and Pakistan, Bangladesh might be able to use the opportunity to grab North East by the "Chickens Neck". It should not sound that far fetched an idea under some circumstances......
And you think that NE residents will allow that?

lol, "Nepalis" who voted to accede into India. I'm clearly talking about the original race that was there before the British started flooding them. The Bhutias and Lepcha sure as **** don't like being part of India.
Bhutias have always been pro-India, look up Bhaichung Bhutia.
Don't be selective with the people you point out. Especially not being under military and racist occupation.
Don't be selective with the people you point out. Especially not being under military and racist occupation.
Lol, please post some proof to show that Bhutias and Lepchus are being persecuted? Only Indians know the ground realities, not Chinese.
Yeah, the "Mongoloids" of India love you so much that they've been at war with you for decades and thousands preferred to die over being overrun by Indian squatters.
And you think that NE residents will allow that?

Bhutias have always been pro-India, look up Bhaichung Bhutia.
Bhutia just a Sikkimese play football for Indian clubs and ya Phunsukh Wangdu is a real Indian.
Yeah, the "Mongoloids" of India love you so much that they've been at war with you for decades and thousands preferred to die over being overrun by Indian squatters.
LOL, been at war with us?:rofl:
Gurkhas, Naga's and Assamese have all fought wars for us and died for India.:cheesy:
Also are you to dumb to quote my post?
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LOL, been at war with us?:rofl:
Gurkhas, Naga's and Assamese have all fought wars for us and died for India.:cheesy:
Also are you to dumb to quote my post?

You appear to be mentally challenged. One claim doesn't invalidate the other. They've killed thousands of you invaders. And what wars has India fought, exactly? Aside from an invasion of China in the 60s you've been directing all your aggression at who? Oh right, Northeast Indians and Kashmiris.

And the Gurkhas and Assam Rifles have fought for the British too, doing ... guess what, shooting Indians ... lol
You appear to be mentally challenged. One claim doesn't invalidate the other. They've killed thousands of you invaders. And what wars has India fought, exactly? Aside from an invasion of China in the 60s you've been directing all your aggression at who? Oh right, Northeast Indians and Kashmiris.

And the Gurkhas and Assam Rifles have fought for the British too, doing ... guess what, shooting Indians ... lol

We fought a war with Pakistan in 1971, where China intervened on Pakistan's behalf and humiliated us Indians far worse than British ever did. :(

Plus in the 1971 war China ended up taking over Arunchal Pradesh and Sikkim as well :D

India, under the fear of Chinese intervention surrendered about 90,000 troops ;)
You absolute cretin. Do you understand logic? You do know that every Indian group has fought for the British? Does that make them anti national? Lol.

You cowdung licking cretin, my point is that these individuals will whore themselves out to the highest bidder. If you're so sure of their loyalty, why don't you station the Assam Rifles only in Assam and the Gurkhas only along the Nepalese border. Why don't you hire Nagas to fight the Nagas and see if its truly about "national" vs. local :-)

I'm talking about history as well as modern day conflict you cretin. We have fought four wars with Pakistan you idiot. And in all of those the NE regiments along with others have played a pivotal role. If your belief that Sikkim wants to be independent is so strong then post a link to the so called "Sikkim Independence Movement". LOL.

Oh okay, so if there's an independence movement it means they want to be independent ... see every single state in Northeast India and then some, each with their share of kills.
lol, "Nepalis" who voted to accede into India. I'm clearly talking about the original race that was there before the British started flooding them. The Bhutias and Lepcha sure as **** don't like being part of India.

You mean how you were massacring Dzungarians and Miaos in China and stole their land.
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You cowdung licking cretin, my point is that these individuals will whore themselves out to the highest bidder. If you're so sure of their loyalty, why don't you station the Assam Rifles only in Assam and the Gurkhas only along the Nepalese border. Why don't you hire Nagas to fight the Nagas and see if its truly about "national" vs. local :-)

Oh okay, so if there's an independence movement it means they want to be independent ... see every single state in Northeast India and then some, each with their share of kills.
Personal attack, post reported.
You have never met anyone from any of those areas unlike us Indians who come across them all the time.
You can make that assumption about any community in India if they are national or local. Poor point. Also look up the Naga Regiment.

That's because there is no independence movement in Sikkim, Sikkim people are Hindu and have a common culture with Indians as are Assamese and significant amount of other NE Indians. :) keep crying buddy.
You cowdung licking cretin, my point is that these individuals will whore themselves out to the highest bidder. If you're so sure of their loyalty, why don't you station the Assam Rifles only in Assam and the Gurkhas only along the Nepalese border. Why don't you hire Nagas to fight the Nagas and see if its truly about "national" vs. local :-)

Oh okay, so if there's an independence movement it means they want to be independent ... see every single state in Northeast India and then some, each with their share of kills.

You cockroach munching loser Assam Rifles are deployed in Assam and other North-east states, with Nepal we have an open border with minimal police deployment. Anti insurgency ops in Nagaland are carried jointly by Nagaland police and Assam Rifles, Naga regiment was raised in the Indian army on the request of the Naga council who wished more representation in the Indian army for Naga youths.

How about you do what you preach and let Uyghurs and Tibetans handle the security of their respective regions.

You appear to be mentally challenged. One claim doesn't invalidate the other. They've killed thousands of you invaders. And what wars has India fought, exactly? Aside from an invasion of China in the 60s you've been directing all your aggression at who? Oh right, Northeast Indians and Kashmiris.

And the Gurkhas and Assam Rifles have fought for the British too, doing ... guess what, shooting Indians ... lol

Buffoon those pesky little terrorists kill more of their own tribes than the security forces. They harass locals and extract illegal taxes, impose blockades on other tribes. Most of them are there for inter-tribal rivalry than fighting the state.

There were mercenaries from every section of society that fought for the British similarly freedom fighters from every group who resisted the British and that includes Gorkhas and Assmases too , many of your chini bretheren were merrily shooting other chinis on the orders of Mao and probably killed more chinis than British could ever kill Indians in 200 years.
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lol, "Nepalis" who voted to accede into India. I'm clearly talking about the original race that was there before the British started flooding them. The Bhutias and Lepcha sure as **** don't like being part of India.

Idiot, Neplais have been living in Sikkim centuries before British arrived, Sikkim for a brief period was under the nepalses rule. Buddhist Sikkimese ie lepchas and bhutias for sure hate China as hell for what they did to tibetan buddhists. Sikkim is the most peaceful state in India and there's no insurgency or separatist movements there. There is a Bhutia Sikkimese in this forum who has already told what majority sikkimese think about their country, i'll any day take the word of a sikkemse on matters of sikkim over a chini bot.
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