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Shadows of Sikkim in Crimea

Sikkim is incredibly pro India and a desperate article like this wont change anything.:enjoy:

Even without looking at OP's ID I knew it must be from any Jamaati poster and look I was right. Currently in Bangladesh Jamaatists are deeply concerned about Sikkim all of a sudden. These people are posting Sikkim related brainfarts in BD forums to provoke BDeshis against India. Jamaatis are actually working as ISI agents in Bangladesh to break India according to a leading Bangla newspaper.

Why can't India list Jamaat-Shibir as international terrorist organization? India doesn't have Taliban but Jamaatis are more poisonous than Taliban for India because its working inside Bangladesh, a blood-brother country of India to make anarchy in India.
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Those are all empty threats by Indian Comedians.

I will put my money on Bangladesh one day grabbing India by the " Chickens Neck " in North Western border of Bangladesh and you will lose all of North East India to Bangladesh.
Come on. Talk some sense. Nobody in India even think like that and it's only a faction in Bangladesh who incessantly live on these speculations for their living believes in these junk theories. Those are the comedians you should laugh at, not us.

You as a professional really hope Bangladesh can grab India's Chicken neck? I mean, are you serious or just mimicking the comedians you are talking about? Do you seriously think Bangladesh in any sense of reality have the ability to do so? Stop pumping the conspiracy theorists.
Come on. Talk some sense. Nobody in India even think like that and it's only a faction in Bangladesh who incessantly live on these speculations for their living believes in these junk theories. Those are the comedians you should laugh at, not us.

You as a professional really hope Bangladesh can grab India's Chicken neck? I mean, are you serious or just mimicking the comedians you are talking about? Do you seriously think Bangladesh in any sense of reality have the ability to do so? Stop pumping the conspiracy theorists.

If India ever went to war with China and Pakistan, Bangladesh might be able to use the opportunity to grab North East by the "Chickens Neck". It should not sound that far fetched an idea under some circumstances......
If India ever went to war with China and Pakistan, Bangladesh might be able to use the opportunity to grab North East by the "Chickens Neck". It should not sound that far fetched an idea under some circumstances......

Why do you want to see War between India , China and Pakistan? Be real. It won't take even 1 hour for India to conquer Bangladesh and Its fact. It was India which created Bangladesh at first place. Why would we conquer North east for Bangladesh? Bangladesh has no interest to conquer North East of India. We want close ties with India for our purpose. Why would we break India? It makes no sense. Our country itself is literally completely inside India. Bangladesh is from head to toe a mini-India. There are millions of Bangladeshis living in India and vise versa.
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If India ever went to war with China and Pakistan, Bangladesh might be able to use the opportunity to grab North East by the "Chickens Neck". It should not sound that far fetched an idea under some circumstances......

Thank God, strategists in China and India do not think like you. We have differences with the Chinese over boundary issues. This is a fact but do note that both sides have shown intense restraint and discipline in maintaining a cordial relationship. Both sides fortunately are not war mongering nations as you have presumed otherwise we could have engaged each other way ago.

And even if for the sake of argument we believe in case Indo-China war do take place, Bangladesh simply can not afford to allow chicken's neck to be taken away from Indians. They do not have minimum deterrent level till now to defend their own country and for God's sake don't assume that they can allow such fantasies even in their dreams.
Thank God, strategists in China and India do not think like you. We have differences with the Chinese over boundary issues. This is a fact but do note that both sides have shown intense restraint and discipline in maintaining a cordial relationship. Both sides fortunately are not war mongering nations as you have presumed otherwise we could have engaged each other way ago.

And even if for the sake of argument we believe in case Indo-China war do take place, Bangladesh simply can not afford to allow chicken's neck to be taken away from Indians. They do not have minimum deterrent level till now to defend their own country and for God's sake don't assume that they can allow such fantasies even in their dreams.

All I am hearing from you is a lot of Prayers and " Thank God for this and Thank God for that " but if there was such a scenario, India could lose Arunachal Pradesh to China, Assam to Bangladesh and Kashmir and Northern Parts of UP and Bihar to Pakistan. Everybody gets a piece of the Pie.....:P
All I am hearing from you is a lot of Prayers and " Thank God for this and Thank God for that " but if there was such a scenario, India could lose Arunachal Pradesh to China, Assam to Bangladesh and Kashmir and Northern Parts of UP and Bihar to Pakistan. Everybody gets a piece of the Pie.....:P
You are hearing "Thank God for this and that" from me and I am hearing "if China-India fight, if Bangladesh attacks chickens neck". It's all counts too my friend :lol:
You are hearing "Thank God for this and that" from me and I am hearing "if China-India fight, if Bangladesh attacks chickens neck". It's all counts too my friend :lol:

I am just yanking your chain , Bro.

Sleep tight tonight. Wont happen this week.....:enjoy:
India does hav hegemonic designs in S.asia and sikkim's annexation is a testimony to that. I fear India have similar designs with BD or parts of its territory like CHT. India's support to russian annexation of crimea showcases that intent of the chanakyans. Without a doubt, India is threat to countries like SL and BD.
The article is so poorly written to stretch logic to claim similarities between the two cases, that I suspect its actually written by munshi himself.

India does hav hegemonic designs in S.asia and sikkim's annexation is a testimony to that. I fear India have similar designs with BD or parts of its territory like CHT. India's support to russian annexation of crimea showcases that intent of the chanakyans. Without a doubt, India is threat to countries like SL and BD.

Muhammedans like you ned not worry, we are fencing border with you not to bring you in but to keep you OUT!!!
Those are all empty threats by Indian Comedians.

I will put my money on Bangladesh one day grabbing India by the " Chickens Neck " in North Western border of Bangladesh and you will lose all of North East India to Bangladesh.

You can send me the money, I will return it with 1000% interest per year the day Bangladesh annex North-east India by grabbing the chicken neck. In fact I DARE YOU to to take the bet and send me the money. :D
If India ever went to war with China and Pakistan, Bangladesh might be able to use the opportunity to grab North East by the "Chickens Neck". It should not sound that far fetched an idea under some circumstances......

Your profile says you are a professional.
May I ask what exactly do you do ?
... yeah, now that you settled it with 75% Indians. The real Sikkimese? I don't think so.
You don't think so? I suggest you stop thinking because you are way off course. You may have seen Sikkim on a map, but I've stayed there for 3 years. Even my wife is a Sikkimese. Therefore it comes about and logically speaking, I should know more about the Sikkimese than you do! Right?

Bottom line: The Sikkimese were always highly pro India and anti China. This anti China feeling was further exacerbated during the 1962 war. The Sikkimese wanted nothing to do with them.

And where did you get that hilarious figure of '75% Indians' from? (probably meaning those from the plains who weren't Sikkimese). The population is approximately 13%Lepcha, 16%Bhutias and 67%Nepali. The remainder 4% are from the plains and not inhabitants of Sikkim, not 75% as you mentioned.

So don't spew baloney when you know squat about Sikkim. Makes you look silly.
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