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Shadows of Sikkim in Crimea

Good that I made you realize how dumb it is to compare imperial era with modern period. But still, you are caught lying again.
Sikkim was a sovereign state. Indian troops invaded Sikkim in 1973 before the referendum took place 2 years later at gunpoint. Tibet belonged to China for 400 over years, their independence was not recognized by the league of nations.
Han Chinese are native themselves who ruled the land more than 2000 years ago. Miao Hmong are just one of the many minority groups. Rebellion is a rebellion.

Another CCP inspired history, Indian army was stationed in Sikkim since 1947 as Sikkim was the princely state of British, it joined India after the referendum. Empires are temporary, that don't give you divine rights of a territory independence for around 50 years. As for Sikkim, Chinese dreams were shattered to grab the tiny Kingdom, that's you still grumble about complete integration of Sikkim with India after the Chola incident in Sikkim. ;)

The very basis of culture, language. Tibeto-Burmese belonged to the same language group as Chinese, apart from their way of life, like cuisine and architecture. Just as Qing are chinese-manchu empire based on chinese culture and chinese governing system.

A Han Chinese only share a cultural similarity with Japanese, Koreans and Vietnamese. Tibeto-Burmese people are as much similar to Han Chinese as Iranians are with East Europeans. :laugh:
What if I told you that you just proved yourself to be a maggot! :coffee: The pic you posted is of New-Delhi - where else the hell you will come across the Constitutional Club of India written on a DDA signboard?

NE | Assam Times

For some people desperation comes with stupidity and that too **EPIC!

As far the Sikkim Police is concerned - Not only the Sikkim Police but also all of the police departments across India recruit locally! Now GTFO :cheesy:

SIKKIM POLICE - Protect & Serve
SIKKIM POLICE - IRBn Recruitment
Sikkim Police Recruitment 2014, 572 Constable & Follower Vacancies Open | Recruitment 2014

lmao look at the governor ... enough said.

A Han Chinese only share a cultural similarity with Japanese, Koreans and Vietnamese. Tibeto-Burmese people are as much similar to Han Chinese as Iranians are with East Europeans. :laugh:

Cultural similarity doesn't matter. The fact that we have mutual interests and shared history matters. Indian BS propaganda aside, Han and Tibetans get along 100x better than Indians and Sino-Tibetan tribes.

Illeterate savages ran over tibetans' land on the 50s , India held a referendum in Sikkim before it became a part of India.

The pic you've posted is lathicharge by the police to maintain law and order and says nothing about racial profiling by police.

lol, a "referendum" illegally motioned, held under armed occupation, with no one to verify the results. And illegals had a say. What a farce.
lol, a "referendum" illegally motioned, held under armed occupation, with no one to verify the results. And illegals had a say. What a farce.

Yes, for you referendum holds no value, only forceful annexation of Tibet against the wishes of Tibetans and Lamas is the most legal method after they stayed independent for almost 50 years. :laugh: The most bizarre thing is settlers from Fujian and Guandong in Taiwan telling us about the rights of Nepalese settlers in Sikkim. :omghaha::omghaha:
Yes, for you referendum holds no value, only forceful annexation of Tibet against the wishes of Tibetans and Lamas is the most legal method after they stayed independent for almost 50 years. :laugh: The most bizarre thing is settlers from Fujian and Guandong in Taiwan telling us about the rights of Nepalese settlers in Sikkim. :omghaha::omghaha:

No one recognized Tibet as independent. The PRC dislodged ROC forces from it. Taiwan was settled peacefully and amicably, there was no military suppression and farce referendum required. On that logic we can certainly challenge the Republic of India's claims to the Andaman Islands, Hyderabad, and especially Goa.
No one recognized Tibet as independent. The PRC dislodged ROC forces from it. Taiwan was settled peacefully and amicably, there was no military suppression and farce referendum required. On that logic we can certainly challenge the Republic of India's claims to the Andaman Islands, Hyderabad, and especially Goa.

Yes, cry me a river. :omghaha::omghaha:
lmao look at the governor ... enough said.

Cultural similarity doesn't matter. The fact that we have mutual interests and shared history matters. Indian BS propaganda aside, Han and Tibetans get along 100x better than Indians and Sino-Tibetan tribes.

lol, a "referendum" illegally motioned, held under armed occupation, with no one to verify the results. And illegals had a say. What a farce.

Lol people of Sikkim themself revolted against the chogyal and asked India for intervention, India friendly Sikkim National Congress was elected before India entered into Sikkim hence they had the mandate of the people, they were the one who first raised the issue of merger with India.
Lol people of Sikkim themself revolted against the chogyal and asked India for intervention, India friendly Sikkim National Congress was elected before India entered into Sikkim hence they had the mandate of the people, they were the one who first raised the issue of merger with India.

Lol people of Crimea themself revolted against the coalition gov't and asked Russia for intervention, Russia friendly Crimean State Council was elected before Russia entered into Crimea hence they had the mandate of the people, they were the one who first raised the issue of merger with Russia.
Another CCP inspired history, Indian army was stationed in Sikkim since 1947 as Sikkim was the princely state of British, it joined India after the referendum. Empires are temporary, that don't give you divine rights of a territory independence for around 50 years. As for Sikkim, Chinese dreams were shattered to grab the tiny Kingdom, that's you still grumble about complete integration of Sikkim with India after the Chola incident in Sikkim. ;)

Pathological liar, Indian army invaded and took over internal administration of Sikkim in 1973. Referendum was held only in 1975 at gun point. " India stepped in and took over the internal administration of the then kingdom. This went beyond the 1950 India-Sikkim treaty, which had given Delhi control only over Gangtok’s external affairs."

India and Sikkim, 1814-1970 - P. Raghunadha Rao - Google Books

China could have taken Sikkim when we reclaimed Tibet, but we only claimed what belong to us. Chola incident was a skirmish, not a war to annex Sikkim. We are not greedy like the newly created country. India even tried its luck with China in 62 but got your *** whopped. Henderson report is out, it matches the CCP and CIA documentation of the war. India can't lie anymore :laughcry:

A Han Chinese only share a cultural similarity with Japanese, Koreans and Vietnamese. Tibeto-Burmese people are as much similar to Han Chinese as Iranians are with East Europeans. :laugh:

Tibetan language belonged to the same group as Han Chinese. Tibetan folks belief, calendar, architecture, food... are all chinese influenced. Even Chinese restaurant in India are run by Tibetans, LOL. :rofl:
Pathological liar, Indian army invaded and took over internal administration of Sikkim in 1973. Referendum was held only in 1975 at gun point. " India stepped in and took over the internal administration of the then kingdom. This went beyond the 1950 India-Sikkim treaty, which had given Delhi control only over Gangtok’s external affairs."

India and Sikkim, 1814-1970 - P. Raghunadha Rao - Google Books

China could have taken Sikkim when we reclaimed Tibet, but we only claimed what belong to us. Chola incident was a skirmish, not a war to annex Sikkim. We are not greedy like the newly created country. India even tried its luck with China in 62 but got your *** whopped. Henderson report is out, it matches the CCP and CIA documentation of the war. India can't lie anymore :laughcry:

Why would Indian army need to invade when our army was already stationed in Sikkim since 1947 to save Sikkim from the greedy Chinese who led all out assault on Sikkim during Chola incident, you fled because of your own shortcomings. Sikkim joined after the popular referendum, such rich words coming from the Chinese who annexed Tibet without the wishes of Tibetan people and their leaders and removed the legitimate rulers of Tibet. Particularly, the settlers from Fujians and Guangdong in Taiwan talking about others rights and morality. :omghaha::omghaha:

Tibetan language belonged to the same group as Han Chinese. Tibetan folks belief, calendar, architecture, food... are all chinese influenced. Even Chinese restaurant in India are run by Tibetans, LOL. :rofl:

That's why I said Tibetans are as much similar to you as Iranians are with East Europeans because they too speak a language of same language family. Stop amusing with your fake history, Chinese culture only shares similarity with the Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese culture. :smart:
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No one recognized Tibet as independent. The PRC dislodged ROC forces from it. Taiwan was settled peacefully and amicably, there was no military suppression and farce referendum required. On that logic we can certainly challenge the Republic of India's claims to the Andaman Islands, Hyderabad, and especially Goa.

By the logic, we can certainly challenge the legality of foundation of Republic of China as the last Chinese Emperor Puyi didn't abdicate by his own wish but forcefully removed and then he collaborated with Japanese to get back the part of his Kingdom. :wacko::wacko:
Why would Indian army need to invade when our army was already stationed in Sikkim since 1947 to save Sikkim from the greedy Chinese who led all out assault on Sikkim during Chola incident, you fled because of your own shortcomings. Sikkim joined after the popular referendum, such rich words coming from the Chinese who annexed Tibet without the wishes of Tibetan people and their leaders and removed the legitimate rulers of Tibet. Particularly, the settlers from Fujians and Guangdong in Tibet talking about others rights and morality. :omghaha::omghaha:

The native Sikkimese would be lucky to be in China now, now that they've been flooded with racist, genocidal Indians. Sikkim certainly did not "join" the popular referendum, armed racist thugs terrorized the real Sikkimese and then manufactured the turnout and electorate.

That's why I said Tibetans are as much similar to you as Iranians are with East Europeans because they too speak a language of same language family. Stop amusing with your fake history, Chinese culture only shares similarity with the Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese culture. :smart:

Tibetans have even less to do with Indians. Particularly their interests are directly in conflict with yours.

By the logic, we can certainly challenge the legality of foundation of Republic of China as the last Chinese Emperor Puyi didn't abdicate by his own wish but forcefully removed

LOL. The Qing authorities signed off to the ROC. Still that has nothing to do with your retarded argument :sarcastic:
The native Sikkimese would be lucky to be in China now, now that they've been flooded with racist, genocidal Indians. Sikkim certainly did not "join" the popular referendum, armed racist thugs terrorized the real Sikkimese and then manufactured the turnout and electorate. .

BBC News - A Point Of View: How China sees a multicultural world
From the mid-17th Century, large tracts of the western region were conquered by the Qing dynasty in a series of brutal wars. The inhabitants of these lands were not Han. With their different physical appearance, darker skin, distinctive customs and lower level of development, the Han saw them as the Other, as "barbarians".

Tibetans have even less to do with Indians. Particularly their interests are directly in conflict with yours.

Tibetans have more similarity with Indian culture even their writing system is Indian, moreover the entire Tibeto-Burmese people share more similarity with Indian culture, you won't see any influence of Confucianism in Tibeto-Burmese culture. The Han Chinese culture only shares resemblances with Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese culture.

LOL. The Qing authorities signed off to the ROC. Still that has nothing to do with your retarded argument :sarcastic:

Puyi never knew that he had been removed and while there were hate attacks against Manchus. By 1950s, Manchus were so scared that they stopped speaking Manchu language and stopped revealing their Manchu identity.
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